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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. 20 minutes ago, You don't know me said:

    I posted this picture in the USMC Birthday thread, but it's also very appropriate here.

    A picture of my old man (far right) in Korea circa 1950.  Marine Corps Sergeant, mortarman, and the reason for my joining the Corps.  Good man with faults, and a great father.  He passed way about 8 years ago and I miss him every day.



    Dad in Korea.jpg

    What's up with your Pops smokin' and jokin' with his doggone hands in his doggone pockets??!!?!

    J/K, SFMF

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. On 11/1/2021 at 3:14 PM, Sir Ulrich said:

    in regards to Riley no coach goes from a Blue Blood to the 2nd tier ever

    You know, I don't disagree with this take but I also find it hilarious that ou is seen as top tier over LSU but the Tigahs have won 2 chamionships since ou won their last one. 

    Here's to another 20 ringless years for those fucks.

  3. On 11/5/2021 at 9:35 PM, conVINCEd said:

    Charging extra for a different color has always bothered me.  Is the orange paint more expensive than the silver paint?

    It's more a case of they can buy black, white, silver paint in bulk because 90% of their sales will be in that color. Buying in bulk is cheaper.

  4. On 10/15/2021 at 7:20 PM, Brisketexan said:

    She saw our daughter go through an education that was DESIGNED for her: sit still, with your bright and shiny faces, and be a pleaser to the teacher.  Girls are a LOT better at that than boys are.

    This makes sense to me, as most teachers are female. I don't think it's some kind of conspiracy, I just think it's natural for women to structure things in a manner that appeals to, or would benefit other females. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 4 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

    Military folks get shot up with vaccines found on the floor of the base PX. So weird for them to complain about this vaccine.

    I remember getting all kinds of shots in boot camp. They didn't ask any questions, just ushered us through a curtain and 2 Filipina corpsman (corpswomen?) attacked from both sides with pneumatic needle guns. Got a shot in the ass, to boot. Wandered back outside with a sore ass cheek, blood dripping from both shoulders. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  6. On 10/14/2021 at 11:12 PM, Longhornstampede said:

    I'm assuming that is your mom and dad, that is a gift. Seeing your post brought tears to my eyes. My mom was a letter writer. Even when I was just a few hours away in college, she would send me a box of stuff or newspaper clippings from my hometown but she ALWAYS included a letter she had written. She wrote beautifully whether it was half a page from her steno pad or a 2 pager running down everything going on with the family. In 2005 she began having memory issues and my worst fears were confirmed within a year. But even then, she still remembered to send birthday cards, to me, my wife, my son. And in each she always put a small personal note. One of the worst days of my life was the first year I didn't get a birthday card from her. She did send my wife and son one that same year for which I am grateful. That was the last year we ever received mail from her, 2009. I watched Alzheimer's slowly take her from us for nearly 8 more years. I'm 54 now and I still have the majority of those letters and cards she sent. I wish I had them all but in my stupid youth some got lost along the way.

    Cherish that she took the effort to position the phone so it would be at the corner of the page so that she could write you a personal note in her very own hand. It's beautiful.

    My mom and grandmother would write each other all the time, as my dad was career military and we were never close enough to visit. One day, I came home to find my mother crying. I was a self-absorbed teen and didn't say anything. I asked my dad later and he said my mom got a letter from my grandmother, telling her that the Alzheimer's had gotten to the point where she could no longer write, so this was her last letter. I can't imagine how that must've felt. 

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  7. I got selected when I was 18 or 19, medical malpractice lawsuit. This lady claimed that she had been rendered sterile due to faulty care from this doctor. I got booted because both of my parents had or did work in the medical field. I've never been called again and I doubt I will, having worked in law enforcement and now working for the state.

    I know it's changed now but I remember the jury duty pay in Oklahoma back then (1992) was $6 a day. I missed three days of work to "earn" $18. I used most of that to pay for parking. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    big frames can sometimes equal early demise

    It's funny, I think about that a lot but...I also enjoy sitting on my ass and not doing anything to fend that off. One day, something's gotta give.

    You seem to have really enjoyed your dealings with Gen. Powell. He seemed like a genuinely good guy. I'm sorry for your loss, seriously. 

  9. 18 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    Christ man, wasn't a knock on him.  I worked with him at USGLC and idolized him as stated above.  He just had a tall stature and robust build.  Was in great shape his whole life, just had a robust body type/chest.  Obviously could whoop any of our asses well into his 70's.  Just that between that, his decades of service in high-stress environs, and the blood cancer...he was bound to succumb to Covid-19 if he acquired it.  Which is what happened.  NEver fucking mind.

    Pull your thong out of your ass, I wasn't attacking you. As a tall/big guy (6'6" 275), I think about shit like this and I was curious what you meant and I think I was on the same wavelength. 

  10. 4 hours ago, TXSG8R said:

    FFS the thing weighs 2500 pounds. Can we stop thinking it’s plausible that they bought a storm shelter and buried it without anyone else involved and no one noticing?  A 5x6x6 hole is significant, probably 8+ cubic yards with margins, and Brian didn’t strike me as someone used to manual labor. His parents are also on the small side. Those two flower beds that are made out of 2x12s aren’t holding that amount of dirt either. There is zero chance that the feds wouldn’t have noticed fresh digging in that yard if it happened in the last few weeks.  

    Where I live, your shelter gets recorded at the city so they'll know to come looking for your ass after a tornado wipes out your neighborhood. Maybe that's just an Oklahoma thing but it makes too much sense for it to only happen here. This place ain't exactly on the cutting edge. 

  11. 12 minutes ago, phdhorn said:

    I see your point, and as a matter of fact I do have 2 grown children (22 and 25).  I get what you're saying a bit, but I would be very skeptical to think that the average sane parent wouldn't be almost in a fetal position with worry.  This isn't Junior being late on car payments or being evicted from his apartment, it's murder.

    I agree and I don't want to come across like I'd just cover up my kids' crimes in the same manner that I'd just take out my own garbage. If this was my son, I'd probably be in the hospital right now. You just never know how much anyone can take when it comes to a crisis. Maybe these parents are raging assholes that should be shunned from society. Maybe they're just so worried about their kid that they have to keep busy and working in the yard helps them stay sane. I don't know. 

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