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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. 40 minutes ago, phdhorn said:

    Well shit.  Man I'll miss him.  The nicest guy you can imagine (yeah I met him).

    He was fucking talented as shit, too.  Played folk guitar/banjo etc. for 10 years before becoming a Monkee.  He could also play keys pretty well and bass.  He ended up playing a lot of stuff on their later albums (the Monkees' members were always talented musicians, it's a total fucking fake bullshit that they didn't play on their early albums "because they didn't know how to."  They were essentially ordered to let session musicians come in, and for your first album, they didn't have a lot of rights - yet.)  Dolenz grew up playing guitar, Jones had an impressive stage career as a singer in musicals, and of course Nesmith speaks for himself.  They were as talented as almost any group back in the late 60's.  But they were already doomed as teen pop stars, although some of their later stuff was pretty cool.

    Anyway, RIP, Mr. Thorkleson.  You made a lot of people really happy to be alive.  I was one of them.

    He was in that doc "The Wrecking Crew" and talked about how he brought his guitars and equipment in to record the album, only to be told he wasn't playing. He didn't seem too upset, he said those guys were badasses but I bet he was pretty salty when it happened and I wouldn't blame him.

  2. I fell off the wagon and I'm looking at trucks again. I found a couple of Rams that look good, not sure about quality. Anyone have the lowdown on 2016-17 Ram? What to look for or avoid?

  3. 1 hour ago, Horn of Gabriel said:

    New cars are easiest.  

    1) Locate every dealer of the make you're going after in a radius you're willing to go to, e.g. 100 miles, or "All of Texas."  Call all of them and ask for their "Internet Sales" department.  Get that guy's email address.

    2) Go to toyota.com and spec out the exact car you want, every detail - it's new so make it how you want it

    3) Email that spec to every address you collected (be sure to CC: them so they can see that they are competing) with this note: "Hi, I'm a cash buyer looking for a 2019 4Runner with the following spec (see attached).  I will make a decision on who I buy through in the next several days, please send me your best offer on this specific model and options (no changes).

    3a -  optional) After you get a bunch of responses, narrow it down to the top 3 and email back #2 and 3 with #1's offer with this message: "Hi, you're currently in my top 3, but I received an offer for the same model/options from another dealer for $xx,xxx.  I'd prefer to use you for this purchase - can you beat this deal?"

    4) Make a decision taking into account price, location, dealer reputation, etc

    5) Drive there and hand them a cheque, leave with your new vehicle


    You can also use online services like TrueCar to get in the ballpark.

    Another option is have UFCU or Costco do all this for you - they offer that as a service.

    I tried a similar tactic and every dealer I contacted told me they couldn't talk about price or anything unless I was willing to come in person and talk to them. Perhaps they've grown tired of this game, I don't know. I told them I wasn't coming down to fuck around, that I wanted to buy a car today and they still didn't budge. I did not buy a car.

  4. Talking with the wife about my daughter and how much it would cost for something. Wife says, "We will make it work. Money is no option!". 

    She corrected herself pretty quickly but the damage was done. I got to tease her about it for the rest of the day, "Can't go shopping, money is not an option. Sorry."

  5. Were any of your folks brand loyalists? My dad wouldn't own a GM car, we only had Fords and Chryslers when I was growing up. That trickled down to me as well, I've never owned any GM cars either. I've had mostly Fords, with a few Hondas sprinkled in.

  6. 11 hours ago, 'stache said:

    Worst kept secret in Oklahoma.

    OU investigating accusations of sexual harassment against former President David Boren, The Oklahoman reports

    The Oklahoman is reporting that the Jones Day Law Firm is investigating whether former OU President David Boren sexually harassed male aides.

    The university previously confirmed to The Daily that the law firm had been conducting an investigation regarding misreporting of financial data to the university, but had not clarified the entire scope of their inquiry.


    He was accused of doing the same thing to Senate staffers in the early 90's. He resigned and took the job at ou after that. It always seemed odd that a man in his early 50's would up and quit his job as a US Senator when he had 2 years left on his term. 

  7. On ‎2‎/‎12‎/‎2019 at 12:50 PM, Nuge said:

    She's 11.5 in human years.

    We got her when she was 11 weeks old from the Humane Society shelter on Townlake.  My wife (soon to be ex) and I would walk around the lake and stop in at the shelter to check on the dogs.  We originally were looking for a chocolate lab.  One day while we were there one of the volunteers told us that the black dogs were rarely adopted and consequently put down the most.  We were like, "people are racist against dogs?" so we determined that we'd be adopting a black lab.  One day we're on our usual weekend jaunt and stroll through the shelter.  Every dog in the place was absolutely losing their shit.  Barking, howling, jumping - generally being crazy.  Except one.  This little 8 week old black lab puppy.  She was fast asleep in her pen.  We opened the gate, went inside, and sat down.  The puppy woke up, walked over to my wife, licked her hand and promptly went back to sleep in her lap.  We looked at each other and just knew.  We found our dog.


