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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Orange&White

  1. Where will the warblers live? Murderer.
  2. So yes, you are just going to be overwhelmingly obtuse. Are you saying that a perfectly healthy tree, 50 feet from the power lines, that is is 80 feet tall, with no limbs near the power lines, can just be sawed down because it MIGHT one day fall down on to the power line when a massive freeze comes?
  3. Sure, in some instance, but not all.
  4. Here is the link to the current CoA Budget: https://assets.austintexas.gov/budget/22-23/downloads/FY23_Approved_Budget.pdf Scroll to page 178 and you will see that AE transfers $105M this year. I think Austin Water sends like $20M.
  5. I am not sure if you are just trying to be intentionally obtuse or not. There are ENTIRE FUCKING TREES falling down right now. What would you as a homeowner do if you saw a city electric crew walk up to your 150 year old oak and tell you they are cutting it down in case we get a massive freeze and it falls on the power lines? There is a massive fucking chasm between keeping the lines clear of branches and what is happening right now. I agree that they should do a better job or the former, but if you think they should just have free range to cut down whatever the fuck they want, you are not even worth entertaining a conversation with.
  6. Give her a break. She's out repairing downed power lines right now. Ungrateful bitches!
  7. Well this very thread had models that showed what was possible, but slorch doesn't like hypothetical models on weather threads, so we couldn't discuss it.
  8. I’ve got hours worth of branches in my yard to clean up. Hopefully this shit thaws before lunch tomorrow because there are 20 mph gust on the menu for tomorrow afternoon. That will wreck shop. Tree trimming dudes are about to start popping bottles of Dom P like ROFLBox after a hail storm.
  9. Now would also be a good time to remind everyone that the Austin City Council pilfers over $100M per year from AE and uses it for Council people's pet projects and economic incentives to corporations. Instead of, you know, repair and maintenance and tree trimming.
  10. Austin voter have no concept about how bond elections work. They simply cannot make the connection between approving a bond and the increased cost of living. That is why the approve 98% of the ones that are proposed tp them.
  11. AE should put a Bond on a future ballot with ALL of the expense of burying ALL electric lines and then see which people want to spout out off about how much they want it.
  12. I shot an 84 there on Sunday so this hits close to home.
  13. Maybe AE should have each work crew run back to the office, over icy roads, after they complete each work order, and provide a twitter after action report, so as to keep Will Townsend updated appropriately?
  14. Drove from NW Austin to Georgetown this morning. The roads are really just wet from rain. The rain has basically melted most of the ice on the bridges and turned it to soft slush, but there are still a few patches of real ice. The ice laden oak trees are the a real danger because they are hanging all over the roadways, so slow down if you are on a tree lined street/neighborhood.
  15. I drove from 360/2222 to Georgetown this morning before traffic started. There were people spinning/sliding on every bridge I crossed. That is not an exaggeration, it was literally every bridge I crossed no matter how short/long/tall. I just slowed down every time I approached a bridge and avoided the huge flyover from Toll45 to NB IH 35 and had no problem keeping myself straight, but several of the idiots driving too fast over the bridges almost slid into me.
  16. ...and maybe council members that are not whores.
  17. Solovyov might need to be the next in line to keep himself on the ground floor of the buildings he enters.
  18. Apparently the winter weather thread has turned into the thread of bitchassedness. If y'all wanna have a slap fight with each other, take it to PM's. If anyone doesn't want to see future models that are just shared for fucking reference and potential planning, go to a different thread. Jesus Fuckstix, people.
  19. I am not sure you are aware of this, but Russian paratroopers can show up in Colorado at ANY TIME.
  20. Point #1 - Great, but SUV's are not given the same amount of attention and they have grown the same way, if not even moreso. There are hundreds of thousands of soccer moms out driving Excursions and suburbans that could be fine in a minivan. Yet we don't have articles and threads discussing them. Point #2 - You mentioning it is the first time I have ever even heard of this being a complaint/issue with people driving trucks in America..
  21. I've never understood why so many people care about what other people do with their trucks? And this is coming from someone that will never drive a truck again. If you own a boat, you might only need to hook it up to your truck once or twice a year. But when you need to do it, you need the truck. Same with towing a camper, a tractor, or a horse trailer or whatever else the fuck private citizens deem worthwhile in their lives that . Even if someone never uses their truck as a truck and they just prefer to drive a truck, why does that matter to other people?
  22. I wonder how an electric tank fares when an EMP is dropped in the scene.
  23. I see what you are saying. But the thing about the Aventador is that it is fucking kick ass and everyone wants it when it drives by. The problem with maintenance costs, logistics, fuel are only “problems” for the people that can’t afford it/manage it. The US can afford the Aventador\Abrams and the decision to build it (as mentioned up thread) was never to be exporting it to other countries to fight with. So to ask if the Abrams is “wrong” is only pertinent to this exact situation. I doubt anyone in Command in Iraq ever wondered, “ I sure wish we had some German Leapords instead of these AWESOME Abrams”
  24. I get it and I agree, but if that is what will make the fucking germans give up some tanks, then just fucking do it.
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