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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. On 6/30/2020 at 8:33 PM, Sandman said:

    I called my dad right before father's day, just to shoot the shit. He says "Oh yeah, I had a procedure the other day...". Four years ago, he almost died from a heart attack and wound up getting a triple bypass and some other shit done as well. I guess when he went in for a check-up recently, they didn't like what they heard, so he had an ultrasound done. His heart is working at about 50%, same as one side of his carotid. The other side of the carotid was 100% blocked 4 years ago and they bypassed that as well. So he tells me he's getting an angiogram on 7-2, they might also put in a stent or two. I took off work but with the covid shit, there can only be one person in the hospital with him and so my sister and I have been trying to formulate a plan. But starting last night, I've been racked with some kind of sickness. Don't think it's covid but what do I know? I don't have a fever but I've been shitting my brains out and have an awful headache. I don't want to just abandon ship on my sister but I don't know if I can allow myself to be around him. My guess is it's just "one of those things" that needs to run it's course.

    I've had long-standing guilt issues and man, they are kicking my ass today. If I go, I'm a careless prick. If I stay away, I'm a cold-hearted prick. Even though I know it's just my imagination, I keep thinking my dad and sister will assume I'm lying about being sick so I can avoid going at all. I texted my sister today and gave her a heads-up, she didn't seem bothered at all but...guilt, guilt, guilt. And no, I haven't done anything in my past, I just have that thing going on inside my head. 

    If nothing changes, I won't go. My sister's husband is considered high risk and I don't want to potentially expose either of them. But I can't stop thinking that this could be it. He might not walk out of there. And I'd be home, doing nothing. Fuck.

    So the angiogram showed that one of the bypasses my dad had 4 years ago is now 90% blocked. My sister said the Dr seemed comcerned, which is not how he normally acts. He got my dad squeezed into the schedule for monday to have a stent put in. Thankfully, his carotid is ok. Dad is fine, he's a former cardio-cath guy and was chatting up the nurses.

    He's not out of the woods and I'm feeling fucked up about the new blockage but I guess it could be worse. Thanks for letting me get my thoughts out, it really helps.

    • Like 1
  2. I called my dad right before father's day, just to shoot the shit. He says "Oh yeah, I had a procedure the other day...". Four years ago, he almost died from a heart attack and wound up getting a triple bypass and some other shit done as well. I guess when he went in for a check-up recently, they didn't like what they heard, so he had an ultrasound done. His heart is working at about 50%, same as one side of his carotid. The other side of the carotid was 100% blocked 4 years ago and they bypassed that as well. So he tells me he's getting an angiogram on 7-2, they might also put in a stent or two. I took off work but with the covid shit, there can only be one person in the hospital with him and so my sister and I have been trying to formulate a plan. But starting last night, I've been racked with some kind of sickness. Don't think it's covid but what do I know? I don't have a fever but I've been shitting my brains out and have an awful headache. I don't want to just abandon ship on my sister but I don't know if I can allow myself to be around him. My guess is it's just "one of those things" that needs to run it's course.

    I've had long-standing guilt issues and man, they are kicking my ass today. If I go, I'm a careless prick. If I stay away, I'm a cold-hearted prick. Even though I know it's just my imagination, I keep thinking my dad and sister will assume I'm lying about being sick so I can avoid going at all. I texted my sister today and gave her a heads-up, she didn't seem bothered at all but...guilt, guilt, guilt. And no, I haven't done anything in my past, I just have that thing going on inside my head. 

    If nothing changes, I won't go. My sister's husband is considered high risk and I don't want to potentially expose either of them. But I can't stop thinking that this could be it. He might not walk out of there. And I'd be home, doing nothing. Fuck.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, bschoolprof said:

    The Aussie who narrates casefile is fantastic. That’s all I’ve got. The discussion here is not really making me eager to watch this doc. Maybe I should check out the casefile episodes first. 

    Yeah, I love that guy. I've been resisting for quite a while to buy this t-shirt, I might have to pull the trigger soon, LOL.



  4. 10 hours ago, Vito Andolini said:

    I’m a huge true crime fan, and would love a good, insightful GSK documentary. But I didn’t find the Michelle background that compelling, including her relationship with Patton. A tidbit like bonding over The Creature From the Black Lagoon isn’t a piece of info I need, but rather how a project like this swells to six episodes. I’m good with human interest, just as long as it’s interesting.

    I listen to several true crime podcasts and probably my favorite one, Casefile, did a four part series on this case a few years ago. It was teriffic, if not a bit graphic. I highly recommend it. 

