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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Orange&White

  1. With Sharp retiring in a few months, is that the end of Looch’s lifeline in the AD?
  2. Definitely one of the best things aggies could do is to provide MORE insight into their cult. I am sure this opportunity will finally dispel all of the myths about aggies and people will get to understand just how normal and cool they really are. It will be like the videos of yell practice, but just much much longer and more detailed.
  3. There was one on the north side of sun city in Georgetown a few months back, but construction in the area caused it to move. We had a bobcat in our backyard about 3 weeks ago.
  4. Now that your not on council anymore, will you go back to showing your vagina to the customers at the water tank?
  5. I am really, really not trying to CR this, but I am thinking of examples to fit this. Sometimes, if it suits your thoughts and beliefs, "murder" is not what you would call it. A few months ago, there would have been a LOT of people in this country to have been OK with "murder" if a certain bullet had veered a few inches aside.
  6. So there's a bomb somewhere, right? Is this what the surprise coming on December 11th is?
  7. Oh good. Another cost that can simply be passed on to the consumers.
  8. As I mentioned, I was simply stating facts and not in any way what I would choose to do or my opinion on the matter, but you can conduct yourself in whatever "manor" you believe.
  9. Excellent retort. UHC will have someone in his position in the next month and they will sift through hundreds of candidates. And they also fill all of their available openings throughout the rest of their company. So explain to me how my "stupid take" is incorrect. I never said I'd take the fucking job and I never said it was good thing. I was simply stating facts.
  10. Because nearly everyone just wants to get paid. Someone will take the job of the guy that is dead, because it pays $10M a year. And people will still go work for UHC because it pays a salary that they can use to feed their family and pay their bills. There are VERY few altruistic people that are not going to take a good salaried job in their field because it is not popular. If UHC offered you his $10M/year salary tomorrow, are you turning it down? Like OJ once told us: "People die every day"
  11. I saw something yesterday that said the gun did not malfunction, it is actually designed to be manually cycled after each shot. And that it was a rare enough gun that they could track where it was purchased fairly easy and they were already looking at a shop in Connecticut.
  12. There is a 100% chance your car gets keyed with this license plate on it.
  13. I don't know if we can stand it...
  14. What are the chances Tucker will be in attendance?
  15. Is there any way to look up their home record this century?
  16. I read an article yesterday (I apologize, I don't remember where) that stated that for the first time since the start of the invasion, the majority of Ukrainian people are now ready to negotiate a settlement. It certainly appears that the Russian economy is teetering on the edge of collapse, but it also looks bad from a US political standpoint. I feel like if Trump and his team could just support this for a little while longer, the russian economy would be the end of this thing. But if the Ukrainian people are already done fighting, how are supposed to keep expending resources to help them?
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