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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Orange&White

  1. I guess off the shelf Visa gift cards from any retail establishment in America aren't something that the typical aggie is familiar with.
  2. Then we should be limiting trade in a move towards ending it, and cease to allow their citizens here. Everyone just agreeing that "China is bad" but not making any effort to do anything about it is pointless.
  3. How long will our Government keep pretending that China is not our enemy?
  4. I wonder if anyone that lives in that complex STR's their unit?
  5. With all of their coordinated spouting off about facilities, Facilities, FACILITIES!, why do they have to host their pool party at an off campus pool at and apartment complex?
  6. Man...if they don't get a few high profile commits at the pool party, they are gonna be an absolute basket case. Just repeatedly muttering "5-7", "Kansas", "Jimbo", "Cheating" over and over while rocking in the corner.
  7. Exactly. A little drama is one thing. Shit talking the school you might still commit to is another. Let him commit and then publicly say, “No thanks”.
  8. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Bee+Cave,+TX/@30.3154259,-97.9635904,14z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x865b37f4c74315e3:0x113488848db59d6d!8m2!3d30.306098!4d-97.9523768?hl=en
  9. Remember in the beginning of the war, that if we gave Ukraine American planes, then Putin would nuke everyone?
  10. And they are posting about it on a board that actually sponsors one.
  11. I think their preferred nomenclature here is “blaggie”.
  12. Maybe the aggie money alums are playing the long game? Maybe they gave jimbo a massive slush fund for recruits last year in order to A) get good recruits, but also B) to document enough violations that they will have a show cause already drafted by the time the annual fourth loss inevitably happens?
  13. Yeah, complaining about golf on message boards is a much, much higher and better use of time.
  14. You sound like you need to relax. Maybe hit the links and calm down?
  15. NVM...I missed the part where it was the russians agreeing to hire the North Koreans. That's totally on brand and will never happen since they ain't winning this war and won't be in charge of who will rebuild it.
  16. Easily accomplished if the course is wide open and you are only a single/twosome. I watched a single play a full 18 in 1:35 at Legends in Kingsland about 6 weeks ago, and he had to play through groups. We let him him play through us on the third hole and he was finishing the 18th as we made the turn.
  17. Poland: Zero fucks given. Come at me, bro.
  18. Maybe they paid him too much money so they have to skimp on support staff and Jimbo is all on his own to figure out all of the new fangled "rules" and "social media" and stuff? You'd think that would be easy for a SITTING NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP CORCH!
  19. You are correct, sir. It is in Hutto where developers are just allowed to clear cut every tree at will. You get very adept, very quick about how to exactly position the cart against the sun to achieve maximum shade from the tiny cart roof. https://www.google.com/maps/@30.5066288,-97.5823666,787m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en
  20. My buddy and I played golf in Houston two days in a row a few weeks ago. It was 103 outside and it was the most uncomfortable rounds of golf I've ever played. We played yesterday at Star Ranch. It was 102 most of the round and hit 103 a couple of times and 104 once. It felt nothing like Houston. It wasn't "cool" by any stretch but it was certainly manageable. I shot an 84, and even though Cruiser is gone now, I will report that we finished in 3:45, which is pretty damn good for Star Ranch on a Sunday.
  21. "Kind of embarrassing. Kind of doesn't matter that much" could be their school motto.
  22. Maybe if they would all just squeeze harder?
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