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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. 20 hours ago, El Diablo said:

    The US military has a long history with prostitutes wherever they've been. I've seen estimates that 80 percent of single GI's and 50 percent of married GI's engaged with whores in Europe during WWII. People wanna fuck during good times and bad. The military turns a blind eye to it for the most part, their biggest concern has always been with STDs. 

    You're 100% right, no doubt. But I would apply the same standard to the men. If I had been the wife and the guy had come back from a few years at war with a baby that he fathered, that's a no from me, dawg. And I get it, a LOT of those guys probably thought they weren't gonna make it back, so might as well get some foreign poontang.  Just one of the many reasons I'm glad I've never been in that situation.

  2. 15 hours ago, Trey3216 said:

    Weather channel just showed another wall cloud live in El Reno.  Good Lord.  Why would anyone live near that place.   Always getting hit 

    I live a few miles from El Reno, I don't remember it being that bad until 2013 or so. 

    CSB/ Got home from work about 5:20 last night, wife says the storm is supposed to hit at 5:45 or so. I go back to change clothes and take a dump. As I'm shitting, the tornado sirens go off. I rolled the dice and finished my shit, the storms moved north of us. Can't wait till tonight, wonder what the weather has in store?

  3. On 5/24/2019 at 7:54 AM, bmbmd said:

    They lost me when the discontinued their Saturday morning outdoor block, especially Jerry McKinnis' "The Fishin' Hole" and "Walkers Cay Chronicles".  

    Walkers Cay was the shit. Guy fishing and talking about life and nature and whatever. Loved it.

    I miss the lumberjack stuff as well. I always expected to see a guy chop off his foot. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Enchubben said:

    It’s not just the changing of it but how.  It’s as if they are unaware that the a/c or heat does not need to be at max strength.  They get a little chilly, and they turn the a/c completely off. A little hot, and they turn the max ac on to 60 degrees. Instead of just setting the temperature to a comfortable steady level they constantly adjust it.

    They're idiots.

    My ex-wife would do this. Winter day, get into the cold car, turn the heater on full blast. Once it got to swealtering, turn it completely off until you start to freeze again. I tried to explain how you could gradually get to a comfortable temp but she acted like I was speaking Greek. 

  5. 22 minutes ago, CooterBrown said:

    Oklahoma’s registry is to track non-sex offenders since it’s an easier list to maintain.

    The correct answer is "nobody presses charges because they don't want their father/brother/uncle to go to jail".

  6. I dropped cable several years ago, not just because of ESPN but it was a big part of it. I hated the political crap but I also hated the deliberate push of women's sports. I love women, love tits and ass. I have 2 daughters, I have a great wife. I don't care about softball or women's basketball. They keep trying to make women's sports a huge deal and it's just not gonna happen. I also can't stand the way they just HAVE to toss in a hot chick on some debate show. They want to promote women in sports and "we're more than just a pretty face" but they blow it by having a random hot chick on there, like that's really where she wants to be, talking sports with the fellas. Yes, I'd rather look at Holly Saunders than Barry Melrose but eventually, she's gonna open her mouth and the whole thing is over.

    For whatever reason, I don't mind women that are commentating at an actual game, like Doris Burke. Or Dottie Pepper on a golf telecast. They sound knowledgeable and don't try to be a know it all IMO.

  7. 2 hours ago, tantric superman said:

    I started my first job after law school and the woman who started with me was a woman (OU law school grad) who was in the last stages of denying she was a lesbian.  She came out full force a few years later, and although I have enjoyed by two kids, she's traveled the world and lived pretty damn large -- two income childless gay couples have a bit of extra spending money than us folks with kids.

    Especially in this overcrowded world, I could see being comfortable with the decision not to have kids.

    As a guy, I never ever felt there was some biological or ethical force to have kids. 

    To fuck like snakes, yes.  But not to have kids.

    I never had a desire to have kids. My then-wife wanted kids, I went along with it because I figured that's what you do. I bet there's a lot of guys that had kids because their wives wanted it and they just went along with it. 

  8. 33 minutes ago, Snake Diggity said:

    Ha, no.  My kids are wonderful: beautiful, well-behaved, funny, everything.  But for me, the yoke of responsibility that goes with being a parent is nearly unbearable.  The amount of worry and stress I have been under since having kids simply hasn’t been worth it so far.  I just don’t feel like I was cut out to be a parent.  It has also put a huge strain on my marriage.  My kids are still very young, so I am hopeful that once they are a little older and more independent the experience won’t be so heavy and I will be able to enjoy it a little more.

    Those heavy feelings will still be there, it will just come from a different angle. My kids are almost 18, so now I worry about auto accidents, drugs, boyfriends, etc., instead of climbing trees or sticking a fork in the outlet. It sucks, I wish I was better at controlling my feelings.

