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Everything posted by VinyVango

  1. Zero movement by any player to fill lanes on offense when the pg drives ... just standing at the 3 point line Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. 6 point game Baylor ahead Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Fran said “ this Texas team plays like it has polos and khakis on sometimes” Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. 27-19 Baylor w 4 1/2 mins left Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Kai Jones standing at the three point corner on offense ... nobody wants anything to do with paint Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Several possessions where we don’t even get a shot up on the rim Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Andrew Jones is a great come back story ... he needs to dump the flexing after a shot until he decides to play a little defense too Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I will zealously root for my team and bitch about perceived stupid plays and poor coaching when they occur. I’ll also expect to be disappointed (which sucks). I anticipate many “welp” moments and hope they are numbed by Baylor tears in the end. In a scrape by season, I’ll hope that the heat Shaka feels encourages him to accept a job in a much colder climated conference. Absent a second weekend appearance in the NCAA tourney, I hope our AD gives him the boot the day the last game is played. I think he’s had fair time to get the machine running ... he needs a ceiling year to survive with arguably his most imbalanced roster since his arrive. I’d like him gone but I’m not rooting against my team. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Baylor will zone us to death and make use live/die by the outside shot. We'll need to at least pretend to want to get the ball inside to make them break a sweat and consider the need to sag a bit and/or have more than one man playing interior defense. Our standing around, 4 and 5 out looks on offense will allow them to play aggressive and extend their zone more against us than they would a team with a desire to get the ball inside. With zones it's about finding and accepting passes and driving into the gray / weaker areas to make two guys collapse and open up space for drives and shots, which is not so easy unless the passer/driver plays without hesitation and the guys accepting passes inside the zone use strength and leverage to maintain their space. Ironically, Baker's hands, size, and (alleged) shooting ability could've made him useful in this game if he'd been developed/taught/used as an interior post at all during the past 12 games. If our guards can get inside against Baylor's aggressive zone, Baylor will eventually sag a bit back off Ramey and Coleman to limit their driving lanes and make the stationary Febres heave contested, rushed shots from the outside corners all night. I anticipate we will gladly accept the option of living and dying by the long ball rather than attempting to get inside and draw fouls. On defense, Baylor will force Sims (or his back-up) to come outside the paint when we play man and will drive the paint against our smaller guys. Defense and rebounding of our 2nd big like Kai, Liddell, or Febres (who Shaka loves to basically use as our PF defender in the small ball line-up) will be a huge factor in how this and most of our games this year go. I can see them getting to the line a lot in Waco. We are a competent defending team more often than not. Absent some high-scoring game by Febres where more than 1/3 of his shots find the net, this game will boil down to our PGs being focused on driving inside to create open passes and draw fouls, and them making a few open shots at times Baylor decides to sag off to close the driving lanes. We can't afford our guards to be hesitant, dribbling for 15 seconds while trying to direct traffic for stationary targets.
  10. not since the gut-pack and Big-O were available on weekends.
  11. Baker needs a ton of work. Currently, he doesn't look like a starter on most teams. He'll need the flip to switch after a couple years of hard work to even get a summer league roster fill invite at the next level. He has shown a couple of glimpses (few and far between because of how he is used) of good hands, + passing skill, length on defense (despite little vertical lift), and a nice touch around the basket. This staff needs to firmly shut down the 3 point green light for him. It's not doing the team or him any good. He needs to be drilled on how to post up and box out ... He should be used as a big in/near the key who can receive a pass and quickly pass to another teammate. This tiptoeing around the 3 point line after a very high screen and BS about jacking up 3 pointers when your 7 foot tall and not Dirk needs to end. Once he shows some consistent desire to play to his size, hits a few close shots and 2 point jumpers, THEN maybe give him the green light to shoot a wide open three as a 3rd or 4th option. Baker is clearly not a 1 or 2 and done guy, but a good coaching staff could mold him into an asset and get some non-garbage time use out of him In the very least he could easily be slotted into a 2-3 zone today and be a formidable wall in the paint with a little coaching about verticality and leverage. He's kind of the new James Banks who looks "off" here but could excel with a coaching staff that teaches him to maximize his physical anomalies. Otherwise, encourage him to transfer and recruit some guy who is built to play the role. The fact Baker is not NBA ready as a freshman doesn't mean he's as good as he will ever be. It's nonsensical to suggest any player is a "bust" until about midway through the junior year. Was he overrated by recruiting services? Sure. There's a ton of subjectively and popularity/exposure factors in recruiting rankings. With a teenager who is not a 5-star who plays like a grown man, you have to look at potential. Being really tall, able to run without stumbling, and having good hands certainly get you more exposure that the 6'6" small school, center who will get a mid-tier school scholarship, grow a couple inches in college, and manhandle someone like the current version of Baker. In short, I see promise and potential in Baker, but it's only accessible if he is used in the right way. He needs a lot of inside play coaching up and toughening up rather than "shoot whenever you want" glad-handing. Our coaching staff seems okay with the players exhibiting inconsistent technique and soft habits. It's like they think the James Harden "you be you" coaching approach will work for teenagers. Give me Billy Donovan... sadly, Billy Gillespie would be an improvement when it comes to showing a little fire. [end of rant]
