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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. 39 minutes ago, Hornlover said:

    I imagine 'boosters' largely means Mark Cuban. If he doesn't have at least 10 NBA head coaches on his speed dial, he for sure knows all of their agents and knows which ones are likely to listen to an IU offer.

    I'm not aware of any other college basketball program in the country that has a billionaire superfan who's as much of a basketball insider as Cuban. Should make the job search interesting.

    Shark Tank Writing GIF

    He claimed he wouldn't put any money into a buyout or a new coach. He's given plenty to IU, he has his name on a building or something. 

  2. In regards to Brad Stevens, one guy with supposed insider news put it this way: "The last time IU knocked on his door, no one answered. This time when IU knocked, they not only answered but invited them in.". They'd have to offer him 7MM/yr at least, not sure if he even wants to leave the NBA. But you don't get boosters to drop 10s of millions for a buyout and a new contract just to hire some up and comer. They've got to be aiming high.

    Beilein is too old IMO, would've been a great choice 10 years ago. I've always liked Musselman. Stevens is my #1 choice, though. Make him say "No".

  3. 4 hours ago, SwanderedTalent said:

    I think some of that's wishful thinking. Indiana doesn't have "patience" because in college basketball, rebuilding doesn't take more than three years. Example, Texas Tech under Chris Beard. There are plenty of reasons for him to stay but this idea that Indiana is going to shoot him out of the saddle before he gets a fair shot is silly.

    If you're right, though, then maybe Indiana will prefer Oats since he's got Alabama on the cusp of the top line in his second season. 

    Sorry, I didn't mean the admin has no patience, I mean the boosters, etc. They irrationally think IU should be in the Elite Eight every year. It's a grinder of a job, why do it if you have no connections and already make good money? I just don't think he sees an upside to leaving TT for Bloomington.

  4. As a long-time IU fan, my knee jerk reaction is to say that the IU administration could fuck up a wet dream and to prepare for the worst. However, the new AD is an alum and has worked for IU his entire life, also won a ring in '87 as a BB student manager. He got FB coach Tom Allen a well deserved (IMO) raise. Maybe he's the one to get this shit straightened out.

  5. 3 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    I told my nephew (early 20s) about taping songs off of the radio, and his response

    The Breakfast Club Ngapa GIF

    I'd record the same song 3-4 times in a row, so I wouldn't have to rewind the tape when driving around town. 

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  6. I work at a state agency and I have at least 5 people per day that submit their forms to us completely blank, not one thing filled out. After we reject it and send it back, they call us and can't comprehend why their document wasn't accepted. When shown their error, they claim they had no idea they were supposed to complete the form, even though the document comes with an instruction sheet that explains how to complete the forms. 

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  7. On 2/9/2021 at 8:22 PM, Richard Kimball said:

    Saw an interview with John Madden years ago. They asked him why he got out of coaching so young. He told a story about breakfast one morning with the family, and it was a game week, so he was preoccupied. His wife told him that he'd promised to get their oldest son a car when he turned sixteen. He said he snapped at her, asking her why she was bugging him about that when it was game week and there was plenty of time. She told him the boy was turning sixteen the next week. He said he knew something wasn't right when he didn't know within two years how old his son was. 

    I saw an interview with Joe Gibbs, after he retired the first time. He said he knew it was time when he got home late and went in to kiss his son goodnight and his son had a beard. 

    • Hook 'Em 4
  8. 20 hours ago, fattyflattie said:

    What in the fuck are y’all doing with your door handles?  I’ve got 3/4 million miles on plastic GM door handles back to my 2000 and haven’t broken anything but the tailgate once when I had a roundbale stuck between the tailgate and tool box. That one actually left a nice little gash in my hand.  I don’t like they way the Tahoe/Yukon handles feel, but we haven’t broken one yet. We=wife and 3 kids.  

    I bought my kid a '17 Hyundai Elantra last year and 3 of the fucking door handle actuators broke in about 3-4 months. Fucking ridiculous. 

  9. On 2/24/2021 at 3:27 PM, washparkhorn said:

    As the in law spouse, you may be better able to speak with your wife's parents about how they want to live out their lives.  

    I've been doing this in regards to my MIL. She's been a widow for more than 30 years, so she's incredibly independent but there's some stuff I didn't think she needed to be doing. Like climbing a ladder to clean her gutters. She fell off a small step stool already so I put my foot down and clean the gutters whenever my wife says they need clening. We had to gently stop her from attending a funeral last year, the deceased died from covid and his widow and child tested positive. The latest was her wanting to go to the store during the worst winter storm we've had in over 140 years. I knew she was stir crazy but I wouldn't let her drive until it was cleared up enough that I could drive to work. I told her I've already buried one mom, she's the only one I have left. She gets it.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. On 2/23/2021 at 9:47 AM, Aqua Buddha said:

    Every day is the same.  Every.  Fucking.  Day.  I now know why retired people go fucking insane.  I miss the life I had before.  The traveling, meeting new people, dinners, etc.  

    My wife and I were discussing this just last night. I told her how I'd like to get away for a weekend, we haven't been on any kind of "trip" since 2018. But I'm really feeling this more than usual because of this virus shit. I've been working at home part time for the last nine months, she's been WAH 99% of the time since March. I'm fucking tired of looking at these walls all the time! I find myself wishing I was in the office when I'm at home. Not all the time, but at least once/twice a week. She said she loves being at home and doesn't share my feelings, ha. 

