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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. We have Life360. My wife set it up so she'd get an alert whenever the kids entered or left a specific zone, be it work, school, their mother's house or home. Had to turn it off because the dogs would hear the alert and start freaking out because they thought one of the kids had arrived at the house, only to be let down because she'd actually gone to her mother's instead. 

  2. I've been looking at the bakflip as well. I don't use the bed for hauling anything but I will use it for storage during road trips and want something I can lock up. I haven't seen anything thus far that I'd take over the bakflip.

  3. 16 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:

    many emails / calls / text messages = zero offers

    maybe someone will give in tomorrow 

    Every time I play the email/phone game, I'm told that they won't talk money unless I come down there in person. Even when I told them I want to buy a truck TODAY, they won't give me an out the door price unless it's face to face. 

  4. My dad, sister and BIL are coming over tomorrow to do our christmas get-together. My sister texted me today, she's pissed at my dad. They had their own gathering with her 2 adult children and my dad, as usual. Like he does every year, my dad gave everyone a little bag of candy and cash. Everyone, that is, except my nephew. No other way to say it other than he's a loser: pushing 30, unemployed for years and lives with my dad. He was there to help dad out during his recovery from heart surgery but that was 3 years ago. Dad lets him live there, rent free. Paid for his gas (until the truck went tits up last week) and buys all his food as well. Nephew didn't get any cash this year and my sister is pissed. I guess she wanted me to agree with her but I wasn't going to go there. I just said dad's getting old, blah blah. 

    I already know he's going to give me and my kids some cash tomorrow, I wonder how she'll act? I feel a stinkeye incoming.

  5. On 12/9/2019 at 8:10 AM, XYZ said:

    I'm in a dark place now. My 16 year old daughter is being treated for depression and ADHD, and I'm pessimistic about her future. I'm fucking tired of being a parent. Tired of the drama, tired of worrying. I feel like I'm literally the only parent in the world who would like to run away from his kids.

    My kids just turned 18, so I'm not out of the woods yet, but I feel you. The last 3-4 years have been tough for me as a dad. When my kid got in trouble twice in the span of 3 months earlier this year, I wanted to just pull the ripcord and float away to someplace where kids aren't allowed. If my ex-wife was worth a shit, we could've made something work but she isn't someone I can count on for that. I had to tough it out, although my current wife was a huge help in keeping me from going off the deep end. 

    Keep your head up, brother. The sun WILL rise. 

    • Like 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, crimsonlonghorn said:

    Pretty sure he's a grad transfer senior and a healthy Spencer Sanders will be a pain in our ass the next 2-3 years instead? 

    Are you assuming that the same coaching staff that just produced that steaming turd of a game plan will be able to help a young QB progress into a great one? Because I ain't buying it. 

  7. 12 minutes ago, Cap Hooked said:

    I mean no one on the 247 page seemed to hate him. So seems your only source for hate seems to be Reddit which is known for having some of the biggest dumbass football fans of any board. Even with that seems like there was even a lot of fans calling those fans stupid. I think I’ll go with the people I know who watch OkSt religiously who were upset about one of their best OCs they’ve ever had leave. 

    Most of us OSU fans weren't surprised when he left because there was always talk that Gundy didn't let him run the offense. He stayed as long as he did because he was a nobody D2 coach that got a chance at a P5 school. Once he started getting good pub for a couple of years, he went to a bigger program. I don't blame him for leaving. 

    • Like 1
  8. Somewhere around 96-98 I got my mom a picture for christmas. It's a Picasso print of a mother and infant. I thought it looked like something she'd like and she really loved it. She passed away in 2007 and my dad allowed me to take the picture home. It hangs in my living room and will do so until I'm gone as well. 

    • Like 3
  9. 54 minutes ago, Spur08 said:

    They were told dishwasher was empty. Seems common manners, no?

    Also, MIL just knocked her whole glass of water on wife's laptop. Good stuff

    Ehh, the last thing I'd do as a guest is start loading appliances. Some folks have a certain way they like things to be loaded. If they rinsed their dishes and put them in the sink, that's a win in my book.

    • Like 8
  10. I've got to give Amazon props. I was late ordering a gift for my kid (fucking forgot, I suck) and after I ordered the stuff, it told me the est. delivery date was 12-26. I was prepared to tell her the bad news when she got the other gifts but the items arrived yesterday. Score one for amazon. 

  11. 1 hour ago, LTtxfan said:

    Source: Mike Gundy may be losing two assistants to coordinator opportunities


    Sources tell us that new UNLV head coach Marcus Arroyo is targeting Oklahoma State associate head coach / receivers coach Kasey Dunn to be his offensive coordinator in the desert. We are told that a deal with Dunn is near the final stages.  

    We also hear that a second Cowboy assistant is a strong candidate for the defensive coordinator role with the Rebels is defensive line coach Joe Bob Clements.  The opportunity at UNLV would be his first opportunity as the defensive play caller.

    OSU is fucked. Dunn made Blackmon, Washington and Wallace stars but Gundy wouldn't give him the OC job. But hey, Gundy talked his son into walking on in 2 years, so we got that going for us, I guess. There's alos a rumor that our current OC might leave for fucking Rutgers. Great job, mullet.

  12. 8 hours ago, ImissWallyPryor said:

    Amazon’s search feature sucks. 

    I get so enraged when I'm typing in the search bar and the auto-fill options show the EXACT thing I'm looking for, yet the product isn't available on amazon at all. 

    My main issue isn't with shipping or things being late (although that's happened a few times), it's that they just don't seem to have what I want anymore, or the price is more than I want to pay. We used to order several items a month, now it's a handful per year.

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