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honolulu horn

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by honolulu horn

  1. This is the atmosphere and the win that I've been looking forward to ever since Beard started pulling in players from the portal. Early season blowouts of directional schools was underwhelming, losses were worrisome, but we had glimpses. Oklahoma, Stanford, a few others. Dominating Iowa State it seemed like things were finally clicking, and then tonight...damn. Helluva fight and clutch performance. Great coaching in the last minute, clutch FTs, badass crowd, and our team BELIEVES.
  2. Guard the three, give the two
  3. Do we foul quickly or let them try for the three?
  4. Ice cold Carr, do this
  6. Damn straight
  7. Thank God Bishop is back in there
  9. Fuck this dumbass 😀
  10. Dear God the hype music in the FEC is just awful
  11. If I was Kansas I'd leave Mitchell open from 3 as well.
  12. Hell yeah Timmy
  13. FEC crowd kicking ass
  14. Why is Febres in instead of Mitchell?
  15. This x1000
  16. Agreed. He's hit some great shots, he just is so gun-shy it's maddening.
  17. I don't understand why Askew won't shoot.
  18. Anybody who doubted that we were a tourney team needs to get with the program. We are a good team when we put in excellent effort.
  19. Very reassuring to see us respond to that early Kansas storm. We aren't afraid of this team.
  20. Damn, I need to bitch about Tre more often. He's put together a solid half.
  21. Great energy on the court and in the crowd
  22. Damn, Bishop getting nasty
  23. I hope so. He seems like a solid dude and he's got talent. Just so inconsistent this year and careless with the ball.
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