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Everything posted by Bolero88

  1. I miss TCs. Sahara Lounge is good, but doesn't hold a candle to what TCs once was.
  2. Where is your proof that these people are pro Hamas? You're just throwing around accusations with absolutely nothing to back it up. Just unbelievable!
  3. Well, that's completely fucked up.
  4. Since when is it against the law to wear a mask? Jesus Christ, that really is fascistic!
  5. No one is refuting Jews right to exist. Your ability to use logic is outstanding!
  6. Bolero88


    I live by the Brodie location, and it's still pretty good. My go-to TexMex when we don't feel like making an effort.
  7. Bolero88


    And Perla's fucking sucks. That is one of the worst restaurants in Austin. Overpriced and shit.
  8. If the Cowboys take an Aggie LB in the first round I'm gonna puke.
  9. They do. Well, not bottles, but plastic containers. It's for sale at HEB.
  10. Not what I said at all. We can, and should have relations with every country. We can and should not dictate how they run themselves. We have a strong relationship with the extremely autocratic Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, yet we can't have normalized relations with Venezuela. Why not? It's hypocritical and actually undermines our soft power with nations outside the West and fucks with the global economy all at once!
  11. The US just loves tripping all over their own dick. Not like Saudi Arabia has any elections at all. Who the fuck are we to dictate how other nations rule themselves? I don't give a single flying fuck. Hypocritical dumbfucks all around.
  12. There is absolutely nothing hipster about Torchy's. Not one thing other than unjustifiably high prices, which Velvet shares with them.
  13. Russell looks flat out better than Lacey. As long as he doesn’t have any glaring red flags I don’t see why we wouldn’t offer him, and soon.
  14. Totally agree about letting Maul play. I hope she gets a little run in the playoffs.
  15. Then those aren’t murders. Killing someone isn’t the same as murder.
  16. That's just straight paranoia with nothing to back it up whatsoever.
  17. Hard disagree. I make my own every 6 weeks or so. So damn good.
  18. What part of free parking don't you understand? Not to mention it is right next to a bus stop.
  19. My family and I love to go to the central library. It's beautiful and useful and even has free parking. It is literally a tourist attraction now. I don't understand the hate for that building at all.
  20. I use the diverging diamond on slaughter all the time. It’s easy. If you can’t figure that out, you probably shouldn’t be driving at all.
  21. I wish those meals were real food and not preservative laden junk.
  22. Bolero88


    Emmer and Rye is the worst fancy restaurant I've ever been to. I have no idea how they are still in business. Just awful.
  23. Bolero88


    I made yakamein for the first time this weekend. It was pretty damn good. I had never even heard of it before last week.
  24. Not on a fucking recruiting thread every other month.
  25. I really liked Ricky White at UNLV in their bowl game against Kansas. His talent really popped, and I hope we do a little tampering to get him here. He had 88 receptions for 1,483 yards and 8 TDs this year. He's an absolute stud with 1 year left to play.
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