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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Orange&White

  1. I don't know how far from Rainey St "Lady Bird Lake" is because I do not know what that is. I know that TOWN LAKE is the body of water that is a few hundred yards from Rainey that flows down to Longhorn dam.
  2. Oh man. We went to this place damn near every day. Either at the bar or in the cigar room. I have way too many stories to tell about customers and staff. My buddy took a few of the bartenders on a trip to Vegas. One weekday afternoon at like 2ish, we were there and the two brothers (can't remember the name off the top of my head) that owned all of the car dealerships in Round Rock had just sold all of them to Penske Automotive for a pretty substantial sum of money. They were drinking Macallan 50 year old scotch, which at the time was $450 a drink. So for each round, one of them pulled out their wallet and counted out ten $100 bills and slid it over to the cute girl working the bar. I think they had four rounds before they left. Was there another day, it was a Friday at lunch time. The whole banquet room was set up with full lunch; silverware, plates, napkins iced tea, etc. They brought in this huge group of Dell employees on the premise of a team lunch. Once they were all seated they fired everyone in the room and gave them appointment times of when they could go back to the office and pick up their shit. Talk about a look of shock on their faces as they walked out. We knew it was going to happen because the staff told us that it was weird that they paid to have the whole room set up for food but they weren't buying any food and only needed the room for less than an hour. So many characters in that place in the mid afternoons/early evening. Bob the crazy middle eastern dude that owned convenience stores. John the old Cowboy that got rich selling makeup in his younger days. A whole slew of young startup tech dudes. OK...that was my last derail post. Back to recruiting.
  3. This hits close to home because I actually served John Mackovic a glass of Kendall Jackson Chardonnay at the same Georgetown restaurant mentioned above.
  4. I worked at a place in Georgetown 20+ years ago and "KJ" was the absolute best seller on the menu for the Sun City crowd and the up and coming Georgetown yuppies. One day we were out of KJ and some 35-40ish year old Karen asked my buddy who was waiting on her if he had any Kendall Jackson Chardonnay. He said , "No ma'am we don't" Her response was an indignant "Do you even know what KENDALL JACKSON is?" He said, "Yes ma'am. It's an overpriced, mediocre California chardonnay. We normally have it just for ladies like you, but today we are just out of stock". She called the manager over and demanded a new waiter and that he be fired. She got a new waiter but he wasn't fired.
  5. I am shocked that some of them have actually made the connection about Jimbo towing the line in recruiting in order to protect his huge buyout.
  6. I believe they are primarily meant to stop Russian citizens trying to flee in order to avoid conscription and destruction of their economy/country.
  7. A protest against muslims seems like a good place for grabbing a few thousand new conscripts.
  8. 1.78" since midnight and 1.93" in the last 48 hours. 78750, Bull Creek area.
  9. This would certainly kill hundreds of endangered salamander species you insensitive asshole.
  10. I sincerely hope we don't allow China to dictate which world leaders we are allowed to meet with.
  11. @phdhorn is sitting in his flooding Bee Cave home and laughing maniacally.
  12. They love to spout and parrot that rate bullshit every chance they get but they never want to talk about the "Power Supply Adjustment" or the massive customer charge that is added to every bill that pushes AE customers monthly bills to some of the most expensive in the fucking state. And they just raised that a few months ago and are going to raise it again in less than a year, on top of the recent rate increases. Lying sacks of fuck. With all of that said, the only entity that I think could run AE worse would be the fucking state.
  13. If only we had a Council Member we could call to get a task force created….
  14. Holy fuck! This is too funny to only be displayed on this page once.
  15. Absolutely that is true, but they were going to find that shit anyway if you already had the facebook/twitter/instagram account.
  16. The idea that the government doesn't already have your facial recognition stored is pretty far fetched at this time. You renew your drivers license every few years with a new photo of your face taken each time. I am not defending this in any way, but that train left the station 10 years ago, if not longer ago.
  17. Oh, you mean sort of like this? https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/29/nyregion/indictments-nyc-gay-bars-homicide.html
  18. They appear to be pretty good at judging just about everything except themselves.
  19. Yes, but I can't imagine why you'd skip THAT one?
  20. I am of the opinion that Jimbo is going to become such an asshole to the admin, players, and fans, and his press conferences will become so terrible that they won't have any option but fire him and pay the contract.
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