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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. On 12/10/2019 at 1:26 PM, DougO said:

    "Limes and Coronas." Something about the delivery of that line just gets under my skin. I'm a Romo fan, but that whole call center theme was worn out two years ago and it needs to die.

    I think they should have one where Romo shows up at the desk but now there's another desk right next to his and it's Jay Gruden with a Corona Light visor on. 

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  2. 18 hours ago, DaysOff said:

    Why not store the trophies and helmets in your house? Or your mom's. Or your sister's.

    The guy lived in several different cities over a span of years. I doubt he wanted to lug his shit all over the place. Especially at the end when he didn't know how long he'd last at any particular location. Makes sense to have a spot to keep your shit away from any sticky-fingered relations. My dad's older brother will take anything that isn't nailed down, if it looks valuable. I'm sure Vince has one or two of those types in his family as well. 

  3. 16 hours ago, HornOnTheBayou said:

     Those of you with daughters need to teach them how to play Tetris and maybe the idea of spatial awareness will somehow seep into their brain. Their future husband will thank you.

    Why would I want to help the guy who's trying to fuck my daughter? He can deal with the bullshit just like the rest of us do/did.

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  4. I bought my current house in 2013 at 4.5%. I've been thinking about getting a refi but I'm not sure if it's worth the hassle. I'd like to get my loan from my credit union (I have my car loans there and I like having all my shit together in the same place), their current rate for a 30 yr fixed is 3.75. I'm not sure I'd save enough per month to justify the closing costs. 

  5. Wife and I went to dinner, then did some christmas shopping. Got home and we're just lounging. At 10:00PM, she realizes that she forgot to make the dessert for the thanksgiving lunch we're attending at her mom's house. Then she realizes she's out of eggs. I just stayed in my study, she's back from the store and still baking. 

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  6. My sister and her husband are going to Branson this week, so I'm having my Dad come over on Saturday to do a thanksgiving/grandkids birthday party. I'm really looking forward to hearing about how Otto Graham and Wilt Chamberlain are far superior to the scrub athletes of today. For the 1000th time. This year.

    I love my old man but he tells the same stories over and over again. 

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  7. I decided I wasn't going to pay the 10k for the nav key to stellar bay, I'll just land at the other pad and walk there. I made it about halfway and realized it was a bad idea. I got chewed up like a mofo. Crawled back to Gladys and paid the money. 

    • Haha 1
  8. 7 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Add Oklahoma to the WalMart shooting list.

    At least 3 killed in Duncan:

    Duncan OK WalMart

    My wife's co-worker knows the people. The shooter's wife was fucking his half-brother. I know that sounds like your standard Oklahoma joke but it's true. He killed them both and then himself. There's kids involved too, it's very sad.

  9. 35 minutes ago, Post Oak said:

    I'll miss it solely based on nostalgia.  In the last couple of years I have been to 3 different Dairy Queens and the quality has been absolutely terrible and they've been dirty.  I will not be going back.  

    I'll miss the Texas Stop Sign like I miss my youth. 

    Went to Galveston a few years ago and on our way back to OKC, the wife wanted to stop in Waco to see the fixer-upper shit. We hit up the nearby DQ for lunch and it was such a nasty place. The floors, the ceiling tiles, just gross. 

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