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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. 38 minutes ago, Chad said:

    So you'd be okay with your "coasting" coach leaving for Arkansas and risking returning to pure trash for another 60 years? Y'all lucked out with Gundy. Being a former Ok St player and all he was never going to bolt the first time something better came up like Les Miles did leaving for LSU. There has been a lot more up than down at Ok St with Gundy as the coach. It would've been easy for TCU fans to write off Patterson in 2013 when TCU finished 4-8 because "he no longer appeared to want it" before turning in a 12-1 season along with a #3 finish in 2014 and a #7 finish in 2015. Without consistently reeling in top recruitment classes you're going to experience some bumps in the road, but to think anyone else y'all would hire would do better is nonsense.

    Les also had to play in a rusted out shithole of a stadium. Boone didn't start making it rain until Mike got the job. And yes, I think he's coasting. He's the golden child. He's only spent 5 years of his adult life out of Stillwater, he was Boone's choice to be OC for Les and Les didn't want him. I never said "Fire him today!" but I'm ready for a change after 15 years, yeah. 

    And you're right, we could go straight down the shitter when he leaves. But he's gonna leave eventually, like in the next 6-7 years. I don't think he'll coach past 60. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Fondren & Main said:

    You ought to be careful what you wish for.  Baylor got lucky with Rhule and Gundy is the best HMFIC y’all have had.

    Yes, he is. And that's because we were pure trash for the better part of 60 years. I have no delusions of turning into some colossus but I'd like a coach that seems to "want it". Gundy comes across like a guy that knows he won't be fired, so he can coast until retirement. 

  3. 23 minutes ago, Landomatic said:

    “Deserve”...”think you should have better”...whatever.  Potato...potahto.

    oSu is a 6-8 win a year program with an occasional outlier.  Gundy’s got you there.

    And no, you don’t have resources, facilities or fan support that entitles you to more.

    You’re sounding more aggy with every post.

    You can't fucking read. I didn't say deserve or should, I said I WANT to do better.  And I never said we have superior resources, I said I'd like to see what someone else can do with what we have. Only aggies want to do better, I suppose. Jesus Christ.

  4. 1 hour ago, Landomatic said:

    You missed the point.  You can strive for better than mediocre all you want, but don’t act like you deserve better because you have great resources, facilities and fan support.  You don’t.

    The word "deserve" didn't come out of my mouth. I want to do better and I think Gundy has lost whatever fire he used to have. He gets an automatic raise and extension every year, where's his motivation? 

  5. 3 hours ago, Landomatic said:

    Oh I’m not talking shit about Gundy.  I’m talking shit to an Okie Light fan who thinks they could do better with a different coach given all their “resources”.  It’s like the most aggy statement ever, only aggy actually has like 10 times the “resources” they do so it actually makes aggy seem seem less aggy in this example.

    Good lord I never thought I’d hear myself say that 🤦‍♂️

    So no school should ever strive to do better than mediocre? Gundy had the best QB is school history fall into his lap, to go with the best WR in school history that nobody else really wanted, and he got one B12 title. And he followed that up with a recruiting class somewhere in the 40s. Yeah, he's the shit. The fucking rapists won multiple titles, went into the shitter for a year or 2, now they lead the conference again. Our hoops coach just got the #1 recruit in the country, our wrestling coach got the #1 overall kid in the country as well, so I guess our resources aren't too bad. Why can't our FB coach strive to do better? He openly talks about how trying to woo 5 star kids is impossible, so he'll take 2-3 stars and "coach 'em up". That's how you get 6-6 every year, great idea.

    You sound like those moronic OSU fans that act like Gundy's the best OSU could ever get. Are we supposed to shutter the program if he leaves? If he died in a car wreck tomorrow, should we cancel the program? Just because he's won 7 out of the last 10 vs Texas doesn't mean he's irreplaceable.

  6. Just now, BigOrange1 said:


    Yes. He doesn't try to recruit high-level talent, he meddles with the coordinators RE: playcalling, he goes into the fetal position when confronted with superior teams. I'd like to see what someone else could do with our level of resources. We have a good stadium and good fan support, I want some fresh blood. He's turning into Pat Jones 2.0 and I didn't much care for that the first time.

  7. 34 minutes ago, Macanudo said:

    Why the fuck would Gundy want to have anything to do with that dumpster fire?  Arkansas will never be anything more than a 3rd rate team.  Knute Rockne himself couldn't resurrect that program.  And yes, there's a better chance of Rockne rising from his grave.

    I'm just an OSU fan that's tired of Gundy and ready for him to move on.

  8. 3 hours ago, workswithseed said:

    I always see it, but we had high speed internet when I was a teen. I never thought of going in it.

    It was funny. They had movies, sex toys, all kinds of stuff. Had a coin-op video booth thing as well but I never went in there.

    (For those wondering why anyone would drive 3 hours for dirty movies, hardcore porn is/was illegal in Oklahoma. So if you wanted the real shit, you had to go out of state.)

  9. Talking with the wife and kid last night about Columbus day:

    Me: Always wondered why it's a holiday here, he didn't land in what is now the US.

    Wife: I thought he landed at Plymouth Rock? 

    Me: WTF?

    Wife: Wasn't he on the Mayflower? Isn't that his ship?

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