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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. 3 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Do you even “wife,” bro?

    All could have been dealt with if she had called me back privately and said “let’s discuss.” Instead, she decided to feel pressured, for into a huff, and indulged that huff all the way home.

    You know, productive.

    Like I said...gonna go hunting early today, get some fresh air.

    I do. But I ditched the first one that acted like this on the reg. Not saying that you should follow suit, just that I could only handle so much.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  2. 3 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Friends got back with no trouble. Dropped off her shoes she accidentally left behind.

    Got the speech - I made her feel stupid, they were monitoring the conditions. And she feels manipulated, I made her choose between her friends and me, so of course she chose me, but she’s fucking pissed about it and intends to stay that way. And it sure didn’t help that she got a separate message from the MIL warning her of the conditions - my mother needs to STFU and not do anything that remotely sounds like “telling her what she should do.”

    I think the boy and I should head out to the dove lease early today....it’ll be raining too much the next few days to hunt.

    This shit enrages me. Nobody makes anyone feel anything. You're in charge of your own feelings. 

    I mean, if this is how it works, why can't we all just "make" our wives feel like having sex 24/7? 

    • Hook 'Em 2
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    17 hours ago, Okie State said:

    Went ahead and ordered my wife a 4a as well and it was delayed a bit on shipping. Wonder if they're actually seeing high demand for these.



    I pulled the trigger on a 4a last night. The delivery date is around Oct. 15-17, so I think you're right about the demand.

  4. My Moto Z2 is shitting the bed as we speak and it is time to upgrade. I've been using Motorola phones the last 5+ years but they seem to go bad after 2 years or so, I'm ready for something new. I'm cheap as hell, so I guess the Pixel 4a is the way to go? I don't care for flagship phones or spending tons of money. I also don't want to buy a phone that's on it's way out, tech-wise, so I'm not buying a used S8 or the like.

  5. I hope this is the right topic for this, apologies if not.

    I was checking the CDC website and it has a list of medical conditions that would cause someone to be "at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19". One of these is obesity, which they determine as someone with a BMI of 30+. Obesity is on the same list as cancer, COPD, sickle cell and diabetes. Our office has listed diabetics as "at risk" and working from home 100% but we have people in the office who I know are obese. Is this something that should be adressed? Would it be an HR nightmare? (I say yes).  If a person brought up osesity as a reason to work from home for their own safety, should their concern be taken seriously?

  6. 9 hours ago, AnotherUTFan said:

    Honestly, there's no reason to come to San Francisco right now. All the tourist districts, (Fisherman's Warf, Chinatown, Union Sq, etc), are like ghost towns at the moment. Of the restaurants that are open, its all out door dining. Public transportation is running at the bare minimum.

    On the other hand, October is probably the best time to come weather-wise. If you do it, I'd suggest a backup itinerary where you take a car up to the Lost Coast, and maybe visit the Avenue of Giants. Wine country seems set up for social distance, so that would be an option.

    Its a really shitty time to be in the city. Maybe you'll be lucky and things will be opening up more. We were the 1st city to shut down and I'm pretty sure we'll be the last to open.

    Thanks for this info. I assumed that there were going to be various businesses or attractions that would be closed or running at the minimum but I guess I didn't think it would be as bad as that. Being in OK, you can lose perspective on what's happening in the larger population centers. Oh well, we'll see what's happening in the spring.

  7. Bumping this thread. The wife and I are thinking about heading to SF in October. Not sure how the covid situation is affecting travel to California at the moment. I checked the California Health Dept website and didn't see any restrictions but I could've missed it.

    Not to be a dick but I'd like to stay someplace with fewer feces/bum problems. I do understand that every large city has these issues but SF seems to have more than their share. I read the posts above and think that Hotel Vital and The Huntington might be my top 2 choices but I'm open to recommendations.

  8. 6 hours ago, TheStoicPaisano said:

    Am I missing something here? Lawrence and Klatt keep harping on kids having to move back to single-parent or multi-gen homes.

    Wouldn’t they all stay in their off-campus apartments? You still have access to training table and all the doctors. 



    Probably because many of those players aren't there for school. So if students aren't allowed on campus, why stick around? They can go back home, smoke weed and slay poon. Or maybe that's just what I'd do.

