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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. 8 minutes ago, XYZ said:

    If you are stressing out because of your kid’s dumbass behavior, all I can say is: you are not alone. I have two teenagers, and I can’t fucking wait for them to be done with high school, emancipated, and on their merry way. I’m tired on being a parent.

    I can't tell you how good it makes me feel to hear someone else say that. I thought maybe I was just a piece of shit for wanting my kids to fly from the nest. 

  2. I'm just about at my wit's end with my kid. I'm stressing and I don't like to stress out (who does? Fucking dumbass). I've said it multiple times (not to her but to others) but I didn't grow up around my extended family, my dad was in the USAF and it was just the 4 of us: Me, mom, dad, my sister. I never spent holidays with grandparents or spent weekends hanging with my cousins.  When I was 15, my sister got married and left. I grew up with a disconnect when it comes to family. I can take it or leave it, I don't care. I'm used to not having any. Don't get me wrong, I was crushed when my mom died, but I don't hang out with family much.

    So when my kid (17) fucks up and then acts like an asshole on top of that (and it's not a single incident), I feel the urge to cut her loose. Send her off to the ex-wife and wash my hands of her. Yes, I realize that makes me look like a huge asshole. But I've been the only "real" parent the last 11+ years, her mother is a fucking loser. I know if I send her off, it will be a vacation for her, she won't really have to answer to anyone. Her mother wants to be her buddy, not her mom. I feel like I have to make myself suffer to teach her a lesson, which she doesn't want to learn anyway.

    Part of me feels like it would be a good thing, it will show her just how good she has it at my house. But that's a dream, she'll just party it up with her mom and get away with whatever she wants. And part of me doesn't care!!!  Go be a fuckup, see how far it gets you.

    I want my child to have a good life. I want her to be happy and successful. But I'm tired of having to make the horse take that fucking drink. Go thirsty, then. Of course, the guilt will tear me apart. I wouldn't tell anyone but it would. I cannot win and I don't want to play this game.

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  3. I don't work on Fridays and that's the day I do laundry. Why do I do it? Because I want it to get done. I gather up the hampers and do all of the laundry. Wife can't understand why I don't try to decode her piles of clothes on the bed and on her dresser and wash what she wants washed. I told her it's simple: put the clothes you are done with and want washed into the hamper. How am I supposed to know what's dirty? Tone.

  4. 11 hours ago, NorthLoop said:

    I mean you already got 2, what's 3 gonna make a difference? 

    My main concern is that the 2 I currently have are Boston Terriers, so they're under 30 lbs. This new guy is a 90 lb mastiff mix. So there's the size difference and the fact that they're all males. What if they hate each other? My boston's are siblings, so I didn't worry about them. But if the big one got pissed, that's a wrap for the little fellas.


  5. One of my kids got into some trouble and has to perform 10 hours of community service. One of the options was our local animal shelter/sanctuary. She loves animals and it's nearby, so my wife and I decided to swing by there today and ask some questions. Fuck. There's a dog up there that stole my wife's heart (and a small part of my own). It was all I could do to walk away. We already have a couple of dogs and the wife doesn't want a third. But I haven't been able to get this dog off of my mind. This sucks.

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  6. This looks interesting, but where would you get plans or templates that show you how to make what you want? It's easy to say I want to make a front pocket wallet but I don't have a creative bone in my body. I guess "just google it" is probably the answer.

  7. I took the test last year. One thing that was facinating to me was how right it was. My great-grandfather came over from Greece and I have 6.3% Greek & Balkan DNA. But the results said there was only 1 of the 14 administrative districts in Greece where they could trace my DNA. I already had proof of where my great-grandfather had lived and the test matched it exactly. Pretty damn cool.

    And no, I don't give a damn if "the gubmint gots muh DNA" because they'd probably fuck up whatever plans they made to do something with it. My mom passed away years ago, so I can't ask her anything. Her parents and brother are gone as well. There are no living family members on that side that I've ever met. But I've already been in communication with 2 people on the website. If I can get some information, or maybe even build a relationship with extended family, it's worth it to me.

  8. My co-worker got bit by a dog while walking in his neighborhood. Dog ran off to a shithole house, he went after it and knocked on the door of the house but the occupant refused to answer. Turns out it's a ghetto rent house. He kept going around, eventually the dog owner's neighbor told him they took the dog away so it couldn't be taken from them. He's going to sue the landlord for medical costs. Said he got 6-7 shots the first day, then a couple of follow up shots later. I could've sworn he said the cost was almost 10k. 

  9. 7 minutes ago, Dennis Taylor said:

    is she looking for a job or to switch jobs? because the 'this job sucks because of reasons 1-750 and i need a new one " drama is a whole different level 

    Switching jobs. Current employer merged and we don't know if it will be viable after the dust settles. But she's injecting as much drama as she can, have no fear.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Cheeseweasel said:

    99% of "corporate assistance" makes me think of the Ralph Wiggum "I'm Helping!" line. 

    It's worse than you think, as I work for the state. The only reason we have this shit is because someone out there had to come up with a reason for their job to exist. Fuck that guy/gal. 

  11. Here's a hearty "fuck you" to whoever came up with the idea for "continuing education" at work. Now I have to go to some bullshit class instead of doing my job. I know many people like this shit, as it allows them to slack off but I actually have work to do. 

  12. On 1/24/2019 at 7:13 AM, Al_4_ISU said:

    Wrestling was really popular in Iowa for years, and Dan Gable was better at it than anyone else.  He was undefeated during his time wrestling at ISU, then he won Olympic gold, then he turned heel and lead the Hawkeyes to dominance as their head coach for years.  There are few people who have so thoroughly dominated their sport at as many different levels as he did.

    I've never been much of a fan, and it's a slowly petering out niche sport that no one gives a shit about outside the Plains Midwest and Pennsylvania/New Jersey.  My brother wrestled, so I spent a lot of time at youth wrestling meets as a kid.  It's about an 8 hour ordeal, in some high school gym with a bunch of assholes living vicariously through their kids, aged 5 to 12.  Thankfully my folks weren't that way (they just went to these things because my brother participated), but I was bored out of my damn mind the whole time.  Wrestlers, as a group, are actually super Aggy.  They have an inferiority complex about the popularity of basketball (which overtook wrestling in popularity in Iowa when I was growing up and is now light years beyond), and they make shirts about it.  They all have that cauliflower ear, and they generally seem like psychopaths.  

    The Iowa high school wrestling tournament is a sight to behold.  Every small town wrestling fan descends on downtown for a weekend of demonstrating their aggressive insularity to the rest of the world.  Each town with matching shirts, high school kids getting shitfaced in hotels downtown, and their parents going out to bars (in their matching shirts), bitching about $4 beers, and starting fights with "city faggots".  

    Gable lost his final match, FYI. Not trying to be a dick.

  13. 20 hours ago, Bernard said:

    At what point do Americans wake up and confront the fact that cops are compulsive liars and simply can’t be trusted? The lies they tell even when they KNOW the cameras are rolling is simply astonishing. 


    You're right. With those kinds of atributes, these people should be in congress.

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