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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. My wife and I went to check out the purple bed today. I really like it but the reviews are giving me pause. Many folks say it's good for a year, then it goes to shit. My current mattress is only 3.5 years old and it's got big (IMO) indentions in the top. It has a 25 year warranty, so I called the furniture store and they sent me the claim forms. I'm 99% sure they're gonna tell me it's not bad enough to qualify for replacement. 

  2. I just can't imagine how he came to that decision. 

    "Yeah, you're right. I don't want to live in palaces or have a staff of servants that handle my everyday needs. And I certainly don't want to be paid a salary for just walking around, breathing and shit. Fuck my grandma's stupid lifestyle, let's move to Canada."

    I can understand why he wouldn't want to be in the limelight but he's not the heir, his brother gets to take all that shit. He can chill in relative anonymity if he wants. I constantly forget the QEII has a fourth child, Edward. You ever hear about that dude? Nope. 

  3. 1 hour ago, tbone_ said:

    I’m sure that’s a cool car but why even call it a mustang? I don’t get it.

    There's talk that Ford has been considering spinning Mustang off as a stand-alone brand. Not a great idea IMO but if they do, they'll need a few new models. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, Vic Mackey said:

    Hahaha. He was just slobby fat. This dude was was fucking stocky. I don't know his background or if he played ball.

    I knew he used to be the president of the arena league. Didn't know about his political background. 6'9, BTW.

    Carl David Baker (born February 16, 1953) is the President and CEO of the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio.[4]

    In his first three years of leadership at the Hall, the organization's net assets grew 161%.[5] He was also instrumental in the inception of Johnson Controls Hall of Fame Village, a nearly $800 million mixed-use development surrounding the Hall of Fame now led by Hall of Fame Village CEO Michael Crawford.[6][7][8]

    On November 28, 2017, Baker received the March of Dimes Sports Leadership Award.[9]

    Baker left his early political career after being convicted of forgery in California and became the fourth commissioner of the Arena Football League (AFL). He started in the league as the owner of the Anaheim Piranhas, which he left after a single season of owning the team to become commissioner.[10] One of his more imposing features is his size – 6 feet 9 and-a-half inches tall and 400 pounds.[11] He was a power forward at UC-Irvine from 1971–75 and played two seasons of professional basketball in Europe. Later, Baker attended Pepperdine University School of Law where he served as Editor-in-Chief of the Law Review. He was a City Councilman of Irvine, California.[12] Baker resigned as Arena Football League Commissioner at ArenaBowl XXII, on July 25, 2008 after 11.5 years as commissioner of the AFL.[13]

    He was Managing Partner from 2009 to 2014 for Union Village,[14] an integrated health care village in Henderson, Nevada.[4]

    On January 2, 2014, he was announced as the President of the Pro Football Hall of Fame.[15]

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  5. 20 hours ago, Chopper said:

    I'll throw in my brush with okie greatness. David Boren was as big of a cunt as you'd expect. Perhaps even more so.

    I guy I used to work for told me this tale about 15 years ago: he was dating a chick who's father was an oil exec (we're all in OKC BTW). Her dad went to this party and Boren was there getting hammered. Boren proceeded to try and put the moves on this chick's dad, who abruptly made a beeline for the exit. He said the guy was pretty much done with being around Boren after that.

    • Haha 1
  6. Mine likes to recap her conversations but she tells me every single thing that was said:

    "I told her what I heard and she was like 'OMG' and I said 'yep' and she said 'I can't believe it' and I said 'I know' and she said 'that's crazy!' and I'm like "totally!'. Then she had to go so I said bye and she said bye."


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    • Haha 1
  7. My wife recently accepted a job in rural western Oklahoma, pop. 3000, so this hits close to home. The commute is 45 mins, so no need to move. I've talked to guy from the town once, he said they don't have any restaurants and have to drive into our town if they want to eat out. No thanks.

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