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  1. It's funny that the reddit post is complaining about rednecks. Not exactly the clientele I think most people would be complaining about on dirty 6th.
  2. Bolero88


    For those of you who love the Savage at Conan's: is it worth it? It's $26 for a small after taxes. That just seems insanely expensive. Is that enough to feed at least 2 people?
  3. McDonald is already better than williams. He needs to be starting next season no matter what happens.
  4. That's way less than I would have imagined. I think there are 40,000 Americans in London alone.
  5. Isn't that because Austin Energy is part of the City government? It isn't an apples to apples comparison.
  6. I don't want Spencer Shannon to leave. At worst, he's a great 3rd TE in our goal line package. At best, he could have a trajectory not unlike Helm's.
  7. These are too damned expensive to justify. Literally twice the price of most chips. Pass
  8. Emmer and rye was the worst fine dining experience I’ve ever had. Really discounts this entire list.
  9. If you want a burrito specifically, El Primo is definitely the way to go.
  10. Why does that gravy look like it has scrambled eggs in it?
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