  9. On 5/4/2019 at 6:53 PM, Red Five said:

    I now want that shirt more than anything on earth. 

    I wound up buying that iron-on off of ebay, $15 plus shipping. I'm going to order a shirt that matches the one I had as a kid and have a local place heat-press it. Not sure if I'll wear it out in public but I'm doing it anyway.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Knoxtnhorn said:

    I thought they'd taken cover in a basement, couldn't get out, and water filled the room.  I could be mistaken.  Either way, absolutely horrible to consider.

    That's what happened. They got trapped and the water poured in on them. Plaza Towers Elementary. Horrible.

    We're up to a 45% chance of tornadoes. It's getting serious up here.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Chewbacca said:
    8 minutes ago, Sandman said:
    I need some help finding a tough dog toy. My Boston Terrier will instantly destroy anything that I give him, unless he doesn't like it. Then he just ignores it. I got him a classic Kong but unless it has peanut butter in it, he's not too keen about it. I got him a big donut (made of a tough-looking corduroy material), he tore it open. Got him a Kong ring, he tore off the covering (tennis ball kind of felt).  Tonight, I got him a Kong bone that has crackling plastic inside of it, like an empty plastic water bottle. He tore off the top of it. 
    I got him a water buffalo horn once and he likes it, but the smell is so horrible, my wife can't stand it. I'm at a loss.

    Kong moose has worked well for us. Body is a circle/ donut.

    This thing? Hmm. 



  12. I need some help finding a tough dog toy. My Boston Terrier will instantly destroy anything that I give him, unless he doesn't like it. Then he just ignores it. I got him a classic Kong but unless it has peanut butter in it, he's not too keen about it. I got him a big donut (made of a tough-looking corduroy material), he tore it open. Got him a Kong ring, he tore off the covering (tennis ball kind of felt).  Tonight, I got him a Kong bone that has crackling plastic inside of it, like an empty plastic water bottle. He tore off the top of it. 

    I got him a water buffalo horn once and he likes it, but the smell is so horrible, my wife can't stand it. I'm at a loss.

  13. 15 hours ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

     Apparently, there is no shortage of fire fighters so their pay scale must be acceptable.


    No shit. I always hear that crap about "they do a job that no one else wants to do!". I guess that explains why there's a line down the fucking block when they are accepting applications for the academy. I'm not saying it's a gravy job but let's not act like they're hurting for applicants. People know about the benefits. I worked a shit job at the county jail, that job sucked ass and the pay was horrible. But we always had people waiting for an opening, they wanted the county insurance, pension and the pipe dream of being on patrol one day.

  14. 12 minutes ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    They'd still own his rights, so he could go back to Duke in a play to try and leverage New Orleans to trade his rights, but it's highly unlikely it'd work or he'd do this.  He's never even been to New Orleans, he may love it.  



    He hasn't been drafted, yet. The deadline to pull out is May 29th. If he pulls out, nothing the Pels can do.

    EDIT: Just so we're clear, I don't think he'll do this and don't think he should. I'd take the money.

  15. 2 years ago, I only had one car for my twins, which was a 2002 Accord. Then my uncle died and my dad bought his 2012 Fusion. He wanted my kids to each have a car to drive, so he gave it to me. I told the kids, first one to get a job gets first pick of the cars. One kid was slightly pissed, I'll let you guess which one.


  16. People that can't figure out how to use "bias" and "biased" in a sentence. They can DIAF with the "dominate" and "dominant" fuckers.  

    The only good thing about it is that I now know who has read a book or two and who has not.

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  17. 6 minutes ago, South Austin said:

    Curious as to why the USAF over the Marines.  I ask that having a friend who served in the Air Force as an intelligence officer and he parlayed that into pretty damn good work in the corporate world.  But I have personal affection toward the Marines (see above post).

    Dad knew the Air Force, front to back. I (now) trust his opinion on it. My USMC career ended very, very early due to injury and I feel like I could have avoided that in the Air Force. But 19 year old fucksticks don't think that way, all they know is the Marines are tough and badass, Airmen are dorks and losers. Who's the loser now? Spoiler: It's me.

  18. I would have applied myself in HS and gone to college. Not going to college is probably my biggest regrets. I joined the Marine Corps instead and I wouldn't do that again, I'd go into the USAF like my dad suggested. He was in year 25 of his Air Force career and strongly recommended that I go that route instead of the Marines. I figured I knew better than he and made a huge mistake. He never said "I told you so", and I'll always love him for that. 

    No one has said this so far, but I'd also run far away from my ex-wife and ensure that I'd never meet her. 

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