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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. 7 hours ago, tbone_ said:

    Wait, you went to an outlet mall without a gun to your head?

    It's a trade-off. My wife has gone with me on road trips to buy old car parts, went to gun shows and gun stores, etc. Going to the mall is the least I can do. I get laid a lot as well, so I think my current system is working.

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  2. The wife and I went to the local outlet mall so she could get a new "work bag" to go along with her dozen others. I wound up getting a couple of pairs of shoes, she got her bag. As we drove home she said "See? this trip was profitable for both of us!". I explained that no, we didn't profit at all, we actually lost money. She was too happy about her bag to care what I said. Win/win, I guess.

  3. Maybe this shit ain't happening after all.



    There is a significant number of NBA players who are disappointed that everyone wasn’t given the opportunity to vote on whether to restart the 2019-20 season, league sources told Yahoo Sports.

    Last week, the National Basketball Players Association executive committee and its board of representatives approved the league’s 22-team, return-to-play format to be held at the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida, in late July. 

    The complaint, privately expressed by multiple players, is that every player’s voice wasn’t heard for this critical and potentially life-changing vote, sources said.

    The unease about relocating to a quarantined campus during the COVID-19 pandemic was already viewed as hazardous and unnecessary to many players. But because of the George Floyd tragedy and the powerful movement for racial justice that’s sweeping the nation, some players believe it’s bad optics for a league comprised predominantly of black men to be sequestered in one location for up to three months merely to entertain the masses and ease the league’s economic burden, sources said. 

    “What message are we sending by agreeing to this during this time?” a black player told Yahoo Sports. “We’re out here marching and protesting, and yet we all leave our families in these scary times and gather to perform at a place where the owners won’t be at? What type of sense does that make? We’ll be going backwards. That place isn’t that magical.”

    Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving has organized a call with players for Friday night to discuss their positions regarding the season’s restart, Yahoo Sports confirmed.

    Irving is of the position that players should consider not playing in light of the uproar over racial injustice and the unknowns of COVID-19, sources said.

    Irving’s stance is meaningful because he’s on the executive committee that voted for the season’s resumption.

    Sources said several players have been reluctant to express their views in fear of opposing the superstars who are adamant about playing if proper safety measures are in place. 

    Then there is a faction of players that is noncommittal on a return because it hasn’t received enough feedback and information on how the league plans to facilitate a safe haven, sources said. Portland Trail Blazers forward Carmelo Anthony expressed this very concern to Ernie Johnson in an NBA Together Twitter Live session. 

    Denver Nuggets forward Jerami Grant, on the Yahoo Sports Posted Up with Chris Haynes video series, said he wasn’t sure if returning this season was the right thing to do.

    Part of the NBPA board of representatives’ obligation is to communicate with each individual on their respective teams to provide updates and make sure every player’s voice is heard, especially regarding the resumption of the season.

    On the flip side, there are players who haven’t made themselves available for calls or Zoom chats with their respective board reps, sources said.

    The decision to play will be up to each individual, but they will not be paid if they don’t play.

    An all-player voting system of the nearly 450 players in the league doesn’t seem achievable at this point, but it could be something the NBPA looks into down the road. Some agents are urging their clients to speak up and talk with the NBPA about seeking a more collaborative system. 





  4. I said in another thread that I'd disarm the police. Let them have a low-power taser, maybe. I keep seeing people asking "What if they get into a shoot out???". How many times do cops get in a "Shoot-out" that they didn't start themselves? Or worse yet, they're the only actual shooters? I'd imagine it's pretty rare. Have an on-call SWAT team waiting at the station, like fireman do. Call them in when the shit hits the fan. 

    1. No more firearms. 

    2. No more military surplus vehicles/weapons. My rural county has a huge APC, for what? Such a joke.

    3. No more military-style uniforms. When I worked at my county sheriff's office 20+ years ago, we had stupid brown slacks and a tan shirt. The changed over to all black BDU trousers and blouses, then to a polo shirt. Guy were creaming themselves because they got to look like Rambo instead of Barney Fife. It was pretty pathetic. Humble them with an old school uniform, that takes a lot of starch out of a certain type of guy.

    4. I'd like to see a disciplinary panel to look into charges of excessive force, brutality, etc. Make it professionally diverse, put a LEO supervisor, a social worker, mental health worker, local attorney, whatever. Just not a bunch of cops judging one of their own. I think you need one so they can explain procedures or how the law would apply to a certain situation but one is enough.


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  5. 37 minutes ago, Murfdogg21 said:

    They need better organization with specific end goals. All of these emotional rants don’t convince anyone to change their mind. Most people want the Minnesota cop charged with nothing less than manslaughter. Most people don’t like or trust cops. You destroy your coalition when you create more racial tension in your messaging, and then the militant/criminal faction of your group goes looting, destroying property, beating civilians up, defacing landmarks...

