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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. On 4/1/2019 at 12:51 PM, Dr. Beeper said:

    A lot of them don’t care about basketball. But that is beside the point. They all have very large egos. And I don’t think you realize how wealthy boosters of Texas, SMU, A&M, Baylor, Tech, and TCU are - probably in that order. A few million is like us stroking a check for a few hundred/thousand.  Being a billionaire is quite, quite different than being a millionaire. And all the schools above have multiple billionaire boosters. 

    Not always. Boone Pickens doesn't give a fuck about basketball. To prove it, he let us wallow through the Travis Ford era for years. He could've wiped his ass with the buyout money but he chose to stay out of it. Totally his choice but it really sucked.

  2. 1 hour ago, TornACL said:

    I was thinking of my elderly parents, who are convinced that anyone who uses Uber or Lyft is begging to get murdered.


    My dad still refuses to use an ATM. He said my sister lost money one time while using one, she had no clue what he's talking about. He used to refuse to use a restaurant drive-thru, not sure if that's still a thing with him. He's 71 FWIW.

  3. 1 hour ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

    Only Kevin Harlan deserves 10,000,000 to call a game. I wouldnt even be upset if he made that as long as he called every game possible including super bowls for fox, nbc,cbs, the final four and nba finals.

    I want to smack Kevin Harlan right in the fucking mouth. He does the radio broadcast (or he used to, not sure if he still does) for the NCAA hoops tourney. He always makes up some pithy comment after the title game and they are retarded. "U bet it's UCONN!" or "Nothing could be finer than a championship for Carolina!". Fuck that guy.

    I always thought Summerall was better than Madden. "Montana. Rice. Touchdown." I like Romo. As far as "Does he bring more eyes to the broadcast?", I think so. People are constantly tweeting when he predicts the plays, I can't believe people aren't tuning in after they see it. 

    Also, that chick on ESPN has a weird accent but her voice doesn't bother me. It's almost like that annoying chick at work that you don't like, but after 4 or 5 years, you think about what it would be like to bone the shit out of her.

  4. Wife made plans for us to have our 3 year old niece spend the night on Friday and stick around for most of Saturday, too. I was not made aware of these plans until last night, when I told her about some things we should do on Saturday. WTF do they constantly do this? I'm not raging mad but it sure is irritating when no one bothers to include you in this shit.

  5. When I was a teen, I used to keep my Sports Illustrated mags and those were weekly. I had several computer paper boxes full of them. When I moved out, my dad said that shit needs to go as well. I pared it down to one box of the special ones (35th anniversary, 49ers SB wins, etc.) and he let me keep it at the house. Never saw that box again, LOL. I'm sure he gave them away during a garage sale, like he did to my baseball cards.

  6. 21 minutes ago, XYZ said:

    In what ways do you feel better?

    I used to sit around the house and have zero desire to do ANYTHING. Even things I liked. I didn't feel like there was any point. I would say "Yeah, I could play golf/watch a movie/whatever but fuck, it'll just be over eventually and I'll come right back here and sit so why not just cut out the BS and just sit all day?". I quit pestering my wife for sex. I just didn't give a shit about anything. My counsellor said it sounded like depression but I didn't have any reason to be depressed IMO. I told my wife I wanted to go to the Dr., which is a big thing for me, I don't go to the Dr. at all. My T level was under 300, like 272 or so. I take 0.75m every week.

    I'm not gonna say I'm running marathons or anything but I just feel better inside, if that makes any sense. When I think about doing something, I actually do some of those things! For years, I've always wanted a fun little convertible, just something to fart around town in with my wife. So last year, I found a cheap Miata and bought it. It's been a blast, I love tinkering with it. Shit like that. Basically, I no longer feel like EVERYTHING is just a waste of time. I feel like even the little things are cool, like going to the store or watching a youtube video. Hell, I even lost weight. Not to mention, my libido is off the hook. My wife can't keep up. It's been a great decision, I think.

  7. 3 minutes ago, XYZ said:

    I’ve been thinking about seeing a doctor to get my testosterone level checked. I did it once about 5 years ago and the doctor was like “we consider below 300 to be low, you are at 320, so you are good”. I never went back to that idiot. One thing that bugs me about testosterone therapy is that it seems that once you start, then your body adapts to it and it produces even less, so you are basically stuck with it forever.

    I thought the same thing, so I asked my Doc. He said if I were to stop taking it, my body would eventually start producing it again, but it would still be low like it was before. I feel a lot better than I used to, so I don't mind getting a shot every week if that's what it takes. 

  8. On ‎3‎/‎25‎/‎2019 at 7:11 PM, TwiceHorn said:

    That seems to be one of the features of most mental illnesses.  First, no one wants to admit that anything's wrong, and even after diagnosis, they manage to convince themselves nothing will help.

    At least with the latter, it helps to treat it like any other illness:  you need to see a doctor/take your meds/go to therapy/get some exercise because you don't think it's going to go away by itself do you?

    I'd say definitely go to your regular Dr. and get checked out. Maybe it's not purely a mental thing? I found out my testosterone was really low, which explained my lethargy and my lack of desire to change anything. I started TRT and I also went back to see my counsellor, I feel both of those were good ideas. 

  9. 5 minutes ago, Gene Parmesan said:

    I have no problem with it not being reviewable, but I think it's ridiculous that it's a spot foul.  I would rather them just make it 15 yards and keep the game moving.  They need to streamline the review process.  Nobody needs to go under the hood.  Hire some additional booth guys to review and put them on a clock.  If they can't come to a conclusion in so much time the call on the field stands.

    IMO the spot foul part makes coaches just fling it up there to try to get a call. Why bother making up ground on 2nd an 20 when you can fling it 50 yds downfield and get PI called? I like the college rule of 15 yds. Its punitive but not absurdly so.

  10. 25 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    In nyc, there’s no reason to have cars. Lose the car payments, insurance, and gas. 

    Then lose the 18k to charity. There’s over 30 thousand right there. 

    Plus the aforementioned vacation budget. 

    I just assumed that was done solely for tax purposes.

  11. 16 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    When is the last time someone actually successfully bombed a school? I mean I would imagine like 99% of all called in threats are just noise or stupid kids being stupid. Doesn't mean you can ignore them - but maybe treat the situation accordingly. Occam's razor and all that. 

    I was in school in Germany when Dad got stationed there in 1980, we had several bomb threats. At first, the administration freaked out, we had a bombing at a disco in Frankfurt around the same time so it was fresh on people's minds. So they would just evacuate the school and we were cut loose. We loved it, we got to go home. After this happened a couple of times, they just marched us down to the local movie theatre and we had to sit there until everything was clear. We didn't have any more bomb threats after that. 

  12. We got our first VCR in 1981, I turned 8 that year. Dad borrowed a couple of tapes from a guy at work. The Elephant Man was the first one we watched. I was fucking scarred for life, had nightmares afterwards. I still can't look at that shit to this day. Mommie Dearest was the second but I was too young to really understand it. 

    But fr, fuck the elephant man. 

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