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honolulu horn

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by honolulu horn

  1. That's it. WithoutAClue is going on ignore. Just post after post of the absolute worst unfunny Facebook drivel.
  2. I dig Spiritworld but Helldorado is pretty uneven. Love the metal songs, can't stand the others.
  3. honolulu horn

    Power Pop

    That’s the vibe I get too. I love that they change their set every night but that they keep playing several nights per week. It’s unbelievable. Also they have put out some great stuff in the post-Bun years. Daxx (not Zack, duh) is capable but will never compare to Bun; still, they have some great stuff out there with the latest lineup. Heart on the Line is one hell of a badass rock song and it holds up against anything else in their catalog, as one example.
  4. SABC3 (or 5FM) in South Africa is a fun station -- current ubiquitous pop hits but mixed in with other pop and rap chart toppers from SA and Europe that we don't hear in America.
  5. I'm sure she was fascinated
  6. Colt was watching the game from the medical area. He told the coaches afterward "I knew every defense they were putting out there." He woulda carved them up. Dammit.
  7. honolulu horn

    Power Pop

    That's definitely the better version. If I'm not mistaken, Rick Nielsen did that studio work with John the same day his son Zak was born.
  8. honolulu horn

    Power Pop

    You're damn right it is. Side one opens with Stop This Game and Just Got Back, which is really hard to top in the power pop genre. So good that I went ahead and got a signed copy for my wall:
  9. I didn't read the book, but the movie seems pretty clearly to be about a haunted hotel, referencing the previous caretaker's murder spree. True that Jack's character was a broken man who was an insecure domineering drunk, but he wasn't mentally ill and he didn't kill his family because he went crazy from isolation. The isolation combined with his already low threshold for stress made him a vulnerable target for murderous intent by the hotel's spirit. I mean he wasn't possessed like Regan from the Exorcist or anything, but how else do you explain Danny seeing visions of the twins or the bloody elevator, having the shining with old man Halloran, having Halloran know that something bad was going to happen, or the photo in the closing frame of the movie if it's not due to an evil force at the hotel? Anyway, regardless, my point is that possession doesn't equate to mental illness.
  10. The Soloist is a GREAT addition. No, the Omen or the Exorcist or Hereditary or any other possession movies don't count. I don't even think the Shining counts. Possession and hauntings change a person's thoughts and behaviors, but they are external to the person. It looks like madness, but it's not -- it's possession. The Shining is a perfect example. Jack's character clearly seems to delve into madness as the movie goes on, but it's exclusively due to possession / haunting that has existed in the Overlook Hotel for many iterations over time. Also, the boy sees visions at times (blood in the elevator, the twins, etc), and he's clearly not mentally ill.
  11. Love and Mercy, about the onset and management of Brian Wilson's psychosis, is very well done.
  12. What the fuck are people talking about on this thread? All I see is a bunch of dorks in camo with dipshit weapons with a grey minivan or some shit. I don't see a maroon vehicle, anything related to RB, or 30a, or whatever the hell yall are discussing. I need to see that stuff so that I can immediately regret seeing it.
  13. Imma needs to put some sort of code that automatically redirects posts from WithoutAClue to the Bevoette or Facebook threads.
  14. Exactly what I was thinking, and what I'll do when the time comes. For now, I still have enough energy (and a small enough yard) to use the Stone Age mower.
  15. Or maybe have a heart any buy a mower for your elderly parents that doesn't have a pull string start. I would've suggested just paying someone to mow for them, but my 80-year-old FIL would sooner commit seppuku than not mow his own yard.
  16. never has there been a better use for that gif, well done
  17. I reserve the right to use this gif in his commitment thread, should that occur down the line:
  18. This is the part of the interview that I was most impressed with. She didn't shy away from the sexist bullshit that she has endured every day of her life, but she didn't condemn it or demonize anyone about it either. She just handles her business with confidence, strong boundaries, and good faith.
  19. Stern's interview of Dolly is fantastic. She is so poised and knows how to handle herself in every situation. Definitely worth a listen. When Howard asked her if she had running water in her childhood hills of Tennessee, she replied, "The only way we got runnin' water was if I'd run 'n' get it!" Ultimate American badass.
  20. Wow, I thought your initial post was sarcasm. Then you doubled down with this. Holy shit, that's pretty impressive.
  21. Quinn was maddeningly unpredictable and erratic. World beater one minute, timid the next, stupid decision the next, followed by a gutsy run or unbelievable throw. He was never a steady presence on the field. But he was a steady presence off the field. With all of the potential for Arch drama, he always carried that part with a steady hand. He was QB1 and repped the position, the team, and the university well. He also steered the team from dogshit recent history to two consecutive playoff appearance, beat the hell out of our rivals, won at Bama and Michigan, and give us a victory lap around the Big 12 and a conference championship appearance year one in the SEC. Just because our expectations were higher doesn't diminish any of that. Getting us those victories, and being the steady leader on and off the field -- that solidifies him as a BAMF in my book. As much as I'm looking forward to what the future holds for Texas football, I damn sure appreciate what Quinn gave us, and I hope he has a great NFL future.
  22. Can we actually be realistic and credible for once? It's Saban.
  23. Might want to stay away from driving in Norway, then. The tunnel system there is totally wild. At one point we drove about 5-6 miles through an underground tunnel, only to reach an honest to god roundabout with multiple intersecting highways. All underground. Then another 5 or 6 miles on the other side until we hit open air. Rinse and repeat all over that country. They have the world's longest tunnel (15+ miles) and they just recently built a tunnel exclusively by cyclists and joggers.
  24. Cutoff jorts was definitely the look. Exhibits B and C (Lemmy and Bon):
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