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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Orange&White

  1. To be clear, I don't have any issue with the people hired. My issue is how they were hired, the lack of transparency of exactly what they are doing and how they are billing it, and the absolute blatant skirting of the legal process to spend City money and hire employees, consultants and consulting firms.
  2. What a shame. To clarify, I mean that it is a shame that he did not die sooner.
  3. Nothing says "Let's clean up the mess made by the previous leadership" by avoiding the adopted processes of the city. "Bringing them on board through subcontracts rather than initiating new contracts, which would have required Council approval, "afforded us with the mechanism for bringing Laura and Joe on to assist me in acting quickly and decisively,"" You can bitch all you want about bureaucracy but that is exactly what City government is, and it is that way for a for a reason; to give transparency to the citizens. You don't just get to pick and choose which rules/processes/laws that you deem to be fit your needs and skirt the ones you don't agree with. By hiding it and doing it under the cover of darkness, it makes them look as guilty as the people they replaced.
  4. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in a meeting between Jimbo and Sharp after one of these ridiculous losses.
  5. I am far less concerned about the costs/"salaries" as I am that they are trying to obfuscate and hide the process and skirt the legal means to hire people. Sorta like the council did with hiring of Cronk.
  6. Oh look!! https://www.austinchronicle.com/news/2023-09-15/consultants-given-lucrative-city-contracts-without-council-approval/
  7. Teed off at Lions at 4 today. I was 5 over through 14 (1 under on the back nine) before getting drenched and ending the round on 15. I love the rain but of course it had to ruin a pretty good round for me. Damnit.
  8. KarenKeyLargo. Y'all have just always incorrectly assumed that it was her that followed him there. Au contraire. * and $100M
  9. What does a "well-made, and acted movie" have to do with a Hallmark movie?
  10. If you basically have access to an unlimited budget, the only excuse for letting this breach happen is laziness or greed.
  11. I've been told that the best grass you can lay down is a hybrid of Kentucky Bluegrass, Featherbed Bent and California Sinsamilla.
  12. Don't forget that firing him is not just a hit on the expense side. It will hammer the income side as well. When they fire fisher and start the rebuild, that newly expanded stadium will be at 50% capacity and no one will be buying the $16 "Beat LSU" souvenir cups and $30 "We Control the Tide" t shirts.
  13. OK, I was mis-reading your post. I thought you were saying the total payout was only $21M. Now I see you were talking about only what was due right now.
  14. I am pretty sure this is not accurate. It's like $78M now and goes down by $9.5M per year.
  15. I mean, which School would ever go after a flashy record without actually digging into the background or history behind it, and follow that by grossly overpaying that person with an extended contract with no buyout clause?
  16. I'm just glad Texas was able to overcome the inferior equipment truck situation and eek out the win.
  17. He also flat out quit on two pretty easy first downs to avoid getting hit. Fuck him. He’s perfect for them.
  18. Yeah…we totally shoulda fired the HC and the DC midway through their first season like a bunch of fucks on this site were pitching for.
  19. On the one hand, you fuckers need to pace yourselves today. You need to still be coherent to enjoy the victory around 9:30 pm. On the other hand, “You can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning”. ”If you’re gonna be a bear, BE A GRIZZLY!!” Enjoy the game, degenerates!
  20. Very true, and half of this board would have fired Sark and the DC after the first season.
  21. Mr. Blonde: "Either he's alive or he's dead, or the cops got him... or they don't."
  22. If we are extrapolating the last few years of performance and applying it to results in the next few weeks, what does that mean for the aggies? “Past performance is not indicative of future results”
  23. Now do all of the violent crimes that aren't just murder.
  24. I wonder if the passengers were informed or allowed to vote on the idea of landing in a fucking hurricane?
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