    • Like 3
  5. Wife got a new laptop and wanted to use my USB drive to transfer her work stuff. I gave it to her and went about doing whatever the fuck I was doing at the time. Yesterday, she wanted it again and asked me for it. I told her she never gave it back, she vehemently denied that. I started looking for it and found nothing. She finds a 64gb drive and asked if that was the one. I was sure mine was 128gb so I said that wasn't the one. Again, I accused her of not puting it back, she said "I gave it RIGHT BACK to you when I was done!". I got on Amazon to order a new one and I decided to check and see when I bought the last one, because I was pretty sure it wasn't that long ago. Turns out, that 64gb one was mine after all. Hmm.

    Me: Hey, I was wrong. That drive is mine, I guess I just forgot it was 64gb.

    Her: THANK you. I told you I was pretty sure this was it!

    Me: So where did you find it, again? 

    Her: In my end table...

    Me: So you didn't give it back, like you said. You kept it. THANK you.

    Her: Tone

  6. 11 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    ^ This. It's not just a CYA thing but a responsibility to those you work with. Even if you don't feel those who are in the office are "at risk," this can still wreck shop on the young and relatively healthy, who themselves could expose folks who are truly at risk in their homes. You just don't know, and wouldn't you feel like a real asshole if you even suspected that you were the vector causing another person's suffering.

    It's just the right thing to do, and I think you'd feel better about it not weighing on your conscious.

    That's my 2 cents anyway.

    Yeah, I agree and I did call. They were gonna let me come in but then the big boss changed his mind at the last second. I have to work from home until we get test results back for my kid. And just to be clear, our "at risk" employees have been out of the office since March. The nearest person in the room is 20+ feet away. But I still didn't feel right not saying something. I'm gonna get crushed with work when I go back, it's gonna suck.

    • Like 3
  7. 3 minutes ago, LurkingHorn said:

    See if you can get your daughter the rapid test and go from there. I had co-workers find those tests pretty quickly here in Dallas. You just need to ask around. 

    Our local test place is M-W-F, and she's off work wednesday, so she can go then. I just feel obligated to tell my supervisor. I don't know what to do, it doesn't feel right to not say anything.

    • Like 1
  8. This has now hit (somewhat) close to home. My daughter just called and said her coworker's dad tested positive. Her coworker is now on a 2 week break from coming to work. My daughter lives with me and I'm wondering what, if anything, I need to tell my boss. Is this a big enough degree of separation that I don't need to freak out my coworkers? We're currently doing a weekly rotation and I don't see any of the at-risk people (who are 100% at home) or any of the ones that are freaked out about the whole thing. 

    What I'd like is to say nothing, keep on truckin' at work and nothing ever comes of it. But I feel obligated to tell my boss so she can be the one to decide how to handle it. I don't want to get people riled up but I don't want this to bite me in the ass. My wife is currently looking up testing sites and I hope we can get my kid tested tomorrow. If she's ok (which I think she is), I'll feel better about my situation.

    Do I give my boss a head-up or do I just shut my big yapper?

  9. 3 minutes ago, thunderlounge said:


    What, are you claiming Motel 6? Because your wife specifically said it was more like Motel 3.5".

    Ha, so NOW all of the sudden, a woman can accurately judge measurments/units of time, etc.? You should know better.

  10. 17 minutes ago, C-Man said:

    I remember a couple of months back there was talk of bumping CFB to the spring if necessary. Maybe those talks will get re-kindled if we continue trending the way we are right now.

    If it means the entire ou team is blown away by a tornado during a game in the middle of March, I'm here for it.

  11. We recently got a hot tub and my dog keeps pissing on the side of it and it's making me angry. I go out with him when I can and try to keep him away but obviously, I'm not around for all of his outdoor trips. I always spray the tub off after I catch him doing it. My wife decided to add some water to the tub and in true wifely fashion, she just ditched the hose right there at the foot of the tub, instead of rolling it back up on the hose roller that she insisted on buying. Today the dog pissed on the tub and the hose that was laying next to the tub. She left right before it happened, so I texted her about it. No response yet.

    Still waiting for a female to explain why they just drop shit on the spot when they're done with it. My wife and 2 daughters do the same thing. I find random stuff all over because they can't put anything back from where it came.

    • Like 3
  12. 1 minute ago, Eggo said:

    He's a high profile figure in his community and at least known in circles nationwide. He coaches 100+ Gen Z college students who have feelings about the issues. He makes millions. It doesn't matter how dirty he gets fishing, he should stick with team gear 24/7.

    Do you think he wanted to be seen? I'd be trying to go incognito as well, don't need local rubes trying to talk about the triple-belly option while I'm trying to snag some crappie.

  13. 1 hour ago, RPM said:

    I haven't had to hang up on any robocallers today. 


    Hey man, I've been meaning to talk to you about your car's extended warranty. 


    In other news, my phone just went off like a firm alarm, I got 25+ texts in about 15 seconds.

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