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  1. What an awful mock. Just complete garbage.
  2. How the hell is pissing off all of our allies and trading partners getting us on the right track? Please explain yourself. It doesn't make one lick of sense. Trump is a bully and a jerk and can't seem to think of anything except what's right in front of his face. The ultimate myopic view of the entire world. He has an understanding of global economics and world history of a 12-year-old boy.
  3. Yep. That is when I lost all faith in our political system. He never should have been allowed to become president. The Supreme Court is absolute garbage these days.
  4. Instagram posts aren't showing up for me, again. Anyone else having this problem? On a windows pc.
  5. Mongers is on Guadalupe and has fantastic seafood. Red River Cafe for breakfast would be good too.
  6. Bolero88


    I’ve had micklethwait catered before and it was 10/10. They also have great sides.
  7. Cancelling the spring game is a bitch-made move. The spring game is free and great for families with small kids.
  8. Latimer is such a jag. Give me Crowell every day of the week over that dude.
  9. The real issue is: how the hell does the president have unilateral power to declare tariffs? Shouldn't this be done by Congress if at all? Just bogles my mind that one person could have that kind of power. Real stupid system we have here.
  10. Now that’s an out of state RB worth taking. If we get Crowell and Osborne, that would be one hell of a RB class.
  11. Anyone with a rooster within city limits is a piece of shit.
  12. Clayton Travis is a fucking moron. End of.
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