    We had to wait a couple of weeks to take her home in case her original family came to claim her.  No one ever did.  We couldn't figure out how somebody could lose a beautiful black lab puppy and not try and find her.  Whatever, their loss.

    We named her Olive.  She was, and continues to be the best dog I have ever known.  She loves everybody and everybody that has ever met her wants to take her home and keep her.  She's perfect.  She's happiest being off-leash accompanying me playing disc golf.  She's never chased a disc and is always within 30 feet of me happily sniffing and snuffling everything.


    She doesn't have much time left now, so she'll be eating steak for her remaining days.  We're making a bucket list of her favorite things and will be taking her to her favorite places.  I'm going to miss her deeply.  Thankful that I got to enjoy her for the past 11 years but sad that our adventures together are ending.

    Goodbye Olive.  I love you.  You're a good girl.


    That smile! She looks like she's saying "I already know I'm the best, you dumbass. No need to remind me."  So sorry to hear she's leaving you soon. 

    • Like 1
  8. 17 hours ago, Bat Guano said:

    A car salesman tried to get my girlfriend to get some kind of insurance once for exactly this kind of situation, to pay off the loan if she died, so her family wouldn't be stuck with the payments.

    Why would I care about that? I'll be dead, she said. Salesman was at a loss for words for a while.

    If she's young, not married and has no children, I'd have said the same thing. But when my parents built their house, they had the option to get one of those policies and they said nah, we don't need that. Mom died suddenly after about a year, Dad was kicking himself for not getting the policy, like he had any idea that was gonna happen. It certainly made me more paranoid.

  9. 4 minutes ago, DaysOff said:
    49 minutes ago, Sandman said:
    As a tall/fat male (6'6", 270lbs) I like these mannequins because they give an accurate representation of how these clothes will look on a tall/fat body. Half the time, I see the shirt on a shredded fitness guru mannequin and I have to wonder exactly how terrible I'll look when I wear this shirt. 

    Do you have eligibility left?

    Is there a demand for out of shape guys in their mid-forties? 

  10. 5 hours ago, alincoln said:

    Mannequins in OP make sense.  Based on the pic, the majority of the people who shop there are likely overweight and the store is simply catering to its customer base.


    As a tall/fat male (6'6", 270lbs) I like these mannequins because they give an accurate representation of how these clothes will look on a tall/fat body. Half the time, I see the shirt on a shredded fitness guru mannequin and I have to wonder exactly how terrible I'll look when I wear this shirt. 

  11. Last month, my local channels did that FCC update shit and for a couple of them, I cannot get a signal anymore. If I do get it to come in, it cuts out 90% of the time. I've had this antenna for several years, never had a problem until this update. It's affecting multiple TVs, too. I've done a rescan on the TVs (as suggested by the stations) and it doesn't help. So I don't have my CBS station and the NBC one is close behind. I've contacted my CBS station but no reply so far.

    Anything I'm forgetting to do or look at?

  12. 15 hours ago, Vic Mackey said:

    Better hop on Facebook while rushing a parent to the ER! b8d4593b614c258b1d6161b988ddbacd.jpg

    My sister did the same thing, that's how my kids found out that their grandfather almost died. They were texting me from school, "Please tell paw-paw we love him!". Sis and I had a talk after that. I just don't understand that mindset. I guess it's because I'm not female.

  13. The first new car my dad ever bought was a Ford Torino wagon, which I don't even remember as I was just a toddler. I do remember our 75 or 76 Plymouth Volare (blue with a white vinyl top) and the 78 Pinto wagon (3 door, of course). We ditched the Volare when Dad got orders to Germany in 1980, drove the Pinto from California to NJ and put it on the boat. Dad drove the Pinto until 1985, then he gave it to mom and bought a new Plymouth Reliant wagon. Dad donated the Pinto to the MWR program in 1986 (when we left) and it lived out the rest of it's life in Germany. That fucker lasted at least 10 years, I couldn't believe it.

  14. Used to be, the weekends were for fuckin', as the kids were off to their mother's and my wife and I had the house to ourselves. Now, the kids are working and our routine is all messed up. I still get it a couple times a week but never when I want it. Like hardly ever on a Friday or Saturday night, I gotta strike on Tuesday or something. It really sucks because I don't work Fridays, so I spend all day on the edge and then she fizzles out at 9:30 "Ugh, I'm exhausted". 

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