My daughters are 20 (no pics), one works and goes to school full time, the other has 2 jobs. It is difficult to get their schedules to align for family things like Christmas or thanksgiving. So far I've had my dad acting like I didn't care to have a family gathering because I don't know when my kids are available, my sister act like one of my kids is actively trying to avoid Christmas, my MIL is upset because she didn't get to see both kids at thanksgiving and doesn't feel it's fair that my family gets to see both kids on both holidays. I don't know WTF these people expect from me. Yes, my kid with two jobs should've made arrangements to have at least one afternoon off but she didn't. I didn't think about family shit at 20 either, so I'm not here to judge. My sister was texting me some bullshit about it, though, and I just wanted to say "Yeah, it sucks she works 2 jobs, maybe she should give one of them to your 30 year old son, who can't be bothered to get one for himself because he's a fucking loser" but I took the high road.
Now I get to have a separate Christmas thing for each kid. Nobody is really happy, so I guess that means it's fair. Fuck.