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honolulu horn

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by honolulu horn

  1. I think she said "kittens," which makes me want to kill myself knowing that she and others like her exist in the world.
  2. "Can you tell me when we're landing?" "Not for another two hours." "You can't tell me for another two hours?"
  3. username checks out. Who is the hell goes to a Mexican restaurant and orders a cheese quesadilla?
  4. A few quick thoughts after catching up on this thread: 1. It's clear who has their NIL game on point, just as CTJ outlined. Miami is a big player this recruiting season, and it's not just because of Cristobal. Damn it feels good to be a gangster. 2. Simms routinely beat the hell out of aggy and seriously destroyed LSU, so he's cool with me. 3. Love Shelby's middle finger to aggy. 4. Cromartie fits in well with those morons. A thousand kids and a classy tweet filled with f-bombs and thinly veiled criticism of a recruit. Perfect match. 5. Fuck ou.
  5. IMG_0837.MOV Saw Ex Mortus last night and they killed it as usual. I swear if they had been around in 1985 everyone would know their name. Their guitar work is just mind blowing, and they are cool as hell as well. Just a killer thrash metal show. Check them out if you have the chance.
  6. I was on safari in South Africa and saw a cheetah try to take down an impala, but the impala got away. That cheetah needed this lion's pursuit angle.
  7. 1:13 is the best part of that video VH / HW video. Incredible.
  8. Yeah. I'm not going to take time to listen to it, so apologies if I'm misunderstanding something. But if you're taking Oregon, Stanford, and ND, offering TCU in lieu of Washington makes no sense from a financial or academic perspective.
  9. Well when he was in Kenneth Branagh's Much Ado About Nothing he was about as talented as a slice of ham. But whatever. Nice guy, fun movies, more power to him.
  10. Just returned from about 4 weeks in Europe and trust me, given the shitastic way airlines are running right now you're better off road tripping right now. The time in Europe was amazing, but the travel back and forth was the worst I've ever experienced, by far.
  11. I love Jonhtay too #alwaysthoughtnohomo #butnowI'mnotentirelysure #damnyouJohntay
  12. But more than that, you still love to see it.
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