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Judge Roybeanbag

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Posts posted by Judge Roybeanbag

  1. One on mine from a couple weeks ago.  Look out, we have a badass!



    That sucks, Sean. If you ever need a little extra muscle, I'm right down Brodie. We had some weird dude with a flashlight shining it on my wife from about 25 feet away on the sidewalk as she was adjusting our Christmas wreath on our front porch around 10 pm in late December. Kinda checking her out in a creepy sort of way, I guess. She came to get me, I ran out ready to confront the guy, at a minimum, but no sign of him. Then a few weeks later, someone was flashing some sort of light into our front windows, which are not very close to the sidewalk. By the time I got downstairs, whoever it was had left. Then, a few weeks ago, some guy with a female companion (wife?) and a dog were shining flashlights into our front windows. My wife came to get me, thinking it was the same weird guy. I ran out there and asked them why they were shining flashlights into our home, and as it turns out, under the bushes around our house and into the second floor windows on the side. Again, weird, but what was really odd was that the guy went from 0 to 100 on the faux-rage scale and began screaming about it being a public sidewalk. He is/was a jerk. He was trying to do the bully thing, and failed miserably. I asked them nicely several times, and then firmly several more times to stop shining flashlights into our home's windows. He was trying to do the "hold me back" bit with his wife, but I wasn't fazed. I told them, asking once more quite firmly, to cut it out, and then went back inside. I did not call the police, as I handled the situation myself. If he had come at me, I would probably have taken him down in about 15 seconds or less, as he looked somewhat inebriated and out of shape and all bluster. Haven't seen him since. Hate to think he was casing the house, but if he was, his cover's blown now.


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  2. 2 hours ago, TornACL said:

    People who take half a donut. Come on, fatty mcgee, who are you trying to fool? Just take the whole fucking thing and throw half of it in the trash at your desk. No one else is going to want to eat the left behind half of that donut that you pawed all over while you were tearing it apart.

    The worst part about it is that most of these people like to make a big showy event out of the whole thing. "Ohh, goodness, I'm only going to take HALF of this jelly donut, I'm watching my weight for beach season, anyone want the other half?"

    Get the fuck out of here, you weigh two bucks and a quarter. If you go to the beach the beach will run out of sun.



    People do that with fruit at my office.  Cut a banana or apple in half and leave half of it.  For fuck's sake!

  3. 15 minutes ago, irishtexan said:

    I had to delete the app. I just don't want to know exactly how stupid and insane my neighbors are. There were the predictable "be on alert, suspicious looking character walking down the street. wearing hoodie and backpack. looks like he's not from the neighborhood" (that means black). One of my favorites was the great drone debate where people thought drones were being used to take videos of them getting out of the shower or changing clothes. A handful of those people (probably not people you want to see naked) were threatening to shoot the drones down with shotguns. That then made people upset about the threat of illegal discharge of firearms within the neighborhood. It was an absolute shit show. 

    Every time anyone shoots off fireworks in our neighborhood (except 4th of July proper and New Year's Eve), you get the inevitable 3 or 4 "Gunshots!" posts.

  4. 1 hour ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Four lane road, rush hour, light is green and some douchebag in the right lane decides to be a hero and let some driver who wants to turn left out of the parking lot. That driver pulls out into the right lane, blocking all of the traffic behind our hero, while waiting for someone in the left lane to yield their right of way. The drivers in the left lane aren't idiots and keep on driving. Eventually the light turns red, traffic backs up to the parking lot entrance and someone in the left lane lets the driver out. Exactly as it would've happened if everyone had just done what they're supposed to do. Don't yield your right of way when you have it. Instead some would be Good Samaritan held up a bunch of people for no good reason. 

    I've seen that play out more than once and at the same location. It's maddening. 

    HEB on Brodie at William Cannon is horrible like that.

  5. Rox - have you checked to see if you can get her approved for a couple of weeks in a physical rehab place?  If she's a fall risk you might be able to get that approved.  That way they can tightly monitor her medication, nutrition and maybe get her out of this spiral she seems to be in.  I know it sucks, I've been through my dad falling and hurting himself numerous times.  Fortunately he's fairly stable now (uses a walker in the house), so I only have to spend one day a week preparing his meals,  grocery shopping, picking up prescriptions that can't be mailed, and paying his bills.  Plus getting him out of the apartment for lunch and some social time.  It's a beating but at least he can make it the rest of the week on his own for now.

  6. 46 minutes ago, NameAlreadyInUse said:

    Dude, seriously, fuck off with that faggot shit. I'm sick and fucking tired of watching you nimrods call each other names, but not even having the energy to be creative about it.  If all you can come up with in your name calling is to call someone gay in a nasty way, you need to work on your fucking insult game and shut the fuck up until you are better at it.  Its lame, its stupid, and its already old and played out for most by the time they get to high school.  Do better motherfucker.

    Point taken, mea culpa.   And good on you for pointing it out.  

  7. On 4/6/2018 at 9:22 PM, Neonmoon said:

    You don’t think there is a difference between Laura Bush and George Bush? Seriously? 

    I’m not saying what she did wasn’t wrong or didnt deserve charges. But do you not see the difference between a politician and a politicians wife?

    So mad.   So relevant. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, EastTexan said:


    Again. The judge being the judge. Did he used to be funny?


     Need more  Phlegm!

    Go back to shaggy or Tyler you pointy headed faggot.

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