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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Orange&White

  1. You just know that Jerry Jones sees all of this happening and can't figure out how College Football has somehow convinced their fans to not only buy the tickets and luxury boxes and $18 beers and nachos, but also gets them to pay the salaries of the players.
  2. I bet the first planned russian nuke just switched from London to Poland.
  3. I actually live 1000' feet from the LCRA hydromet gauge. I am pretty sure I got at least an inch but that is really the only gauge I have to go by. edit: Just checked a Wunderground weather station closer to the house and it showed .77"
  4. I see that Karen has come out of hiding. Just as the aggies are looking pretty glum about the state of their recruiting, the bag lady makes her first appearance of the year.
  5. Speaking of blocking russian ip's, has anyone else noticed a substantial drop in spam email since this war started? I am getting about 80% less spam now than I was before it started.
  6. .55" at 360@Bull Creek. Lightening show went on for a couple of hours but the rain all fell within the first hour or so.
  7. Pretty, pretty good. Pretty good.
  8. You know they are doing something fishy with the money if they are trying not to report it. They have NEVER not wanted to report more income "than tha sips". Its gotta be the recruiting slush fund.
  9. I don't give a shit if fans do the horns down, but players on the field should not be doing it during the event being played, especially in cases where a Texas player giving a Horns up gets called as taunting.
  10. My favorite thing I learned during this war is that Medvedev is only 5'4". Of course he is! Putin had to find a lackey/sidekick that was shorter than him and that is no easy task when he himself is only 5'6".
  11. If Putin is dead, doesn't that simply mean that Medvedev takes over? He's talking more trash about using nukes than Putin.
  12. It also scares other russians from doing the same. Truly bizarre that they would release that.
  13. If the only other option is to shut down the city of Phoenix or Austin or San Diego because there is simply not enough water for them to operate, the consumers can shriek all day, but they will pay the costs required.
  14. I don't feel like that is an apt comparison. The water that would be moved is flood water and there would be no cost extracting it from the ground, or paying mineral rights.
  15. This is kinda my point, along with what phd said; at some point, the cost of NOT doing it will outweigh the cost of doing it. I never claimed it would be cheap or easy, but at some point it will become necessary for places like San Diego, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Austin to survive. If you can do this with oil/NG, you can do it with water cheaper and with fewer safety requirements and public dispute. The people that need the water will eventually be forced to pay the cost of it. Just think how much impact would be felt by building a 600 starter line from Arkansas over to Central and West Texas.
  16. Couldn't you just pump from Oregon down to SoCal?
  17. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/21/climate/rain-drought-pipeline.html
  18. You don't have to connect every river to every river. Just connections between basins. That is the biggest obstacle. Well...them and the water rights lawyers. IKR?? While it is true that most land is uphill from the ocean, the areas of this country that get more rain are typically uphill from the places that don't get enough water.
  19. Seems like this Country could figure out a way to create a network of pipes/canals, similar to the interstate system, that could move water from areas that are flooding to areas that are in drought. It doesn't seem that it would be cost prohibitive in relation to the value it would bring. Especially since it any given time we have plenty of areas that are in drought and plenty in flood and the costs to mitigate droughts and massive fires is so high. If we can land shit on the moon, it seems like moving water should be easy.
  20. I always get whatever their gin and tonic made with Empress gin is. I think it’s called Mumbai Nights. Edit: And don’t pass on the jalapeño, cream cheese stuffed naan.
  21. That should really help them get the sanctions lifted quicker and garner them more global support....
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