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honolulu horn

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by honolulu horn

  1. Kamala is fiery. Such a fucking badass. I can't wait for her to be president.
  2. what the fuck is happening at this rally? Are there protesters trying to fuck around with it?
  3. This rally needs someone dancing for 30 minutes. I mean they are playing the songs, so get this thing going.
  4. Fucking American treasure right there. God Bless Willie.
  5. Maybe she'll do her laundry on stage
  6. That Nutty Putty tragedy is 100% pure nightmare fuel.
  7. Biggest swing in the world is in Durban, South Africa.
  8. Here's me on this thread, whenever I see a big white box that will eventually materialize into a screen cap or twitter post after about 5-10 seconds: Immediately scroll to the bottom of the post to see if there's a majority of horns up / smile emojis vs rage emojis. That way I can prepare myself for whatever information will eventually display on my laptop. Key to my emotions: Horns up / heart emojis = good polling data, wait for the white box to morph with quiet confidence Rage emojis = bad polling data or Trump saying something especially racist (beyond his usual baseline), feel stomach drop while waiting for the bad news Laugh emojis = Trump or Vance being their usual dipshit selves or the Harris camp doing something badass to put the Rs in their rightful place, wait for the info to materialize with optimism but also know that a lot of shit that people think is funny is actually regarded Drool emojis= some sexy photo or especially promising polling data, hope like hell for the latter but resign myself to time in my bunk if it's the former
  9. It's on the Colorado ballot this time around. Will be curious to see how that one goes.
  10. Filled out ballot at home, dropping off soon two minutes from the house. This is how all voting should go.
  11. Exactly! cab but I've been going back and forth to South Africa for the past 20 years (was just there last week in fact) and racism in the US is just as strong as it is there. The refreshing thing about SA is that they actually talk about racism and what to do about it. For the record, everyone I talk to in SA -- across all racial categories, etc, and I mean every single person -- everyone wants Kamala to win. They went through 5 years of their version of Trump (Jacob Zuma) and see right through his bullshit.
  12. I keep hearing that Texas hasn't faced a competent passing offense yet. That ou, and Michigan, and others are all among the worst passing offenses in the country. You think *maybe* that Texas had something to do with that? Of course those passing offenses are ranked low -- those bitches played Texas, and we totally fucked them up. Of course Georgia will be the best opposing passing offense we've faced. I say "opposing" because the best passing offense our defense has faced is the one they face during practice. We'll be ready.
  13. I'd tell him to play the lottery but he already won it. Holy shit.
  14. Straight from the horse's mouth ou is dogshit.mov
  15. If any of you fuckers actually pass up the chance to see Spoon before we beat Georgia’s ass then kindly give your tickets to someone cool and then kill yourselves
  16. I really appreciate your updates, your knowledge about what various polls mean, and your insights about the "numbers behind the numbers." I feel good about her winning if people actually get out a vote as expected. If she loses I will blame you for consistently giving me hope lol.
  17. Sark has gotten away with some hubris on offense this season, given the inferior opponents. I'm thinking about how often we have gone for it on 4th down, how often we have turned down good FG opportunities, when Sark took the FG off the board against Miss St, and taking the ball first against OU. I think all of those things speak to his full confidence in his offense (and to some degree his confidence in our defense). I don't have any problem with most of those decisions (save the Miss St one, that was dumb) -- but I do wonder how that ultra-confidence in the offense will fare against a legitimate defense this Saturday. I wonder if he dials any of that gambling back or if he truly just goes AGNB and lets it ride.
  18. And the saddest part was that I was excited and relieved that Gilbert said yes.
  19. Just arrived back home after 30 hours of travel, timed to ensure I’m settled before kickoff. Let’s go kick some ass.
  20. Brent Venables loves reading the terms and conditions that come with a new iPhone.
  21. Brent Venables really enjoyed the ending of Old Yeller.
  22. Again with the Arch "it's only a mental exercise but come on guyzzz don't you think he should be playing more" posts? Fuck off already.
  23. I was really hoping for an easy breezy win and no stress
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