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Judge Roybeanbag

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Posts posted by Judge Roybeanbag

  1. 55 minutes ago, Chrispy said:

    Trump’s tax plan resulted in my friend getting a job at a booming small business, pretty straightforward my man. You can choose to believe it or not, it means very little to me. Have a good weekend, I know I will. 

    Fuck you too you buck toothed ignoramus.  Chrispy indeed defines your meth fried brain and your postin habits  



  2. On 4/27/2018 at 6:51 PM, Dolemite said:


    Trump is misunderstood and you have to make an effort to try to rationalize how he operates and throw away the norms and look at the results. If you don't you are just haters on the sidelines jeering someone trying to make a difference. 

    It has to be understood that Trump feels like only results matter and he will do anything to get something done. No matter how outrageous it may be.  He just has his method and it fucking works. You can hate his guts all you want but if you really want shit happening then who has done a better job at it ever? Reagan is probably the last president to get things done but he did some stupid shit too. The Bushes didn't do shit, Clinton didn't do shit, Obama didn't do shit. This fucker does shit.

    He has made major accomplishments in every area of how our government works. Jobs, foreign policy, fixing structural issues in how the government operates. Got the pipeline pushed through, opened up new areas to drilling, making the country oil independent more or less that is. And he knows that oil won't be used for primary energy generation in 50 years or so but he doesn't give a fuck. He wants jobs out there for people now and getting off oil too fast will fuck a lot of people and who wants that? 

    Korea has been a hot spot for 60 years now it is done. Trump told China how it was going work going forward and they fell in line. We hold all the cards and we are the gorilla on the block and he knows that he is using that to basically tell the rest of the world how it is going to be and they are going for it.

    The Arabs let by the Saudi's are finally going to adopt the "Arab Peace Plan" and Iran will be isolated and eventually, probably sooner than anyone thinks there will be a regime game in Iran and Iran will once again be an ally. Once those guys are out of play Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan will stabilize and Turkey will work things out with the Kurds. 

    People talk about how he turns people over a lot. Hey, that is the way it is in the business world. You either do the job or you're fired, and when people fuck up he gets rid of them. Look at the limited talent pool he has to start with anyway.  There are probably only a dozen people qualified to be sec of defense and not a single one of them has ever had to work for maniac hell-bent on success. And its that way for all the top people he has to have. 

    People criticize him because of the government jobs in the executive branch that he hasn't filled yet and say its an example of what a dumbass he is. Well, fuck those jobs. Apparently, we don't need them filled as they are likely unnecessary. 

    I have even gotten to where I can handle his tweets although they had a high cringe factor for me until just in the last month or so until I finally realized he knows he is acting crazy but this is how he has always operated and it has always worked in the past for him so whatever. I just don't let it bother me. Btw, every president from here on out will tweet their asses off.

    I think he is fucking great. 

    Rant over


    Wall of Fox News.  Hey Alabama, fuck off you backward Lynching cocksuckers.  You had multiple chances to join the 20th century and you failed.   

  3. 7 minutes ago, Sawbonz said:

    Hey judge I apologize for my personal attacks. I deleted them. 

    No biggie.  I’ve been a bad character myself.  Some of what you said hit me a little personal like, but we need that now and again.  

  4. I don’t follow you at all other than calling you out on your bullshit.  Post some examples or shut up.   You’re still mad about that prescription thread where yes, I was out of line.  I think I apologized for that, if not then I do now.  But I reckon you slinging names and insults reinforces the type.  


    Anyway i I call a truce.  I’m not that much of a terrible human being.  

  5. 11 minutes ago, Sawbonz said:

    Hey judge go fuck yourself you drunk piece of shit

    Doc, you might want to prescribe yourself a calm down pill.  Otherwise you see this thing right here?  Well you can stick it right UP YOUR FUCKING ASS.   Hypocrites be damned. dJfwUk.jpg

  6. Get ahold of yer self there hippo.  Or fuck off.  Your choice. I for one am glad I’m not on your insurance plan, ya hateful fuck.  I can only imagine the digits you give to your non conforming patients.  

  7. No you’re dreaming, doc.  You’re pretending the wagon you hitched your fat paycheck and morals to is infallible, just like your judgement. Well it is all gone to shit.  Good luck to you.  

  8. 5 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Mueller is going to have an obstruction of justice report come out in the next few months but I don’t know if it will be made public, it’s up to Rosenstein.

    I’d be shocked if Mueller doesn’t conclude that Trump obstructed justice.

    Let’s say Mueller’s obstruct report is overwhelmingly damning, what then? 


  9. The long pole in the tent is unlikely, but if the entire apparatus was tied to the fraud, things might move differently. Meaning if the Republican Party as a whole was aware and complicit.  

  10. 2 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Oh yeah, You tube videos have been a life saver.

    I knew I was getting too lazy to keep it up when the heater core sprung a leak.  I looked at how to replace it and just said fuck it, I don’t use it, and pulled the hoses and spliced them together. Then there was the accelerator pump diaphragm that was constantly rotting because of new age gas.  

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