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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. 12 hours ago, phdhorn said:

    I dunno, but I mean these people are fucking nuts.  Son is "missing" and/or a definite murderer and they're out there - gardening?  WTF?  I mean, ya gotta have a first-rate Scotts-approved yard, no matter what!  Psychotic?  I mean there is something wrong here... something really really WRONG here [John Winger].

    Not too far to the next step, oink oink.



    Edit:  Just read where the old man was out mowing the yard today.  The grief must be unimaginable.  Yeah, I guess to these two, they can't imagine it.

    Not sure if you have grown children but eventually, you have to emotionally disconnect just a tad. At least, I do. If I let myself dwell on some of the stupid decisions my kids make that I cannot control, I'll have an ulcer or heart attack in no time. I had a panic attack once, no desire to go down that road again. 

    And no, that doesn't mean I'm down to cover up murders with my kids but we don't know what kind of an asshole this guy has been to his folks over the years, or what kind of bullshit he's put his parents through. Maybe they've quietly reached their breaking point and gardening is what's keeping them sane. 

    • Hook 'Em 5
  2. My twins got a 2001 Honda Accord (wife's old car she bought in 2002) and a 2012 Ford Fusion (uncle died, my dad bought it and gave it to the kid). The Honda died last year, I replaced it with a 2017 Hyundai Elantra, $9500. Fuck buying my kids a new car.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. 14 hours ago, Nicole44 said:

    Goodell and the NFL need to be transparent with the investigation of the WFT

    The problem with this is that the average football fan (like myself) doesn't give a flying fuck about that shit. I watch football to relax on the weekends. If I want to worry about shit like this, I can just go to work. I don't care what millionaire dipshits email to each other. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 1
  4. On 10/8/2021 at 10:55 AM, SuperSport said:

    Wife had a complete meltdown, ugly crying in the middle of Macy's because I was being unhelpful with the registry item scanner thingy. I told her it's not that I don't care, it's that either 1) we'll get what she wants, or 2) we'll get what I want and she'll be pissy about it 'til death do us part; so what's the fucking point of me providing input?? And if it was me (engineer) calling the registry shots, we wouldn't have walked into a singular store anyway, wandering around scanning random shelf inventory...you know we'd be at home with a spreadsheet, researching and optimizing all that shit.

    When we did the registry thing, I told my wife it was pointless because nobody would get us anything we actually needed/wanted. We were both adults (her 29, me 35) and we didn't need towels, dishes, etc., as we already had that shit. She disagreed, so I purposely put shit on the list for me that I knew we wouldn't get, just to prove a point. I put a big TV, a playstation 3, any big electronic item. We got...towels, dishes, etc. I'd say 90% got returned for store credit. Just give cash, people.

    • Haha 1
  5. 17 hours ago, Sbbruin said:

    106 wins.  The most ever for a 2nd place team.  Brutal.

    Not as bad as winning 103 and not even making the playoffs. Hope you lose to STL, no offense. 

    • Haha 2
  6. I found out yesterday that a childhood friend died from cancer, she had just turned 51. I hadn't seen her in over 30 years, she was my older sister's friend when we were in grade school. We've been facebook friends for years and I knew she had been diagnosed but she was updating everything that she'd been doing and seemed upbeat about it. 2 months after the diagnosis, she's gone. Her poor parents, she was an only child and had no spouse or kids. They're in their 70s and all alone now. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  7. 52 minutes ago, Nicole44 said:

    MSM: This missing white girl syndrome is outrageous. What about other missing people, particularly people of color? Why are people so enthralled with this chick, no offense. Sorry she died but what about all the missing people who just don’t get the same coverage bc they aren’t a white girl? It’s a tragedy and an outrage.

    HLN: I hear ya. It’s beyond awful. Maybe we can mention those missing POC in a less than two minute segment during our new nightly one hour show on Gabby Petito? 

    Totally true. HLN now has a nightly one hour special with most of Nancy Grace’s old panel of guests on Gabby and daily updates.  And they spend about two minutes or less talking about all the other cases. I would say SMH but it’s how the media rolls. Lulz. 

    America eats true crime for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If CNN or MSNBC made a weekly missing persons show, it would get great ratings, regardless of the race of those missing people. So why don't they???

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Sbbruin said:

    We have had a number of 20-somethings quit on us this year, saying the job is too stressful.  I'm a Gen-Xer with the "suck it up and do your job" mentality, but it falls flat these days.  But what I will say is if they adopt the approach of wanting job satisfaction above all else, they may have a long road ahead of them.  Among my friends, the most successful are those who, while they may have bounced around early in their careers, ultimately settled into one for the long haul.  Those that have bounced around laterally for a long time have struggled.  It is hard to go vertical if you are always chasing greener grass.  So good luck to them when they are 60 and have had 10-15 jobs and have saved $10,000.   

    My daughter is in college and working retail, she's been bitching because her boss is horribly lazy but makes a lot of money. I just told her welcome to adulthood. 

  9. My boss is retiring after 50 years of employment. I showed my wife a picture from a small ceremony we had. Wife see the pic and says "Wow, she looks old.". I didn't say this but I was thinking "No shit, she's had an adult job for 50 years, of course she's old!". 

    • Haha 5
  10. 40 minutes ago, txhorns said:

    It's not just that she's a "pretty white girl" but that she was a Youtuber and social media influencer.  That's where the interest in this story started and grew.  Media outlets picked up the story because it got popular on social media.

    I don't have cable so I didn't see the story on tv. I only heard about this from coworkers talking about it. When I heard the name "Gabby Petito" and that she was from Florida, I just assumed she was Cuban or something. There's lots of hot Cuban chicks out there, so I became interested. 

    • Haha 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Deej said:

    Still should have someone there overnight. If not a fire, then maybe a medical emergency, or anything, really. If it is disclosed to the clients that your pet will not have any employee around overnight to handle emergencies, then I guess they knew what was going on and took their chances. If that isn't disclosed, I'd be very upset. In a facility that size and with that many animals, someone needs to be there at all times, IMO. 

    My kid works at a dog daycare/boarder, they don't have an overnight person. Dogs are on their own from about 8pm to 6am. 

    Also, this is poor phrasing:


    the department is working with the resort owner to reunite families with their pets, something they're hoping to execute over the next 24 hours.


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