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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. 22 minutes ago, Knoxtnhorn said:

    Holy S!  I moved 2 1/2 tons of pea gravel from my truck to my back patio last week ~ 30 feet, and thought I was kind of bad ass.

    I carried 600 lbs of tile from my truck bed to my room the other day, my back and legs were trashed.

    • Like 1
  2. Wife woke me up at 0545 with her tossing and turning. When I stirred, she said "Oh, are you up too?".  I said I am now. She told me she'd been awake for an hour and she'd "Never get back to sleep now!". Ten mintues later, she's sawing logs. After staring at the ceiling for an hour, I said fuck it and got up. 

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    • Haha 1
  3. You think he's the type that only calls his friends when he's out of the house or his wife is away? I have a couple of buddies like that. Every time he calls me, he's at 7-11 or going to the store. He knows she'll give him the stinkeye if he calls from home, so he has to wait until he's alone because he doesn't want to hear her bitch. I couldn't live like that. 

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  4. After 6 weeks of holding it down alone at the office, the higher-ups have implemented a weekly WAH rotation. Yesterday was my first day and holy shit, it was great. Almost a tad boring, as I ran out of work to do and had to wait for the people in-house to load up the queue. So I'm doing pretty good as of today.

  5. 4 hours ago, Mole said:

    I’m a bit surprised that a school without a religious affiliation would fire someone over this. It would make sense at a school with some kind of morality covenant, but this really surprises me.

    This is the same university that had an alum admit to paying for abortions and to bring whores to football players. I just assumed that paid porn subscriptions are part of the faculty recruitment package.

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  6. 1 hour ago, CycleTex87 said:

    I got the same thing at my house.  Been that way for a while. The original builder screwed it up.  What’s your budget for that work?

    About 3k. That includes the demo and a new floor for the bathroom and the area in front of the vanity. I've been told it's a good deal around these parts but WTF do I know?

  7. 1 hour ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    Shower remodel?  Sound like white people problems for sure.

    The shower pan is leaking so the whole thing has to be torn out and redone. And I'm only 90% white, I think that means I get a pass or something? 4 acres and a chicken? Maybe mediterranean folks don't count.

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  8. We have a contractor coming over at noon to talk about our shower remodel, the time is 9:30 and I'm brushing my teeth.

    Her: Did you go to the bathroom already?

    Me: ....Yeah. Why?

    H: Well, I closed the lid to the toilet, just so it looks better for when he comes over.

    M: You know, I might have to use the toilet again in the next 2 and a half hours.

    H: Haha, yeah I guess.

    M: Also, I know how to raise and lower the lid without any help.

    H: Laughing stops. Tone intensifies.

    • Like 1
  9. 10 minutes ago, UT_OB1 said:

    Haven’t been to Cushing, is it worse than Ardmore or McAlester?  I can handle those places. Is it near Wynnewood?  Tiger King trip!

    My ex sister-in-law went to rehab in Cushing. She's much better now but supposedly, Cushing is a great place to score some drugs. /CSB

  10. I had to change my work schedule from 10 hours/4 days a week to a regular 8-5 M-F, due to this pandemic. I swear I haven't felt better in quite a while. Not dragging ass on the way to work at 6, not falling asleep in my chair at home at 6:30. I don't think I was getting enough sleep, nor was I getting quality sleep. I would wake up feeling nauseous almost every day, hoping it would pass by the time I got out of the shower. And I really think it's helped mentally as well. I still get irritated but it doesn't linger, I just feel too good for it to stick. There was talk about my office geting rid of alternative schedules but even if they don't, I don't think I can go back. Working on Friday sucks but it's a small price to pay to feel this much better.

  11. My wife is working from home and she texted me this morning to tell me one of our dogs puked all over the living room rug. As an added plus, it appears he ate a pile of shit for breakfast. I'll get to enjoy the harrowing tale of my wife's heroic cleaning efforts tonight when I get home. I can't fucking wait.

    So if you like to tell stories like that, get a dog. 

    • Haha 1
  12. 11 minutes ago, boknowstecmo said:

    How do you know it's pending for Wednesday? All I could find on the IRS site was a payment tracker button that isn't functional yet.

    When I log into my credit union app, it shows up as a pending transaction and it has the date of 4-15 on it. I assume that means it'll get deposited on that day. I never even thought about trying to look at the IRS side of it, that sounds like a huge headache.

  13. 34 minutes ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    She can't see her sidepiece right now so you have to pick up the slack

    But I don't live in South Austin!

  14. I'm not sure what the reasons may be but my sex life has ramped up in the last few weeks, in quantity and quality. My wife's been working from home for a couple of weeks, maybe that's got her to feeling less tired? Or she's worried about the virus? We've been knockin' boots at least 4-5 times a week, and these aren't quickies. We're talking full-blown fucking and sucking sessions. I will not complain, nor will I choose to investigate what's causing this.

  15. On 4/7/2020 at 5:20 AM, Johnny Chimpo said:

    Yes, my father had a 40 year career with HAL. Not sure how he did it, just tough and smart enough to escape the chopping block umpteen times best I can tell. Anyways, those service companies don’t wait to make deep cuts. 

    I was driving through El Reno, OK over the weekend and saw what appeared to be a brand new, very modern looking Haliburton building with a "for sale" sign out front. The place looked like it had never been used. Then I saw the gas stations offering .99/gal. Tough times around here for sure.

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