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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. 13 minutes ago, 'stache said:

     That means even more that if you don't have a floormat at all, you'd notice a bright red one as you approached the door and said "wft is this thing? Oh, I'm on the wrong floor. What a moron I am."

    I don't agree, as I don't look around at shit when I come home. I go straight inside and do what the fuck ever. I'm also colorblind, so the color means dick to me. I realize this lady is not colorblind, I'm just speaking about how I would act.

    I hope you don't take this a me sticking up for this woman. I'm not a cop hater nor a "blue lives matter" guy, I just don't agree with the premise of "Floormat=guilty". 

    • Like 2
  2. 10 minutes ago, 'stache said:

    Did any of them have a bright red floor mat at the door which differs significantly from your apartment? A few times I have accidentally entered another persons car because it was identical make, model, and color to mine and the door was unlocked. I figured out my mistake pretty quick.  I've never made that mistake with an identical make and model but a different color. It is ridiculous to believe someone would make that mistake. 

    You wouldn't make a mistake about the color of your car because a car is important, you NEED one, you paid a lot of money for it. I have a doormat but can't tell you exactly what it looks like because I don't give a shit, it's one of the most unimportant things I own. I helped pick it out and I don't remember shit about it. The only time I look for a mat is if I've stepped in mud and I'm at someone else's house. I don't normally step in mud, so I honestly couldn't tell you the last time I looked down for a doormat or even noticed if one was there.

    • Like 1
  3. 22 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    also, let's not overlook that cops are supposed to have a keen sense of perception and awareness, since a lot of their job requires observation.

    maybe before pulling out the gun take a second look at your surroundings? i dunno, just spitballing here.

    Just like all teachers are kind and helpful, all nurses are warm and caring, right? You honestly think they look for "keen perception" when hiring cops? How many awful stories have we seen on here and on the news about how a LOT of cops suck huge balls at their job? You and I might THINK the screening process should look for traits such as those but it does not.

  4. 8 minutes ago, SquishMitten said:

    So it was quite common for residents to mistakenly park on the wrong floor. Wouldn't that indicate a reasonable person would check suite numbers upon entering a hallway? 

    Are you telling me the thread about wives with their noses stuck in their phones 24/7 is all a lie??? Just about every person I see that's under age 30 can't walk around without looking down at their phone. Her walking around, oblivious of her surroundings, is one of the few things I think actually happened in this case.

  5. 29 minutes ago, 'stache said:

    Your first theory makes more sense. Having watched almost all OSU games over the last 15-20 years, I can assure you the refs don't do us any favors. That game was really, really weird.

    Yeah, I don't understand why anyone would think "THE FIXXX" would be in to beat Texas. If it was that simple, we'd win bedlam more than once a fucking decade. 

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, fattyflattie said:

    And my limited knowledge on the frontier was one we had on a ranch in Freer that could. Not. Be. Killed. Many tried, it’s still going. That was a tough little sob. The “blue Buckaroo”. 

    My nephew is still driving my dad's 2001 Frontier. He's a dumbass and doesn't take care of it but it doesn't seem to matter. It cannot be stopped, I guess.

  7. Just now, Yuk said:

    Why blow the whistle?  Let it play out.

    I agree but fuck the saints anyway for giving us that stupid interference review bullshit. They act like they're the first team to ever get fucked over by a bad call.

  8. 4 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    I think that's connected with a frustration of watching folks do bad and get away with it.

    For example, I play it straight, and we bust our ass to educate our kid and give him opportunities, and he makes it into Local State College.  But again, we play it straight.  Hell, we don't have the assets to do anything but that.

    Hollywood Family doesn't really spend much effort on their kid, but writes a $500k check to get the badminton coach to give their kid a full scholarship to Rich Connections University.  And when they're busted, they have to pay a fine and hang their head, and that's it.

    That's pretty rage-inducing -- people expect fairness.  And when the system demonstrates obvious unfairness, and blatant favoritism for certain folks, that understandably pisses people off.  So, your thoughts on retribution aren't wrong....you just need to expand them to include our frustration with unfairness.  A more fair system would go a long way to dialing down that desire for retribution.

    Do you think the courts look at the cost of prosecuting this crime and think "Fuck it, take the $500K and we're outta here with minimal effort"? Honest question, because I always read about how the cost of drawn out trials is such a burden on the state, plus the cost of incarceration. Is taking a big fine from a rich person (even though they won't feel the sting) just a better business decision for the state? Especially for what many consider a "victimless crime"? 

  9. I never really wanted kids. My first wife did, so I went along with it. She said "What's the point in getting married if you're not having kids?" and I didn't disagree. I figured that's just what married couples did, have some kids. Wound up having twins, the wife turned into a psychotic bitch. I was full of much regret. Not so much now, only when my kids do stupid shit. 

    I don't blame anyone that decides to remain childless, raising kids is not for everyone. 

    • Like 1
  10. 10 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    Heard he had a little getaway place in Pampa.  Place to relax and unwind....


    "Little bitch-ass jets WAIT OUTSIDE.  Ballers only in the hangar!"

    His real life assets are what I have in Grand Theft Auto Online. 

    • Haha 1
  11. I was driving to work in the north OKC suburbs. Heard them talking about it on the radio but they thought it was a small plane, like a trainer or something. Then we started watching the news at work. My co-worker was Air national guard, he was openly wondering if he'd have to report (he didn't). The owners of the company were on their family vacation in California and their return flight was cancelled, so they had to rent cars and drive back. They said it was a nightmare trying to get out of the airport and the highways were swamped. 

    My then-wife was pregnant with twins, they were born in December. I remember thinking, what kind of world will they grow up in? It was unsettling. 

  12. 7 hours ago, Cheeseweasel said:

    ABC has started using a florescent yellow graphic in the lower right corner to promote their upcoming shows. Fuck me if I didn't think it was a "flag" thrown on the play about a dozen times this weekend.

    The "Breaking News" thing that pops up on the crawl is yellow too, I thought there was a flag but instead, it was "Antonio Brown released & signed w/Patriots". WTF, use red & white or something.

  13. Had to schedule a Dr's appointment for my kid. It's a pain because she works and I never know when she's off work. I set it up and called my wife to tell her, wife then says she'd be happy to go with daughter to the appointment. I said great, she needs to be checked out at 10, as the appointment is at 10:30. I told her to text the kid and ask when she needed to go back to school, if at all. 

    Wife: She said she has to go back afterwards because she has a test. I'll check her out from 10-11:30 on the school app

    Me: What if there's bloodwork, or the appointments are running behind? You should ask her when her test is happening and go from there. Make sure you allow for enough time.

    W: Done, checked out from 10-11:30.

    M: Why did you do that if you don't know when she needs to go back???

    W: UGH, I can always edit it! Gawd! 

    It's pretty clear that women have never heard of "measure twice, cut once".

  14. 13 hours ago, markstanco said:
    16 hours ago, wd40 said:
    I haven't been on a well in 30 years, and I even I could tell it was probably a hose left on, especially after checking the psi at the pump.  to let it ride for a week like that?  do you not ever shower or wash your hands?  stanco, indeed.
    I call that one a team effort.

    I just assumed she was running the dishwasher or doing laundry.   On facebook, pinterest, etc.


  15. Update #2: Went to court today. In a twist, there was a different judge this time. He thumbed through the book reports, asked her some questions about herself (What do you want to do after HS, etc) and said we were good to go. Had to pay the court costs of $225, which my daughter paid out of her own money. I told her I hope she learned how easy she just got it and that it won't happen again when she turns 18 in a few months. 

    I was sweating like a whore in church the whole time we were in there. So glad it's over.

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