From what I’ve gathered, I live just across 360 from some of the 88 hour club, and fortunately we haven’t lost power on this go round.
A few years ago we used to lose power monthly for 1-6 hours at a time. Then snowpocalypse came and half the neighborhood went out for 3 days but we were good.
I think AE finally made a permanent fix over by the Bull Creek park off of 360 and we’ve been good since. Sucks to hear about y’all neighbors up on the hill when I pull out of my neighborhood.
Spent four hours working on trees yesterday afternoon\evening and another nine today. Basically got it all done but a little more burning to do. Sad thing is I can look around the yard now and still see $2000 worth of pruning needing to be done.
I will make a guilty admission. Chain slipped off the chainsaw once today and I walked to the back yard while untangling it to go ask the lady something. Turns out, once I got back to the saw to put it back on, I put it it on backwards.
Our cul-de-sac stacked all our shit on one corner. It’s about 5 feet high and about 25 feet long. That’s just for 6 houses. Hopefully CoA gets around to it before next February.