  9. Question for you BMW guys. My wife has her eye on a 2017 430i Convertible. I've never owned or even been around BMWs much in my life, so all I know is what I've seen on the YouTube channels I follow, which is "BMWs will ruin your finances/life". But I think all of those are older V8/V10 models, this 430i has a four banger. It's coming off a lease and has fewer than 50k miles on it. Am I setting myself up for disaster? 

  10. Fuck the NCAA?




    In anticipation of the NCAA Board of Governors potentially canceling or postponing fall sports championships, Power 5 conference leaders have begun exploring the possibility of staging their own championships in those affected sports, multiple sources have told Sports Illustrated. This could be seen as a first step toward a long-theorized breakaway from the NCAA by the 65 schools that play college sports at the highest level.

    The Board of Governors, comprised primarily of university presidents and chancellors from all levels of the NCAA, has a meeting scheduled for Tuesday. At that time it is expected to make a decision on the fate of fall sports championships other than FBS football, which has a championship outside the NCAA structure. However, the board also could delay action until later in August.

    In recent days, Power 5 conference officials began seeking feedback from their members about the feasibility of staging their own championships during the fall, sources told SI. When asked if such a move away from the NCAA championship structure could be seen as a precedent-setting rift between the national governing body of college sports and the Power 5, one athletic director said, "If I were (NCAA president Mark) Emmert, I'd be really worried about it. He's got to keep the Power 5 together."

    Another Power 5 athletic director said he thinks the chances of breakaway fall championships are remote, but added, "I think this is representative of the poor relationship between the (NCAA) national office and our conferences."

    Multiple sources said part of the motivation for the Power 5 considering hosting its own fall Olympic sports seasons is to justify playing football, the revenue-driving sport for all athletic departments at that level. If all the other sports are canceled but football perseveres on its own, the optics would open up the schools to severe criticism. Thus, playing all fall sports would allow those schools to say that they are not uniquely subjecting football players to any risk.

    Sources described the discussions about breakaway championships as preliminary in nature, the first steps in gauging both interest and feasibility. An Atlantic Coast Conference administrator said the concept is "hypothetical" in nature and not mature yet, but "if the NCAA does something, it could shift it from neutral to first gear." 

    Given the P5 incentive to justify football, the Board of Governors' decision—and rationale—will be critical. If it decides to cancel fall sports championships for COVID-19 health and safety reasons, it would be difficult for the Power 5 to justify going its own way without a plan that they can definitively protect their athletes. But if the board says that the cost of safely conducting championships is prohibitive, the Power 5 could have an avenue to play all its fall sports—football included.

    "We're all trying to think, hey, what can we do for our kids, so they have a season and a chance to compete for a championship," one Power 5 athletic director said. "And, quite frankly, how can we justify playing football?"


    The cost of trying to create a bubble of sorts at NCAA championship events like the volleyball tournament, with regionals and a Final Four would be significant. With rapid testing for all participants, secure lodging and transportation, sterilizing the event and practice venues, the bills would add up. Multiply that across eight sports and three different levels of NCAA participation, and this would easily be the most expensive series of fall championships the association has funded—and it comes after the NCAA just took a huge financial hit with the cancelation of the 2020 basketball tournaments.

    That is where the Power 5 could step in and collectively foot the bill for its own fall championships, which would be one-third or less of the total cost outlay to the NCAA. A source within the Olympic sports community said it would be "very easy" for the P5 conferences to contract out to established event management companies to hold their own championships.

    The Board of Governors could make separate rulings for Divisions II and III, where a number of leagues already have postponed or canceled fall sports. Several Division I schools from FCS conferences, such as the Ivy League and Patriot League, have postponed fall sports as well. Sources told SI they are expecting a cancellation or postponement at the DII and DIII levels, but are unsure what will happen at the DI level.

    If the NCAA board again delays action, it might further inflame a membership that has an increasing urgency for certainty about the upcoming seasons. One athletic director described the limbo as "mentally unhealthy" for his fall-sports athletes. The NCAA's non-football fall sports are men's and women's cross country, men's and women's soccer, women's volleyball, field hockey and men's water polo.

