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Everything posted by Sandman

  1. I checked out both 2 and 4 door broncos yesterday. I'm pretty close to placing an order.
  2. Update: Bought the $14 Target "extra firm" pillow: fucking joke. It went flat as a pancake as soon as I put my head on it. I tossed it in my kid's room, she doesn't really live here anymore so she'll never notice. Went to Costco and they had a memory foam/cooling/charcoal pillow for $29, I said why not. It was ok, nothing great. On the way home from Costco, we stopped at a mattress store that had advertised that they were closing the store and everything was 50% off. I found a pillow that seemed to meet my needs, so I asked the guy how much. It turned out that the pillows weren't part of the sale and the Tempur Pedic wonder pillow was a cool $269. We immediately left and I went home and looked for it ebay. I found the exact model on there (I think it was stolen but YOLO), still sealed in the package. I offered $90 and the seller accepted. It's pretty damn great, I gotta say. Here's a link for those that are interested. https://www.tempurpedic.com/shop-pillows/tempur-breeze-pro-cooling-pillow/v/3183/
  3. I used to work with a guy, his family has a big farming business. He worked there in high school and college. He told me about it one day and I said it was so cool that he's got this family business, why not work there now? He said fuck that shit, he hates it. He wants his dad and uncle to deal with it, he's out. I didn't get it but it made me sad. I guess since my sister and I have such a good relationship, I just can't imagine wanting to go to court and fight over inheritance, or just walk away from something my family built from nothing. But I don't have a multi-million dollar family legacy, either. Ignorance is bliss?
  4. Sound like people are California-ing your Austin. The bumperstickers aren't working, time for Plan B.
  5. My sister did this to my dad's fairly new 1986 Ford Tempo, backed out of the garage and misjudged the clearance. But I didn't know it for years because my dad took the heat and told my mom that he was the one that did it. He never told me the truth until after my mom died, LOL.
  6. I stopped at this ghetto-ass gas station on my way to work, as they have really good, cheap fountain drinks. I usually pay with the change I have in my truck but today, I didn't have enough. I had to break a $20 and my worst fears came true: The clerk handed me some raggedy, warm bills that looked like they've been hiding in a homeless woman's bra. Or worse.
  7. Mostly because a certain 4-letter network suggested they should.
  8. I too wear a hat with "Stop Hate" written on it, as I choke and slap another human being.
  9. When my ex-SIL was pregnant with her second son, she said they were gonna name him Hunter. I thought that name sucked but I what I really thought was cool is that their last name begins with an H as well. I said you need to give him a middle name that begins with an H too, so he can be Triple H! She did not agree, and instead used her maiden name for the middle name, which is dumb. When I called my grandmother to tell her I was going to have twin girls, she said great, you can use my first and middle name for their names. I respectfully declined her suggestion but I always tell my kids to be thankful that they aren't named Esther and Elvira.
  10. Yeah, they should've gone with "Washington F.C." and not had an actual nickname. I've lived in OK for 35+ years, heard lots of racial slurs but "Redskin" wasn't one of them. People usually go with "fucking indians" when they want to go there. Most of the "natives" I know are just people who claim 1/64 tribal blood. But my coworker is actually 100% native and I asked her what she thought about the Redskin name, she said none of her family had ever thought twice about it. They're more into hating Andrew Jackson and wishing he was removed from the $20 bill.
  11. Best part of the story was that his dry cleaner was right next door, they saw it all. The next time he went to pick up his clothes, they said "Hey, didn't you crash into Payless the other day?". He took his clothes and never went back, he was too embarrassed.
  12. The reason I disagree is that it was a round robin, everyone played everyone. We all played the same schedule and OSU won by a game. There's no "what if?" , like 2007 when Kansas went 11-1 but lost to Mizzou and didn't get to play for the B12 title.
  13. I would argue that Baylor shouldn't get a shot either. They lost to OSU, who won the conference season by a game over Baylor. No need for that stupid rematch.
  14. My late BIL did that once. Luckily, he only crashed into Payless and no one was hurt.
  15. A few years ago (shit, 10 years now that I think about it), my kids discovered my old xbox 360 Guitar Hero games and now they play it all the time. The wireless controller broke and now the whammy bar broke on the remaining one. Finding one that works is hard and then you have to pay the $100 and hope the guy on ebay wasn't lying. I've yet to pull the trigger on one but I think I'll have to soon.
  16. Our building had a leak and they're using heaters all over to try and dry out the carpets and inside the drywall. So it's been almost 90 degrees in here for a few days. My 60+ year old coworker (who can't shut up in a normal situation) tells anyone who walks by how wet her underwear happens to be right now.
  17. What's worse is when some moron athlete has a newborn or toddler and puts "SR" on the back of his uniform. Hey fuckface, your stupid son ain't on the team. Nobody's worried about getting the two of you mixed up.
  18. I'll probably watch for a few drives before I get bored and look at something else. But to be fair, that's what I do with any sporting event that doesn't involve my favorite teams. Just getting old, I suppose.
  19. I need a new pillow. I really don't want to spend $100+ but it's looking like I'll have to in order to get a decent one. I'd rather have one that's more firm than soft. I do NOT want one that calls for you to remove or add stuffing whenever you want because I don't want to have a bag of pillow guts in the hall closet for future needs. My wife is happy with her Tempurpedic pillow we got with our bed but fuck, it's $189 on amazon and that's ridiculous IMO. It also feels a bit too soft for my needs. I just want a supportive, king size pillow that's not too expensive.
  20. My wife and I were both vaxed in August. On monday, she felt kinda blah, then was really sick on tuesday but felt better tuesday night. She took an at-home test wednesday morning and it was positive, so she set up a test for wednesday at a lab and got the results thurdsay night, she was positive. Now, I started feeling slightly shitty thursday morning and left work. I took an at-home test thursday night, it was negative. I got an appointment at the lab for friday morning and got tested there, got the results tonight, it was negative. However.... Everyone around me seems to think that whatever results you get MUST be wrong. People told me the at-home test must be wrong, my wife thinks that my lab test must be wrong, or maybe HERS was wrong. False positive, false negative, blah blah blah. Fuck this shit, it makes me want to never get tested again because who gives a fuck? Nobody wants to accept anything at face value.
  21. What if you're divorced and the ex lives far away? Or the ex is like mine and just can't be bothered to do anything but smoke weed and not work?
  22. Sidney Poitier, gone at 94.
  23. His dad can show him around the spot where the FBI nabbed him for selling coke.
  24. I just assumed that she's like my wife and not much of a cook, so she didn't recognize that it wasn't real bacon.
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