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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. If he had lied and said he was leaving because of repeated head trauma, people would be gently stroking his cock as he rode off into retirement. The lesson here is: Always lie.

    I don't blame him for quitting, he shouldn't play if his desire is gone. It's like staying in a shitty marriage. His timing sucks but whatever. I wish I was 29 and rich, don't need to work and getting ready to travel all over. Wait, now I DO hate him.

    • Like 2
  2. 37 minutes ago, CurlyDumps said:

    Fucking sucks.  Jesus, how bad is his current Injury? I wonder if this is really the end or he just needs a break, MJ style?

    If that's the case, his dad better watch his back.

    • Like 2
  3. 6 minutes ago, Planet Houston said:

    Uh...wow. OK. 

    Personally, I grew up in London until I was 10. I had friends whose parents hailed from Iran, China, Brunei, Lebanon, Egypt, various countries in Europe, and the US. I never thought anything about it at the time, but it gave me a truly international perspective from a young age that is ingrained in me. 

    I love to be surrounded by people who don’t look like me (i.e., WASPy) and I want my kids to be surrounded by the same. 

    So yeah, I appreciate the Mexican and Central American presence, but I also appreciate being around Indians, Asians, Aussies, Nigerians and other Africans, Europeans and every other culture we have here. I happen to also work with quite a diverse cross section of all of the above. 

    So yeah, some people give a fuck about diversity other than good Mexican food, you fucking jackass. 

    The upshot for you is that it sounds like you’d love The Woodlands. 

    Ha, I grew up in West Germany until I entered 8th grade. Dad was USAF and I grew up with other military brats of every race but mostly white and black. Few hispanics or asians. I never gave a shit, we just did "kid stuff" and you were either an asshole or not, race wasn't a factor. To this day, race doesn't matter to me but the asshole part still does. I don't give a fuck about "being diverse", just be cool to each other.

    When I plan a vacation, I never think "Gee, I really want to go somewhere diverse!". I just want to have a good time and be around friendly people. 

    I don't live in Texas, I have no idea what the Woodlands is all about. Go fuck yourself, you pretentious douche.

    • Like 4
    • Haha 1
  4. 9 hours ago, Planet Houston said:

    When the city is the most diverse in the country

    Who gives a fuck about diversity? Is this code for "good mexican food"? Just say there's more food options.

    I've been to Houston 3 times and never hit the infamous shitty traffic. I wish I had a better superpower but I guess I'll take it. 

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, tbone_ said:

    True. But 10 years younger for me would have been 28. It was probably time to go ahead and grow up at 28.

    That's me, I was 28 when mine were born. I didn't think I was ready but looking back, I wouldn't have been ready at 38, either.

    It's funny, January 1st 2001, I was 27, unmarried (engaged) and had no kids. On December 31st, I was 28, married and had 2 biological kids. WTF was I thinking?

  6. 36 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    I’m a man (over 40) and I’m going to be armybrat old when my 3 and 6 year-olds are in college.  

    When it comes to toddlers/little kids, my patience has been worn away. I couldn't do it now (over 40 as well). I salute you, Sir. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Mother mopar said:

    This is my experience with napa, they are so hit or miss. Autozone has the parts but are crap.

    NAPA is almost 25% higher priced than AZ, at least where I live. 

  8. What is it with auto parts stores that never seem to have anything I need in stock?  Not just parts, one time I couldn't get a 14mm wrench. I really want to support my local businesses but I just ordered my stuff from Amazon for almost half the price and it'll be at my house tomorrow.  And I don't have some exotic car, 90s japanese cars are a dime a dozen. 

  9. On 8/14/2019 at 9:44 PM, Modessit said:
    On 8/14/2019 at 8:22 PM, hundredTT said:
    Finally convinced the lady to watch Game of Thrones. We both thought it was dumb first few episodes, then got hooked. I’m all excited to start the later episodes in season one and see her reading wiki on her phone about the show. I knew what she was doing but it was too late. She wiki’d the entire ending and all the spoilers. She did this shit with Breaking Bad. I’m like what’s the damn point of watching the show now?? She says she still wants to watch even though she knows every fucking thing that will happen. 🤦‍♂️

    I have a friend who does that before going to the theater to see a movie. I'll ask him if he's want to see (whatever) and he said he already read the Wiki plot and knows how it ends. I told him he was a dumbass.

