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Everything posted by Sandman

  1. Can't the schools just say that these "positions" are unpaid internships? It seems to work everywhere else.
  2. I've had people that call in and want special treatment to fix something they've fucked up, which I decline to do and then they name drop the Big Boss and I always assume they're full of shit. And then there's those 2 times that they weren't kidding and they called the BB and he made an executive decision and let that shit roll downhill for us underlings to eat. Such a great feeling!
  3. My daughters are 20 (no pics), one works and goes to school full time, the other has 2 jobs. It is difficult to get their schedules to align for family things like Christmas or thanksgiving. So far I've had my dad acting like I didn't care to have a family gathering because I don't know when my kids are available, my sister act like one of my kids is actively trying to avoid Christmas, my MIL is upset because she didn't get to see both kids at thanksgiving and doesn't feel it's fair that my family gets to see both kids on both holidays. I don't know WTF these people expect from me. Yes, my kid with two jobs should've made arrangements to have at least one afternoon off but she didn't. I didn't think about family shit at 20 either, so I'm not here to judge. My sister was texting me some bullshit about it, though, and I just wanted to say "Yeah, it sucks she works 2 jobs, maybe she should give one of them to your 30 year old son, who can't be bothered to get one for himself because he's a fucking loser" but I took the high road. Now I get to have a separate Christmas thing for each kid. Nobody is really happy, so I guess that means it's fair. Fuck.
  4. I'm named after my dad but I have a different middle name, so I'm not a junior. But any of my dad's collegues or friends that would meet me would say "oh, you must be Jr" to which I'd say no. They could not grasp the idea.
  5. I quit smoking in March/April 2001 but for several years, I'd catch myself sticking a pen in my mouth or holding one in my hand like a cigarette. I had zero urge to smoke but for some reason I couldn't stop going through the motions.
  6. I made the switch to 11 when it dropped. Spotlight was working fine until just a couple of days ago, not sure what's wrong with it. I also have issues with the screensaver turning itself off and with the pc not going to sleep when scheduled.
  7. Living in Oklahoma for the last 35 years has desensitized me when it come to this stuff. It's like Canadians and snow, I guess.
  8. Well, yeah. That's how it works.
  9. Trying to navigate around all of the christmas decor in our house, I stubbed my toe and rolled my ankle. There's no one else at the house to bitch at, either.
  10. I'm not blaming the parents but did they contact the police about this? If some guy is on FB threatening to do some violence at work, I'm not gonna call his boss, I'm calling the cops and filing a report of some kind. IDGAF if it's a kid, a hot chick or an old man, I'm making some noise about it.
  11. http://weakstreams.com/mma-boxing/ufc-269/46852/?sport=mma
  12. Mobile phone providers only want to give you a deal if you add a line. Am I supposed to produce another child or take in a stray grandparent or something? I don't need another fucking line, I want a new phone. Sell. Me. A. Phone.
  13. In the OKC metro, it was over 80 on sunday, 45 monday, supposed to be back to 80 on friday. Make up your mind, bitch.
  14. IMO, Yes. I'd hate to lose him.
  15. We had both VHS and Betamax when I was a kid but dad felt like Betamax was the better option. "It's better quality and the tapes hold more!" is what I believe he said at the time. We had a couple hundred tapes at one point. Fast forward several years and his machine broke. He took it to a repair shop but was told it would be a while to get it fixed because Sony's shit was all proprietary and the part was only made by some guy living in a small village in Japan. Dad said fuck that and we made a clandestine trip to a local TG&Y dumpster one night to toss all the tapes. We never spoke of it again.
  16. I'm concerned about deep passes. We let ou get behind the DBs too many times.
  17. Was UGA banned from your playoff?
  18. I don't get the Drake angle. Sure, he's aJordan brand guy but he's a die-hard Kentucky fan! There's no way he'd just drop his allegiance to the wildcats on a whim. Do you think he's just some jock sniffer or something?????
  19. I used to go to one that had an ATM filled with only the club money. You could tip or buy drinks with it but you weren't getting any real change back.
  20. The rascal scooter guy looks (looked?) pretty white, it didn't seem to help him. I guess he could be "Zimmerman White". Maybe they'll have a dog with them, that'll give the cops the go-ahead.
  21. My buddy did this to his oldest, he really regretted later on. He knew he was setting her up for a life of "No, it's actually spelled....".
  22. Mmmmm, that was the old pre-expansion GIA. That was the good stuff.
  23. I'm guessing bottom half, otherwise he'd be at risk of getting his dick munched on. Safer to keep his lower half in the portal.
  24. The local news last night said he is halfway into the portal, waiting to see who the coach is before making his final decision. It sure would be sad to see them start the third string QB in a bowl game. And by sad, I mean I'd laugh my ass off.
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