I’m really curious about the opinions and ideas of what can and should be done, in the current environment and budget constraints, for people who attack random and innocent people with machetes, and destroy a small business owner repeatedly.
Sure, you can sit and bitch and moan about mental health care and unfit to stand trial, but what do you actually propose be done with the machete guy RIGHT NOW? What do you propose should be done with the guy that repeatedly breaks the window of the exact same establishment, right now?
Im not talking about pie in the sky perfect plan with unlimited budget that everyone magically agrees upon. I am talking about today.
Because some of you seem to be content to just keep letting these obvious dangers to society keep getting let out, knowing damn well they are going to do the same shit again and again.
Is that it? You are good with the way Garza is handling this right now? Are you fine with the collateral damage now as long as you believe it is going to eventually lead to some kind of reform?
If the guy was breaking into your house once a month and threatening your family would you feel the same? Or is it because it is a business owner downtown or some rando on a hiking trail that you are fine that they keep getting set free to do shit again?
Seriously, what are y’all’s recommendation for the immediate problem, within the immediate environment of public opinion, politics and budget?