    Anytime my wife and I watch a whodunnit or a movie that hints about having a twist near the end, my wife starts about 5 mins in with "I think THAT guy is the killer!". Then she'll hedge her bet later on by adding that these other 2-3 people could also be the killer. Then at the end, when she is proven wrong, she'll say that she was "just about to say that it was him!". 

    • Haha 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Brew said:

    364 square feet is the bullshit part. I’m one of those people that actually like my wife, but confine us to the size of our living room going forward and that would likely change quickly.

    I'd be ok with it if we were having sex constantly but this is a wife we're talking about, so.....

    • Haha 1
  11. I learned how to play when I was working in the county jail. All of us officers would hang out in the office and play. I had watched the inmates playing and always wondered how they just knew what the other guys were gonna do. It was like magic. After much playing and getting roasted ("Do the dishes, bitch!"), I got it. It's like I had The Glow or something. I knew what a guy was holding when he played a certain domino, I just KNEW it. Sadly, I haven't played in over 20 years so all that shit is gone. My friends never played and I'm not about to slap down "Fitteen, muthafucka!" on my wife or kids. I had a good run, though.


  12. On 7/30/2019 at 10:45 AM, HouTex said:

    I recall that in the late 70's or early 80's Coors had that stupid pop top that required you to push down on the top of the can with your finger or thumb in two different spots where the opening was attached to the lid.  If you did it correctly the opening piece of aluminum would be pushed into the can but the top would stay attached to the lid--thus helping control litter.  The problem was that people were cutting the hell out of their fingers/thumbs on the edge of the opening so they had to go back to the pull tabs until something like the current lever system was adopted.  

    Coors talk not going away:

    I remember when we left California in 1980 to visit my dad's family in Indiana, my uncle begged my dad to bring some Coors back for him, as you couldn't get it in Indiana at the time. I believe because it wasn't pasteurized, but I was a kid so I have no idea. 

  13. My twin girls will be seniors next month. We live in the OKC metro and both have decided they want to go to Oklahoma State, which is fine with me. My wealthy ex father-in-law (their grandfather) told them he'd pay for their first semester and if they got good grades and didn't take any (in his opinion) bullshit classes, he'd continue to pay for their education. So hopefully they don't fuck it up. One wants to be an RN, the other wants to teach math, I think they'll be ok.

    Interestingly, neither kid wants to dive head first into college life. Both have said they want to go to OSU-OKC (OSU's version of community college) to get started and then they'll transfer to Stillwater later. They are a bit scared to leave home. I'm scared for them to leave, but I haven't told them that. I just want them to be successful adults, and I'll support whatever can make that happen.

  14. 14 hours ago, Helobious said:

    Cool lunch story bro: One of our family friends in Harlingen was a cardiologist, guy was easily a millionaire. He had a daughter who had gone to private schools up thru middle school. But there’s not really many private HS options in the valley so even the rich families go public for HS. The dad was a major “no handouts” type of person, and was bewildered when he learned all students at harlingen south high school got free lunch regardless of income, since the % of poor kids was so high. 

    He literally arranged a meeting with the principal and then superintendent trying to get them to allow them to charge his daughter for lunch. They refused and told him she could either bring her lunch everyday or eat the free lunch. But I think then they “let” him make some donation to the school as a compromise for him. 

    Was this school closed campus? I never stepped foot inside my HS cafeteria, I always went home for lunch or out to eat with friends. Fuck eating school lunch.

  15. 4 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

    I think the one of those Twitter challenges should be 'Name a movie role for Tom Hanks that he wouldn't knock completely out of the park."

    Odd timing for this movie, though, so soon after the documentary had such wide release.

    He was amazing IMO as Walt Disney in Saving Mr Banks. He looks incredible here, too. 

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