  12. Get febres and Liddell off the court for the rest of this turd Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Sims is fighting his man on defense but we have zero backside help or boxing out by anyone else ... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. And he (febres) is being used as our 2nd big expected to defend a forward and grab a defensive rebound when he had no desire, ability, or idea how to body up and box out Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. These announcers are on point about the lack of movement, spacing, and filling the lanes on offense ... you can put your weakest player on febres and Jones ... they just stand at the 3 point line all possession Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. The lineup with sims and baker on the court showed some life on offense but that’s the first time we’ve tried it all season and they were confused about who was played the opposing big men on defense ... no rhyme or reason ... febres averaging about 1 good offensive game every 9 games doesn’t justify him being on the court so much ... billy Donovan come on down Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. It’s interesting to watch providence running their offense ... off ball screens ... screens down low to free up wings ... and we play the high pick roll with 3 guys standing still every possession Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. This 4 guard lineup is not cutting it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Well said. The soft-serve pre-conference schedule has done what it was intended to as far as wins and losses, though it seems like a lot of valuable teaching moments, player development, and line-up/set play experimentation opportunities were ignored. We are about to hit big-boy time when the opposing players will match-up to our players' physical abilities. Then it will boil down heavily upon coaching. No good excuses left for finishing behind Baylor and Tech and still maintaining the current coaching staff another year. Shaka looks like he is going to ride the 3-point shot and heavy guard usage to his longhorn destiny this year. He's been stubbornly resistant thru 10 games to work any meaningful low post options into the game plan or attempt to develop his front court players. I am pessimistic of our odds against well coached teams who use our predictability against us. It's going to take some good shooting games from the guards to fight for a top 3 finish in conference.
  20. Yep. There is an unmistakable stench in the room... and the injuries, team youth, new system excuses are all way past their expiration dates.
  21. Telling, really bad stats for this team include FTs per game, 3 point shot percentage, and rebounding margin. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that taking a missing a ton of 3 point shots results in not getting to the FT line and reducing the odds of an offensive rebound. We also tend to favor a line-up with 4 guards, which plays into more 3 point heaves and getting out rebounded on both ends of the court. The scary thing is that our really bad rankings in those areas has been against pretty mediocre to outright poor competition. Opponents in the Big-12 are going to encourage Shaka to play a small line-up and jack up rushed 3 pointers. We need Bobby Knight level stressing to our players at this point that they are expected to drive into the paint at all costs to at least draw contact and get to the line, and only shoot a 3 if it's late in the shot clock and they are wide ass open. We also need more Kai and less Febres. Kai has show a lot of positives and Febres has been consistently poor in shot selection, shot percentage, and defense. I think most of our other players have been up and down, so I don't have any real qualms about who starts. Just give more minutes to whoever is playing well during each game. I think the defense has been noticeable improved this year. I'm not feeling the love for our offensive assistant coach yet. The high screen with everyone standing at the 3 point line, with no variants, deception, or off-ball movement is high school stuff. I wish we had a Brad Stevens, Billy Donovan, or Tony Bennett. I dread another year where Lon Krueger, Jamie Dixon and Scott Drew look like Wooden against us or where Okie state, K-state, or West Virginia take games from us with duct-taped line-ups of clumsy 3 stars and jucos. This team can easily make the NCAA tournament if they are coached up on getting interior shots and if they get over the small ball lineup and "be like Steph" infatuation.
  22. It is a huge concern to see a regress back to the stagnant stand-around-the-three point line offense with few drives and no guard ever looking to pass inside to a big (when one is inside). I felt optimistic with the improved fluidity and movement during the NIT games on offense... Where the fuck did that go? Why are we back to the 1 level pick and stand there offense with absolutely nothing happening off the ball 95% of the time? Frustrating. The lack of trips to the FT line, lack of any attempt to show a post-up option to defend, and weak rebounding (after Sims) will be a major problem against teams ranked below 100.
  23. Hamm has his head up his ass... give baker some run to rest sims Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. This agg team is worse than Cal Baptist and Northern Colorado by far... we should be pounding it inside even if it’s just to have sims or baker kick it out to an open man Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Too much standing around on offense and zero off ball screening... our offense is basically Intramural level (and that’s an insult to good intramural teams)... I like the energy on defense Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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