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Everything posted by Bolero88

  1. I don't see any reason to. Both can exist at one time.
  2. I really hope we end up with Ed Small as our 3rd WR. Seems like it would just be wrong for him not to be a Longhorn.
  3. Once again, that is not the reason I started this thread. Your reading comprehension is fucking garbage.
  4. That wasn't the point of my post. It's that the logic used by Swindell is so fucking dumb that I'd be embarrassed if a 10 year old used it, let alone a grown man. I just can't believe how fucking dumb he really is.
  5. This is him during the Democratic National Convention. I know athletes aren't the smartest, but good God this is dumb as fuck.
  6. Bolero88


    I like onions, but that is way too much raw white onion.
  7. That's the most Black Mirror thing I've ever seen. Dark times.
  8. Shaq fucking sucks. He isn't funny. He isn't insightful. He's a bitter and overly sensitive asshole.
  9. For those that miss Sunday brunch at Fonda, try El Meson. It's fantastic. Easily my favorite buffet in Austin. Available Sunday only.
  10. Yes, the European city of Tel Aviv. There has to be a better way to phrase that.
  11. Townsend is definitely the best athlete of those 3. I honestly think he has NFL potential as an outside LB.
  12. How can you eat at gueros? Literally one of the worst restaurants in the whole city.
  13. My two cents: Arkansas and Arizona have politics at least as conservative as Texas. Tennessee isn't much better. Denver has an even worse homeless and drug problem than Austin. For what you are looking for I would recommend Richmond and Sacramento (depending on your income situation the taxes may be too high here). Maybe Charlotte/Raleigh, although NC is still quite right leaning.
  14. I liked Devin Carter at 8, but it seems like we are keeping cap space open for this year. I assume a trade will happen before the season starts.
  15. From everything I saw last year, Weaver better be starting this year.
  16. Nothing compared to American Samoa.
  17. I didn't know that about Ricky. He lives on a beautiful farm in a nice part of California now. Living the life.
  18. Huh? Ricky is very far from broke. I doubt earl is either.
  19. I agree on Cody Williams. I also like Devin Carter. Super athletes who can shoot 3s and play defense are pretty rare, especially in this draft.
  20. Bolero88


    How's it compare to Pedrosos and Baldinucci flavor-wise and in price?
  21. Jeez, just like Uber and Lyft.
  22. Smokey Denmark Hotlinks are my go-to sausage at HEB.
  23. Bolero88


    Jesus, that place is really out there.
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