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Judge Roybeanbag

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Everything posted by Judge Roybeanbag

  1. They’d never use an artillery shell as a hammer…
  2. As I’m getting closer to retiring, I’m increasingly perplexed about how to access earnings on all the non-real estate stuff I have. I can live comfortably on 4% of it, but how do you pay that 4 % out?
  3. A cross between the Odd Couple and Mod Squad. That would be high entertainment.
  4. You want to get out of snow or sand? Maxtrax. This bed liner cut in strips and rolled up works fine in sand.
  5. I have (want) to believe we are sending Russia the message loud and clear that the nuclear plant means all out war.
  6. I’m cooked out. Had leftover bacon wrapped smoked meat loaf sandwiches for lunch. Ordering pizza tonight.
  7. That and generally my buddies and I would plan our driving around the tides, so we weren’t going down or back at high tide.
  8. Judge Roybeanbag


    The Buda one isn’t too bad either. Still love the old Airport one the best though, especially for breakfast.
  9. Yeah, let’s just hope none of those guys step on any wayward mines going to and from the site. F Russia.
  10. @fattyflattie glad I’m not there (in Matagorda) this weekend, apparently the entrance is blocked from stuck vehicles and more up and down the beach.
  11. Sorry dude, I like grilled cheese and tomato soup.
  12. Well they need a miracle. I haven’t ever seen a saint buried in Hellmans.
  13. Timely thread, someone mentioned this upthread, just got this email:
  14. Good to know. The place we VRBO'd this past weekend, the host still had it as a requirement. The only reason it's an issue with me is the card I use for stuff like that has a hard limit on it (to avoid getting scammed) and the deposit usually hosed that up. I'd have given her a hard time for being a fat chick from Bay City, but she and her husband are UT grads so I tread easy.
  15. That's a lot of stuff in that sauce. My @futureman special sauce is thousand island dressing, with some extra mayo added in. Don't judge me.
  16. That guys liver is kissing his belly button.
  17. I haven't used AirBNB for a few years. My only complaint with VRBO is having to either purchase the required insurance, or put down a huge deposit. Also people who reserve a place and then cancel in the period before they owe anything.
  18. In her defense there was a crew of 8 or so of us working out in the field, and she’d bring us food for lunch. But it was basically a manwich, except instead of manwich sauce it was mayo and sometimes ketchup mixed in with the ground meat. My brother and I still laugh/cringe about it.
  19. You haven’t lived until you’ve seen a couple of turds come out simultaneously with your kid.
  20. POs rep for Billy Jack.
  21. Full confession. When I was about 15 yrs old I used to work for a German fella named Hefner. His wife Olga Mae called them burger, but they were browned hamburger mixed with mayonnaise. Loose meat. I would have stormed Normandy rather than eating that.
  22. Try getting any strawberry. No joy.
  23. Bone in smoked bologna. Get with the program, man!
  24. I was at Matagorda beach for a few days this past weekend. A guy in a Tundra got stuck in the soft sand about a hundred yards or so from me. I walked over there barefoot to loan him my shovel. Big mistake. The sand burnt the hell out of my feet. And it was only in the 90s there.
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