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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Orange&White

  1. Maybe Putin wants to blow up the nuke plant as a reason to leave and attempt to save face? Blame the Ukrainian Nazis for fighting dirty and he needs to get his poor soldiers out of there to protect them. I only throw it out because literally nothing else makes sense.
  2. Man would I love to hear McKenzie Kelly try to explain what a "New Urbanist" is without any warning or ability to be coached through it.
  3. I still plan to show up at Jimmy Clay at four this afternoon and play my scheduled round.
  4. And the voters will overwhelmingly re-elect all of the council people that did it and approve every bond presented.
  5. Played at Kissing Tree in San Marcos yesterday. At about 1:10 PM, there was massive crack of lightening while I was on the chipping green and a few minutes later, it started pouring. Rained pretty hard for about 15-20 minutes and soaked the course. Standing water on the tee-boxes when we finally got out to play. The cell looked pretty localized on the radar.
  6. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/5db59c0c-f145-4a6b-a69d-235af30150cd
  7. Well if Jimbo has hand picked the best talent for the past five years and it hasn't led to any significant difference in season records, then he is either terrible at scouting real talent or his coaching blows.
  8. I think you also need a "snuff boy".
  9. It's like you didn't even read what I wrote in the original post, dumbfuck.
  10. I am pretty sure if they were saying it only in their minds, they weren't saying it as "blaggie".
  11. Some place warm, a place where the beer flows like wine, where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano. I’m talking about a little place called Aspen Bee Cave.
  12. IDK...would this one help you get your tampon unstuck?
  13. Here is some "Way-too-early-to-get-excited" wishful thinking from the GFS
  14. You expect a lot from a one line response on a message board for of assholes. Are you a cunt? You expect a lot from a one line response on a message board for of assholes. Are you a cunt?
  15. I don't think College Station precludes them. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/nasa-researcher-arrested-false-statements-and-wire-fraud-relation-china-s-talents-program
  16. I guess off the shelf Visa gift cards from any retail establishment in America aren't something that the typical aggie is familiar with.
  17. Then we should be limiting trade in a move towards ending it, and cease to allow their citizens here. Everyone just agreeing that "China is bad" but not making any effort to do anything about it is pointless.
  18. How long will our Government keep pretending that China is not our enemy?
  19. With all of their coordinated spouting off about facilities, Facilities, FACILITIES!, why do they have to host their pool party at an off campus pool at and apartment complex?
  20. Man...if they don't get a few high profile commits at the pool party, they are gonna be an absolute basket case. Just repeatedly muttering "5-7", "Kansas", "Jimbo", "Cheating" over and over while rocking in the corner.
  21. Exactly. A little drama is one thing. Shit talking the school you might still commit to is another. Let him commit and then publicly say, “No thanks”.
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