    For decades, the Power 5 conferences—the Atlantic Coast, Big 12, Big Ten, Pacific-12 and Southeastern—have continued to amass power and revenue at a rate that has separated them from the rest of college athletics. That separation led those leagues to gain their own autonomy at the NCAA legislative level, crafting rules that fit their specific needs.

    Football has been the driving force behind that, as media-rights deals for those leagues have skyrocketed over the last decade. The FBS Group of 5 conferences—the American, Conference USA, Mid-American, Mountain West and Sun Belt—have struggled to keep up as the revenue gap has widened.

    The schools in those conferences, plus independent institutions, may want to try to join the proposed Power 5 fall championships, a source theorized. If the NCAA sees more than one-third of its 350-plus Division I members basically ignore a postponement or cancelation, the undermining of the association's power would be immense.

    Already, the NCAA's lack of influence at the Power 5 level has never been more glaring than in 2020. Since canceling winter and spring championships last March, the NCAA has largely been on the sidelines watching the individual conferences grapple with the pandemic. It issued return-to-sport guidelines in the spring and updated them recently, but behind the scenes, college administrators have grown increasingly critical of Emmert and the entire NCAA for a perceived lack of leadership.

    "It's almost like they're frozen," one athletic director said.

    One veteran college administrator described the NCAA and Power 5 as having long been embroiled in an "existential crisis," and wondered whether this fall sports gambit could be "the crack in the armor" that leads to an eventual split.

    "Is this the final break?" The source asked. "You could have two championships: one from the (Power 5) and potentially some Group of 5s joining them, and a second one for everybody else in the spring. ... It's going to be real strange."



  11. 1 hour ago, Lobo said:

    Millions of men driving full-size, crew-cab pickup trucks whose beds will never see anything more a few bags of mulch once a year. 

    Jokes on you, I won't even do that. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  12. On 7/13/2020 at 7:25 PM, Pasken said:

    Washington DC Football Team? Go the soccer route and make it more about the city branding?

    I've been saying this for a while. There's no name out there they could use that will satisfy everyone and they've been getting heat for years to change it. They should just not have one, go with Washington FC or DCFC. 

    Or call themselves the Federals. The other teams will shake with fear when the Feds raid their house/place of business.

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  13. We just bought a hot tub from my sister-in-law's friend. It's only 3-4 years old, looks great. The previous owners said they never used chemicals because it has an ozonator. Great, I thought. Too bad it was bullshit. We had water problems after 3 days, had to buy all the chems. We got the PH perfect but still have issues with flakes in the water and foaming. We've been cleaning the filter, etc. Any tips and tricks? I already know about the "can't get pregnant" stuff.

  14. On 7/6/2020 at 11:08 PM, troph said:

    Bipolar is tricky as hell because how many ways mania can present and the cycle speeds. 

    I feel guilty about this but having to deal with my ex-wife and her bi-polar bullshit had made me unsympathetic towards people who claim to be bi-polar. I know that everyone is different and I shouldn't paint with a broad brush but it's a reflex. Honestly, I think I get triggered, as silly as that sounds. I immediately turn cold when I hear or read about someone saying they have it or their mom had it. I just have zero patience or desire to talk to or hear about those people. It's not fair to them, I know.

    Also, it always seems to be women that have it, I rarely hear about guys with it. Maybe men don't bother to get diagnosed as much. 

  15. 1 hour ago, CfRhTxStBobcats said:

    When I was younger at least 50% of my tv/radio time was spent on sports shows. Not sure if it's an age thing or not, but starting I guess around my early 40's I slowed down watching sports shows and listening to sports radio. Now in my 50's I spend less way less than 1% of my tv/radio time on sports shows. As far as watching sports, I catch all Horns football games, a few big basketball games, and a few big baseball games. On football Saturdays I channel surf most of the day when the Horns aren't playing. NFL, NBA, MLB I don't watch regular season at all and only catch the playoffs if Astros, Rockets, Texans or Cowboys are playing. Just curious if any of you other olds don't care like you used to.

    This is how I am as well, 46 and I care less about sports every day. I used to consume every pre and post game show, watched Sportscenter multiple times a day, watched every game I could get. Before everything got cancelled, I was only watching football and only my team. Now I just don't care, cancel it all for good and I won't be bothered. 

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