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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Orange&White

  1. You’d think someone getting paid $14k a day to coach football would understand all of this.
  2. If you let that fuckface bastard come back next season, he will likely win every game on the schedule except a blowout loss to ou, then another blowout loss to ou again in the championship game and finish the season 11-2. Then how do you fire him? Fuck this. Fire that shithead now.
  3. The frustrating part of Tom is his complete bullshit attitude of thinking he is smarter than he actually is. If that fuckface really watched the first two series of Bijan and then benched him for the next 5, while going 3 and out in each of those five series, and was still thinking it is the "smart" move to "rotate" backs, he is a fucking idiot of epic proportions. There is not one fucking iota of good coaching or even common fucking sense in that.
  4. I will be F5'ing all day to look for a press conference announcement. Hopefully it is before lunch.
  5. He benched the best player on the field for 5 series after he had gone 6/90/2TDs. It took an embarrassment from a National Football commentator and a flood of twitter trash talk to get back to Tom during halftime to do what was blatantly fucking obvious to everyone with a brain. The guy is a fucking idiot and I am not wholly unconvinced that he wasn't trying to throw the game last night and got called out in the locker room at halftime because he was making it too obvious.
  6. I’ll take me a solo cup full of that Lewy Tray and coke
  7. Jesus fucksticks, dude. If you’re going to be this thin skinned this is 100% NOT the website for you. Just save yourself some grief and gtfo now.
  8. Is there a reason we are recycling a 2 year old rain thread?
  9. Because you really, REALLY want to.
  10. It’s time to just fucking stop with anything health concern related in regards to Urban Meyer. If he was truly worried about his health he would have stopped all of these rumors and stories about his future a long time ago and just flat out said publicly that he enjoyed coaching but that his coaching days are over and he will just enjoy his time on the TV set. Now that there is news of him kicking the tires on the NFL to go along with the Texas rumors, I think it is blatantly obvious that he is going to coach again and the health concerns are completely gone.
  11. The fact that hating homeless people is the worst thing they want to promote about her sure tells the story of how she managed to get elected.
  12. I know it’s Christmas and all, but coaching searches don’t take a backseat to commercialized religious holidays. There better be someone tracking some got damn planes!
  13. I haven’t checked into this thread on this site but followed closely on the previous site. I made a batch of gumbo about 8 weeks ago and tried something new that was awesome. I bought two of the little cheap lobster tails from the seafood counter. Gutted the meat out and set it aside and then threw those shells in with my shrimp shells to make the stock. Then threw the tail meat into the gumbo 20 minutes prior to serving. It obviously doesn’t add much protein to the dish but definitely kicked up the flavor.
  14. This is the sequel to my previous post. Pork, venison, jalapeno, cheddar sausage (Maeker's processing), Mi Tienda cream cheese and chicken tamales, aged cheddar, black pepper, two over easy eggs topped with left over dona and red salsas from Tacodeli. You can see the eggs have been walled in by the sausage and tamales in an attempt to capture the yolk from escaping the barrie
  15. That’s so it is easier to rip those out and add a light rail line there in a few years.
  16. As of the last Legislative session, for the most part, Cities can no longer just annex properties without the owners consent. It was basically a big "Fuck You" to Austin due to the River Place fiasco. I suspect that Counties will eventually push back on the the lege when they get tired of paying for road maintenance everywhere, but for now, if a City wants to annex a subdivision, they have to get approval from the property owners. On the issue of annexation/providing service, the City is required to provide water and sewer within a prescribed time frame. I think it is like three years. However, that does not mean they have to connect your house to the system. They just have to make the pipes accessible to your property and then the property owner has to foot the bill for the connections and the system on their property. It is generally a very slow process, but over time, once the infrastructure is provided, owners/developers that have large lots that had been required to be 1 acre or larger for septic systems, will eventually see the benefit of bulldozing their house, subdividing the lot and attaching to city services.
  17. They'll spend $10M on it now then spend $20M to unfuck it in a few years. But will somehow chock it up to making Austin more affordable.
  18. Wait, I thought that keeping things under wraps for the department violated journalistic integrity or some shitasmuch? Fucking 995ers.
  19. I understand that there are more now than there were 8-10 years ago, but what good is a law if it is not enforced or only selectively enforced? It's not like if the ban is reinstated all of this is going to magically disappear. Especially when the elected leaders will not allow the Police Chief to enforce. I support reinstating the ban, but just placing another law on the book won't fix this. Changing out the elected leaders that allow it will. So basically, we're fucked because Austin voters are idiots.
  20. I'd love to see the camping ban reinstated, but what good does it do if it was never enforced even when it was originally in place? There have been homeless camps under overpasses in Austin for the last 8 years.
  21. Someone with more internetting capabilities than me needs to grab a copy of that video before her handlers get it scrubbed from the internet.
  22. First plate was so good I went for a second and decided to share. Mi Tienda cream cheese and chicken tamales with aged white cheddar, fried egg, black pepper and habenero tobasco. Served with a Tito's and iced tea. Kicking off my 18 days off.
  23. I doubt she gets a DWI. She's the only member of the Council that actively and vocally supports APD. I'd be surprised if an APD cop hauled her in. This would be my guess if anything were to happen. I think the reality is she will serve out her term and be a laughing stock by everyone with a brain just like Zimmerman was and then get voted out after one term. She has hidden herself very well for having just won a campaign. The real fun will be starting now that she can't hide her stupidity every time a camera is in her face and she starts talking without cue cards from Mackowiak.
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