When a coach is on a seat as hot as Shaka's right now, there's two paths, much like flight or fight. You either scramble, mix things up, and try the kitchen sink against the wall to fight for anything that might work so you can at least say you tried it all and it wasn't meant to be... or, you turtle and stubbornly stick to the dysfunction and pump the fans-vs-team script.
It's evident that Shaka is going to stick to his guns and keep banging his head against the wall.
The season is shot. Might as well let him go and let the assistants experiment with game plans, line-ups, drills in practice, etc... so that the incoming coach can see what he has to work with. There are some players that have phoned it in and exhibited some pretty strong "I give up" during the recent games who need a game or two on the bench to remind them that it's a privilege to be playing college ball with a full ride scholarship.
At this point, I wouldn't be crushed to see the whole thing gutted. It would be kinda nice to keep Kai Jones and Hepa and some other tools for the next coach to build with. It would be nice to see more of Williams and see if Baker and Cunningham have anything to offer. It would be great if Sims and Coleman stick around another year. The other guys all have something to offer if used the right way and given consequences for poor ball protection, poor defensive effort, and very poor shot selection.