    What is the end game? End racism? That is unrealistic and these types of riots and protests only harden the sentiments of racist people, I assume, while also bothering the shit out of a lot of moderates. Is the goal to force all PDs to wear body cams 24/7? That might be doable and lead to more justice after the fact. Is the goal to never preemptively kill a minority again? Is that achieved by less policing in areas with higher crime or with a greater frequency of killed cops who have to keep their gun holstered an extra 10 seconds? Neither of those options seem acceptable, but will gun and drug crime decrease out of solidarity if a new state or federal policy is implemented to force cops to never draw weapons or only at the last second?

    Petition for universal body cams and the end to immunity for PDs and individual officers from legal and civil action. Those are tangible goals that could see a tremendous reduction in police brutality. 

    I've said for a while now that cops should be unarmed. Too many times they shoot first and (maybe) ask questions later. I just don't trust them to make good decisions with firearms. They need to learn how to defuse situations with critical thinking and by using their words, as we tell small children constantly. They won't be as quick to lord over anyone when they don't have their trusty 9mm sidekick.

  6. 1 hour ago, South Austin said:

    I never realized how much I hated wearing a condom until having sex for the first time since my divorce.  Before then, it had been about 18 years since I had to put on a raincoat.  Maybe this is being more virile in your 20s, but I don't recall that much of a loss of sensation when I put on a rubber way back then.  Now if feels like I'm wearing a hot water bottle that's been laced with a numbing agent.  Can't wait for my urologist to clear me and I can return to banging bareback.  

    I think we were so hyped up to be getting laid in our 20s, we didn't care about all of the sensations. I know I didn't, I just wanted to bang away.

  7. 39 minutes ago, Vic Mackey said:

    But if the story is true about the cop was the one starting the shit at Autozone, then that makes this thing go even deeper. The cops are then participating to push the story even further. St Paul came out and said it isn't him but police depts have no credibility to me. 

    But the cops are definitely out there enticing shit and stirring it up on purpose. This started out as a peaceful protest. Cops then went out and sprayed tear gas and shot bean bags. It was all calculated. They wanted this to push the eyes off how corrupt they are and back to the other side and show them how bad they are and this is what they have to deal with. When in reality, they are the ones causing most the angst between citizens and them. They thrive off the citizens hating them and fearing them. They would not have it any other way. They don't want unity.

    I don't disagree. I've seen some weird pics online, masked guys wearing Secret Service-looking earpieces and shit. White guys methodically breaking windows with a hammer. None of it makes sense.

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  8. I had to have torsion surgery, so I got snipped since the doc was going in there anyway. I was in pain for days, still have sensitive balls, even more than a decade after the surgery, but that could be in my head or left over from the torsion. Either way, I'm glad it was done. Never had to wear a rubber with wife #2, it's been great.

  9. 1 hour ago, Vic Mackey said:

    I finally had to make a Facebook post about it. Pathetic how the murder in the street is just a minor note to their long winded argument about looting. You don't hear a peep out of them about a murder by a cop but they have so much anger and passion for a store burning or being looted. Wonder why that is???

    I think it's because we see stories every day about someone getting killed, even killed by police. That's (sadly) not a rare occurrence. It is much more rare to see a large city get fucked up and burned. Every time a killing like this happens, I think shit's gonna pop off but it almost never does. So I'm surprised it's gotten as big as it has this time.

    Personally, I think the protesters/mob should storm the police HQ, city hall, mayor's house, etc. before going after Target or Auto Zone. You think the mayor is picking up plug wires or an O2 sensor on his way home? He doesn't care about that shit. But he'd care if his house burned down.

  10. 52 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    It’s going to get ugly. The police in this country act more like are an occupying army in poor neighborhoods. Maybe it’s time for an armed insurgency in response. I don’t condone the rioting but I understand their rage. Other than OU sucking, nothing unites the surl more than our collective hatred of cops. Wish Bernard still posted here to get his reaction.

    Poor? I live in a suburb that's 90% white and has good schools. The cops are always out in body armor and ready to throw down. They don't give a shit how much money anyone's making, they just want to be large and in charge.

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  11. 4 minutes ago, ajax said:

    I kind of agree that he's a little bit of a Karen himself about the leash thing, but that shrieking tone she put on while call on the cops on an "AFRICAN AMERICAN MAN...HELP!!!" makes her a horrific person  who's willing to put another human's life at risk. She's a million times worse.

    I don't understand people that act like she did. I guess she's used to crying and getting her way. Probably got her out of a ticket or two. Guess the worm has turned now.

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