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Judge Roybeanbag

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Everything posted by Judge Roybeanbag

  1. I have one of those I inherited from my late FIL. Even have some of his old 3.5" floppies that he recorded on lol.
  2. Well shit I must have missed that before it got deleted. Texted him but haven’t heard back.
  3. West Texas had some where there were stairs over the fence. That led to the ‘bathroom’. Watch out for rattlers.
  4. I saw a Waymo Jaguar suv on my way home from work today. I was like WTF?
  5. I work for a UK company, I could probably get you some used teeth that have the color and texture of real English toffee.
  6. That’s the squirrel in the burgoo.
  7. Well that and also for certain corporate/government customers who have to deal with lodging limits, it's an easy way to increase your price and still be within the top allowable limit, since parking is separate from hotel on your expense reports.
  8. For some reason this made me think of a Lingerie Football League sequel to Semi-Tough.
  9. I've been getting this at HEB for a while, particularly when they have a coupon. It's consistently better than most other brands.
  10. Worked up an appetite this morning chain sawing some firewood out of brush piles. Had some leftover chili and some corny dogs. Air fried the corn dogs and went to town. No paper plates so used Maw maws stoneware.
  11. Little snack of smoked ring bologna with pimento cheese on HEB jalapeño saltines. And some spicy pickled okra.
  12. Doing some pre-Chili's gut prep so I'll be ready for tomorrow.
  13. Can you ask him to please emancipate us from abject stupidity?
  14. Buy some of these at HEB and air fry them. Make decent CFS sandwiches.
  15. I got an economics degree from UT. Make of that what you will.
  16. Good for you. God bless you. You know who has some real experience with football? Tim Walz. Donald Trump? Zero. That Vance eyeliner guy? Less than zero. Or fewer sorry.
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