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Judge Roybeanbag

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Posts posted by Judge Roybeanbag

  1. 36 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    For the critics of the DNC suit, I don’t any consequences for the democrats, political or otherwise.

    They are putting their chips on the table and saying a few things.

    1. GTFO Russia, we don’t want your help or your influence in our democracy.

    2. Calling out Trump/GOP for their behavior with the Russian interference.

    In fact, it’s kind of an insurance policy just in case Trump and the GOP successfully obstruct justice and derail the Mueller investigation.

    My biggest fear was that the Russian influence operation was so powerful that the Democrats wouldn’t stand up to them for fear of retaliation via subversion.  It’s refreshing to see that’s not the case.

    That and Schumer’s states right weed bill might just get a few more voters out this fall.

  2. 16 hours ago, Landomatic said:

    Not sure about that but a cold slightly dry leftover roll with some cold slightly dry turkey, oh...say, the day after thanksgiving?  Mayo on that shit FTMFW

    And don’t come at me with but but but dunk in gravy.  That too is amazing and does not require the mayo but it requires heating up.  I’m talking cold here bitches.

    I’m generally not a big fan of “wraps” but cold turkey, dressing and cranberry jelly wrapped in a flour tortilla has been my post-thanksgiving breakfast for quite a few times.  Pro tip, if you don’t have tortillas, cut the crust off of some white bread, roll that shit flat with a rolling pin and stick it in a hot skillet for a few seconds.   Yes, yesterday was 4-20

  3. As a kid, a couple of diodes from a radio my dad took apart (they looked like candy), various denominations of change, pillbugs, dirt.   As an adult if tried some weird shit but the weirdest was on a fishing trip I took a drunken bet to take a couple of bites out of a cabbage head that washed up on the beach.  It was nasty.  

  4. 5 hours ago, SuperSurly said:

    I walked into the restroom at work today and someone had turned off the light.  Actually had to reach up and turn it back on - big inconvenience that added to my Friday morning surliness...

    Ours has three stalls, I like to wait until at least two are occupied, and then turn out the lights after I finish pissing.

  5. 1 hour ago, Johnny Sack said:

    The stuff people consider suspicious these days is pretty funny.  To most people, someone coming up and knocking on your door is suspicious.  My wife bakes treats for our neighbors and we go around and deliver them around Christmas.  First time we did it, the shock and surprise from people we did not know on our street was very weird.

    Maybe they were diabetics.  

  6. The house I grew up in was built in the late 1800s.  At some point in the early 20th century, someone added a medicine cabinet to the upstairs bathroom that had a slot inside where you disposed of old razor blades.  Shit fascinated me.   They just fell into the wall space.  

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