    I never thought I'd feel like this. I want a break from this "break"! 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 4 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    This seems to be a trend, letting violent criminals out early. In Va. a convicted murderer killed a police officer execution (blatant cold blooded shot in the back of the head, murder) style in 72 or so, and was just given early release by the new parole board in Va.  No notification of the victims family (which is allegedly the law) no comment from the board about why he was released early.

    I dunno man, 45+ years doesn't sound "early" to me. That's a long fucking stretch in the can. If he wasn't a total fuck-up during his near half-century in prison, I can see why they might let him out now. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  12. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2021/02/25/report-russell-wilson-stormed-out-after-his-ideas-for-fixing-seattles-offense-were-dismissed/amp/?__twitter_impression=true



    The article looks closely at the tension between Wilson and the coaching staff regarding Wilson’s desire to essentially be the offense, like Patrick Mahomes in Kansas City. That motivation drove the #LetRussCook phenomenon early in the season. But coach Pete Carroll freaked out after a turnover-fest against the Bills (four from Wilson) and another subpar performance against the Rams (three more Wilson turnovers).

    After those seven turnovers from Wilson in two games, the Seahawks faced a short-week challenge against a Cardinals team that had a two-game winning streak against Seattle, and that was riding a wave of euphoria after the Hail Murray win over the Bills.

    Here’s what happened next, via the story in TheAthletic.com: “Before the Thursday night game against Arizona, Wilson met with his coaches. For some time, Wilson has sought — even pushed — for influence within the organization regarding scheme and personnel. In the meeting, he outlined his own ideas for how to fix the offense. His suggestions were dismissed, multiple sources told The Athletic  — another reminder to Wilson that the Seahawks did not see him the same way he saw himself, as a player who had earned greater control over his situation, his future, his legacy. He stormed out of the room.”

    It takes no magnifying glass or other Sherlockian investigative tools to conclude that this nugget comes from the Seahawks, who finally are pushing back against the notion that Wilson’s skillset justifies more power and control.

    Consider this quote in the story, from an unnamed source who surely isn’t connected to Wilson: “He’s finally catching heat. That’s the main reason for all of this. . . . People are talking and holding him accountable because he’s one of the highest-paid quarterbacks, he says he wants to be the greatest, so now people are holding him to that standard. . . . It’s a PR game. He’s trying to protect himself.”

    It’s unclear whether the unnamed source is a Seahawks source. If it is, it suggests that the Seahawks should indeed try to finagle a major trade package from a team who views Wilson the way Wilson views Wilson. If it is, it also suggests that the Seahawks should be more discreet about their true feelings, since if that’s how they regard Wilson then maybe a huge trade offer isn’t justified.

    IMO Wilson is a fake-ass douche. Hope he gets traded to the Jets and goes 1-15 every year.

  13. https://www.outkick.com/david-chao-md-multiple-broken-bones-may-be-the-least-of-tigers-worries-expect-more-surgery-to-come/



    Although the public is focused on the multiple fractures in his right leg, ankle and foot, the real worry is the associated soft tissue injury. The ability for the bones to heal is not the biggest concern here.

    The statement acknowledges the “trauma to the muscle and soft-tissue,” and this is what needs to be watched carefully. Even complex comminuted (multiple fragments) fractures can heal reliably. However, if the covering around the bone is not viable, that creates an even bigger problem of infection.

    The statement acknowledges “comminuted open fracture” where bone fragments punctured through the skin in two different places on the shin. It also indicates there was enough crush injury and force that there is significant worry for swelling such that “surgical release of the covering of the muscle” (fasciotomy) was performed, which means Woods currently still has open wounds to his leg. Thus, the story is not over.

    Woods will likely have several additional surgeries, at least to keep the wound clean, to debride dead/damaged tissue and eventually to close the wounds. In such cases, the damage is often so great that there is not enough healthy muscle or skin to cover the bone, and therefore a flap or tissue transfer is needed.

    All of this is not to discount the significant bone injury. By report, Woods has a segmental (broken in two separate areas) tibia fracture that is shattered in many pieces. The possibility of further definitive fixation of the bones in the leg/ankle/foot also exists.

    The statement does not indicate the presence or absence of nerve or artery injury, and the hope is that this implies there was none. It also makes no mention of the left leg, despite early reports of both legs being injured.

    There is no question there was more force and initial damage here than when Washington quarterback Alex Smith suffered an open fracture that needed 17 surgeries and two years of recovery. The hope is that early action for Woods prevents an infection and the resultant complications, but no question this will involve more upcoming surgery and a long road to recovery.

    Let’s get Tiger out of the hospital and walking before we discuss his golf future. He has beaten long odds to return before with his five back surgeries and spine fusion, but his odds are even longer now.


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  14. 6 hours ago, Nicole44 said:

    No way he on something.At some point the media has to cover his drug use.

    Drugs was my first thought as well. However, it was 7-7:30 AM, how early would he have had to take some pills to make him unable to drive properly at 7? Could it have been residual from some pills he took the night before? I have no idea. Either way, he's damn lucky he didn't hit anyone else.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  15. I think this is more of a philosophical thought but I didn't think it was right for the DT board. 

    I look at a PC screen for most of my day and I can't help but look at the day & time in the bottom right corner and think "My God, is it really 2021? Am I really this old?". Just saying 2021 out loud makes it feel like some Buck Rogers shit. That's just too far into the future. isn't it?

    It gets me to thinking about my own mortality, and how much time my dad has left. My BIL died recently and that's also putting more weight on my mind about life and living. If I let it, it can really overwhelm me and leave me almost powerless to think or move or do anything.


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