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Judge Roybeanbag

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Posts posted by Judge Roybeanbag

  1. 4 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Getting ready to break down the passenger and driver door window assemblies. Did the rear quarters this past winter.  Not bad, but lots of scraped knuckles working in this tight spaces.


    Try taking out the spring assembly from under the dash board on an old Mustang clutch.  That was a 3 week job getting everything apart to install a new hydraulic clutch system.


    What was the bitch about it, beyond the weight ?

    Doing it by myself without help.  Trying to hold it level and get the folding assembly thing in the right slots

    .  This was before the days of YouTube so I was just winging it.  Ended up using 2x4 scraps to prop shit up while I worked. 

  2. My wife, I love her and weve spent 30 of our 50 years together but goddamned if it doesn’t take her 15 minutes to get a sentence out sometimes. A couple of words, 10 second pause, couple more words, 5 second pause, get to the fucking point!  She’s a slow talker.  

  3. The most frustrating and difficult Mustang thing I ever worked on was trying to replace the passenger side window assembly, specifically the rollers.  That damned chrome lined window must have weighed 100lbs.  Almost broke my arm inside the door.  

    Damn this thread reminds me how old and lazy I’ve become.  I can’t imagine doing shit like changing out front springs now.  

  4. 4 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:

    When I pulled up the carpet, I could see the street.  No shit.

    Haha.  When I was a little kid we had a Ford Falcon and the back floorboards were so rusty when I rode back there I was scared to put my feet down.  We called it the Fred Flintstonemobile.  

  5. Just now, Chad Fuck said:

    This is almost exactly what mine looks like, except it is Vintage Burgundy.  I loved the vinyl top, but it rusted out so bad under there I had to go find a new top, take the old one off and put a new one on.  That was very time consuming and expensive.  So no vinyl top going forward.  Even though it'll live in a garage the rest of its' life, I don't want to go through that process again.

    Mine was still in good shape back then. Only thing I have left of it now is, when I changed out the carpet  I pulled out the seats and tore out the old stuff out and found a zippo lighter under the driver seat carpet. Still have that.  

  6. Late to this thread.  Hey Ed, good work on yours.   I had a ‘66 exactly like this, I sold about 20 years ago.   Like selling my old 57 Willy’s, I still regret it.  My first real car.  289, pony interior, A/C that didn’t work and the shittiest power steering ever.



    • Like 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

    Yesterday I was in the going-straight lane at a red light.  The left turn signal went green, and the car to my left didn't move.

    About 5 seconds passed and no one honked.  I looked over and he was staring down at his phone.  I leaned on my horn.  He eventually looked up, looked around, and proceeded to turn left.

    I kind of wanted to kill him.  

    I did the opposite once.  I was behind a lady eastbound on slaughter from Mopac, and at two consecutive lights before Brodie she had her head down and I had to honk.  We got to Brodie and she was in the left turn lane just ahead and to the left of me as I was going straight. Head down again.  The green light going straight turned and as soon as I started going I honked.  She promptly hit the gas and rear ended the car in front of her.  I laughed the rest of the way home.  

    • Like 1
  8. 20 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    The other great sport was to tie a quarter to fishing line and fish for dragworms.

    Back in my tiny hometown we would do that with a shiny wrench in the middle of the road at night.  

  9. 7 hours ago, txhorns said:

    All of you saying not to go are full of shit.  You can absolutely do it without the baby being a huge hindrance.  Wife and I went to Red River, NM with a 1 month old before.  Then went to Lake Tahoe with a 6 month old.  Baby slept on hikes in a Tula carrier, it was no big deal.  Yeah you won't be going out drinking late at night or anything like that but it doesn't mean you can't have a nice trip.  Baby also probably has to go if mom is still breast feeding.

    Maybe so.  I wasn’t trying to be a dick, but in my experience hauling an infant around can be a beating. On the flip side, when my wife was pregnant we took some extended trips to the west coast and other cool places, and when my daughter turned 18 one of her presents was to buy her and her mom that same itinerary to take together. They loved it.  And I got a week and a half of peace and quiet with my son.

  10. 2 hours ago, Paco said:

    I would like to post pictures but Tapatalk is being a total dick.

    If a fellow named Albert Saucedo stops by its because I showed him a pic of your smoker rig.  He’s a co-worker so only knows me by my real name.  Feel free to set him straight. 

  11. I think a lot of people lose perspective of time.   “Oh that was so long ago, so much has changed!”

    Well I’m 51 and I went to school and am contemporaries with people whose older brothers and sisters went to segregated schools, whose parents endured Jim Crow laws and segregated everything, and whose grandparents might have been those hanging in the pictures.  The stench doesn’t wash off that quickly.  It wasn’t that long ago that you can just forget, let alone forgive easily.  

  12. 59 minutes ago, Deej said:

    I think I recall reading Whitman told someone on a balcony of that building that someone with a rifle on the top of the Tower could do some real damage, shortly before he went and did some real damage.

    Around 1984 when I started at UT some fella over there had a pellet gun was shooting people in the ass over at Dobie when they’d bend over to get a newspaper out of the machine.  Good times.  

  13. 55 minutes ago, Deej said:

    As a kid, my dad would take me fishing and set cans of Beanie Weenies and Vienna sausages on the back of the boat so the sun would heat them up and be warm by lunch. He also doused all the plastic worms we used in anise oil to cover our scent from the fish. When he opened up the cans and served lunch, everything had a licorice taste. Ugh.

    We did and I still do the same with beanie weenie and pringles.  Use the pringles as spoons.  No anise at all.  Somewhere I have a picture of myself at a turnout in Alaska at the base of the Wrangell mountains sitting in the snow eating that exact thing.  In March.  

    • Like 1
  14. Quote

    Hey, Roy, much as I would love to comply with your utterly moronic post, the laws of man and nature constrain me from doing so. Since you are clearly someone who thinks the Orange Orangutan is right in wanting to jail journalists who criticize him and his utterly insane policies, practices and tweets, I can only say that, if anyone should resign from this site, it is you. In that regard, I feel compelled, on behalf of my neighbors and the First Amendment, to suggest that you take your mindless and highly offensive notions and shove them up where the sun don't shine. The rest of us who live here would be most grateful.


  15. So after living there for 5 years, my wife suddenly decided that 3 of the non-walk in closets upstairs are too dark.  None of them have a light or outlet.  They each have 2 sliding doors, 2 shelves on the upper portion at and above eye-level, and clothes and shit hanging under the shelves.  I had a couple of battery-powered puck lights with a remote, but they are too weak and placement is difficult.  Put them on the ceiling and the shelves and clothes block most of the light.

    Are there any decent really bright battery-powered lights I could install in there?  Thanks in advance Obama.

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