Here's me on this thread, whenever I see a big white box that will eventually materialize into a screen cap or twitter post after about 5-10 seconds:
Immediately scroll to the bottom of the post to see if there's a majority of horns up / smile emojis vs rage emojis. That way I can prepare myself for whatever information will eventually display on my laptop.
Key to my emotions:
Horns up / heart emojis = good polling data, wait for the white box to morph with quiet confidence
Rage emojis = bad polling data or Trump saying something especially racist (beyond his usual baseline), feel stomach drop while waiting for the bad news
Laugh emojis = Trump or Vance being their usual dipshit selves or the Harris camp doing something badass to put the Rs in their rightful place, wait for the info to materialize with optimism but also know that a lot of shit that people think is funny is actually regarded
Drool emojis= some sexy photo or especially promising polling data, hope like hell for the latter but resign myself to time in my bunk if it's the former