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Judge Roybeanbag

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Everything posted by Judge Roybeanbag

  1. Jim Morrison upper right looks like he’s singing “well I just rolled into town about an hour ago….”
  2. Hoping QE kicks some ass next season. Welcome back, Qotter.
  3. Yeah but you never get your asshole back intact. Whooooop!
  4. This is why you just steal a little bit, then change your name and move on. Gatorubet has never even been caught!
  5. Hope you have a large reserve of piss. That should smell fantastic.
  6. You sir, are assuming the majority of the 35 million people that comprise this state have a functioning brain. I can assure you, they do not.
  7. My fat beagle stock options have skyrocketed. Stock up on pemmican and damn the torpedoes!
  8. Too bad his parents didn’t spell it Knoah and make his middle name Kevin.
  9. How the f do you handcuff a cat? I’ve tried to put them in a carrier to take to the vet and ended up bloodied and discouraged.
  10. Needs an old dark leather fake couch in the background.
  11. People bitch about the democrats not having a coherent message. Well here is one. All you dipshit motherfuckers voting GOP because you hate brown people, or because you’re afraid a baby might be aborted. People, actual motherfucking EXISTING people are being aborted. Where are you, Stans?
  12. Wheee! I’m on my unicycle writing my own jokes!
  13. DiCaprio isn’t running for president. A raging pedophile narcissistic bitch named trump is. And he has the support of people like Anastasis because regardless of the multiple abortions he’s paid for and his molestations he’s bragged about, he supports Russia and values.
  14. It’s not “throwing shade” to point out that a presidential candidate, regardless of his stance on the dreaded abortion topic which is all some voters seem to care about, is a lying cheating pedophile, but as long as he supports that abortion topic, he gets the vote. That is sick and anyone who votes on that one topic is supporting child molestors. There’s my opinion. Discuss.
  15. I do know this. At some point, there is going to be some accountability. If you’re a devout religious nut or something, you have been shanked. Your Byzantine views will get you a taco and some toilet paper on the sideline.
  16. Certainly. Particularly how they cover everyone and everything except the current GOP dictator. You know who isn’t on that list? Joe Biden. Who else? Hunter Biden. Who is on that list? Donald daughter fingering trump.
  17. Yeah this is a great problem to have, do you start the number one QB prospect or the number 2? Who knows which is which but at least we aren’t trotting out Jason Smith.
  18. Is anyone else held to the same standard? One guy was. One other has not been.
  19. Man, if Bill Clinton were President, I’d totally support impeaching him for that. Oh wait. WTF is going on here?
  20. Haha yeah, I had one, I don’t remember the year, but we rented a van, it was cold as fuck for October and someone didn’t shut the back van door when we stopped in West. A few miles later on I35 the door flew open and all our coats blew out of the back and we had to stop at WalMart to buy more cold weather gear. Then we lost, and at like 1am we stopped at the truck stop near Carl’s Corner to piss. A buddy had a really heavy Frisbee golf frisbee we were tossing it back and forth in the parking lot waiting on someone to finish taking a shit. I sailed that thing into the door of a semi so hard it left a dent, and some Cletus looking guy came out of the cab with a handgun. I was apologizing like a Chinese coolie hoping he didn’t shoot me.
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