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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. 7 hours ago, 52-80 said:


    "homemade" foods - for stuff actually made in low-batch, at home.  if youre cooking soup for 500 people in a cafeteria, its not homemade.  if you pump out industrial quantities of cookies to distribute to albertsons, its not "homemade", even if its baked from scratched



    I hate when douchebag chefs call someone a "Home Cook". No, MF'er, I am a human adult that wants to feed myself. I'm not a "cook". 

  2. 10 hours ago, Nicole44 said:

    Sorry for bothering y’all. Just thought it was cool DNA and dipshits (who care about what specific part of a country they belong to) are solving crimes. It’s like watching John Walsh if DNA swabbing (voluntarily-lmao) was a crime show. 

    Yeah, I hate people who like stuff, too.

  3. I'm having issues with my bed cover. I have an OEM cover on my F150, it's the clamshell type that lifts up at the tailgate. It's just one big fiberglass piece. According to the window sticker, this was installed by the dealer for the original owner. 

    When it's open, it moves normally, doesn't stick or feel too loose, seems fine. But when I close it, it shifts dramatically to the right (passenger side). It hangs over too far to the right and it's so tight on the left side that it has rubbed off the paint. I unhooked it from the 2 piston/arms and lowered it, still shifted to the right and I can't get it to move left. I thought maybe one of the arms was bent but that doesn't appear to be the problem.

    I need to take it off to move some stuff anyway, and taking it off was going to be my first step to see if I can get it back on straight. But in the event that it goes back on with the same problem, I'm not sure what my next step should be. I don't want to go to the dealership because God knows what they'd charge to fix it but I'm not sure I have any other options. I figure most truck accessory shops would rather sell me a new cover instead of try to fix mine. 

  4. My wife is always insisting on using the GPS, I told her you've lived here (OKC metro) your whole life, how do you not know where you're going? Fuck, anytime we go somewhere "new", I have to drive because she's too scared to drive in a new place. And sound the alarm if there's any one way streets involved.

  5. 22 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:

    Are you kidding?  If it's a women's sport, they are maxing their scholarships.  Texas basically balances Title IX by giving out something like 40 women's rowing scholarships.  I had a girl in my class one year at UT who was on the rowing team.  She told me she was on a full athletic scholarship, and she had never been on a rowing team in high school.  

    Not to mention that some of the smaller sports don't even get full schollys for each kid. Wrestling, for example, only gets 9.9 scholarships to divide amongst the whole team. Pretty sure baseball is similar.

  6. 1 hour ago, Rimbo said:

    And, just so we're absolutely clear on this, she did suggest the idea and help show my daughter how to play with rice. It's not like my daughter got into the rice on her own.


    Bro, we already know this. We've been there.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Cajun said:

    For those with a 2009 and up F150, this is a damned fine hack if you're into storing some shit in your truck...


    Dumb question perhaps, but at the 1 minute mark, what it that plastic funnel looking thing under the seat? When I bought my last truck, I found one in the glove box but I had no clue what it was. I left it there when I traded it in.

  8. I thought Black Panther was meh. I didn't notice any SJW stuff, it was just: Hero is there, Hero has a setback, Hero saves everyone. I wanted something more. 

    I never cared for Captain Marvel when I was reading comics, I remember when he died and that's about it. The character does nothing for me, man or woman. Brie Larson has all the personality of a piece of driftwood, so I have zero interest in this one, regardless of her "girl power" talk. It really does seem like Green Lantern redux. 


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  9. 15 hours ago, Scooter Monzingo said:

    I am in agreement 100%. When Candy got mad at Garrison (Costner) in the lunch scene. I actually felt like he must have had an unreported off screen incident with Costner that allowed him to generate that level of emotion. I, like most people at the time. Believed John Candy to be a comedic actor who was gifted with excellent timing, but lacked the chops to deliver dramatic lines in that way. And in hindsight I wish he would have lived long enough to have had the opportunity to see just how far he could have gone with it.

    I also agree with you on Robin Williams. He gets a huge nod by most for Patch Adams. But, I remember him more for his role as Dr Cozy Carlisle in Dead Again. Maybe his demons helped him find the depth of the character that he was portraying. But the guy was simply amazing doing drama.

    I agree on JFK. He can go from a smarmy sleazeball ("Cashew pieces?") to "You're as crazy as yo mama!". Dude was awesome. 

    Only the Lonely might be my favorite of his films. He and O'Hara were just great.

  10. 13 hours ago, Jkwellborn said:

    What does being on the rag have to do with anything?

    Judge me if you like, but I've never liked period sex. Done it many times but it's not my cup of tea.

  11. 2 hours ago, thestud said:

    If I had gotten caught for 1/10th the stupid shit I did in high school I’d still be in prison right now. I was arrested twice before my 17th birthday and if you get my dad drunk enough he’ll admit he didn’t think I would live to see my 21st birthday given the crowd I associated with and the decisions I made.

    As it stands I grew up a little, grew stupid, then grew up some more and finally halfway got my shit together. Over this past weekend I was directly responsible for two separate cases of sudden cardiac arrest not only regaining pulses but eventually being diagnosed with a high probability of discharge with zero deficits.

    Don’t be easy on your kid, but don’t give up on her either.

    I agree, I did dumb stuff as well. Not drugs or alcohol but other dumb shit, but I never got caught. I was lucky.

    I'll admit that I'm having a hard time with it, it pisses me off. But she's a good student and is always good mannered. Perhaps she's got a bit of Eddie Haskell in her, making a good show for the adults? I dunno. I try to be firm but not harsh, supportive but not her "buddy". She hasn't been allowed to drive since the incident and I'm not sure when I'll let her start again. Her goal is to become an RN, so pretty interesting that you mention you're in a medical field. Perhaps it attracts a certain type of personality? I sure as hell don't have it.

  12. Update:

    Went to court yesterday, I was surprised at how many parents and kids were there. I guess they have a set day and time for juvenile cases in my town. My kid pled guilty to the charges, the elderly judge gave her a calm version of the riot act, then deferred the sentence for 6 months. The judge then chose 6 novels from a list he had in front of him and said she had to read each one and give a book report on them. She also has to attend a "first time offenders" class. He said if she gets everything done, "You will be rewarded.". If not, the cost of the tickets is over $1800 and she could have her license suspended. I told her she needs to start reading today.

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  13. CSB/ I was a less than mediocre swimmer in high school. At one meet, we had more boys than the other school and thus there weren't enough lanes in their tiny pool. So I had to go in a weird 2nd heat of the event (100 back) by myself. To finish off the rest of the lanes, they had some girls do their 100 back as well. I fucking crushed those chicks and like I said, I wasn't good at all. It was pretty funny, and I got to look at chicks in swimsuits all day, so it was a win for me /CSB

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