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Everything posted by Jiggy-Z

  1. He inspired me. I made my own "K" club laminated badge for the MS 150 because cool Rick made his own attaché badge.
  2. Change username to Judge Royfunbags
  3. Blanket over plants...that should do the trick.
  4. ...and snow in SW Austin.
  5. 18 in SW Austin. All week Wunderground had lows at 22 to 24 for this morning. Last night I could tell it was going to be colder than predicted, as we kept hitting low temps 2 to 4 hours early.
  6. Username checks out...sort of.
  7. From henceforth, I shall call it the Gulf of I'm a Little Bitch.
  8. As I said before, Up with People says hi.
  9. This looks like a good old fashioned 80's style SB beatdown by the NFC, shitty overdone commercials and all. The only thing missing is Up with People.
  10. He is facing a swirling wind of allegations.
  11. User name checks out. I am a huge X Files fan and also a fan of the theme song and the tunes used in the show. It was cool how they used Bach's Brandenburg Concerto #2 as a contact theme for the aliens after they copied it from the voyager gold record. Bach melodies often appear in the episode scores. I can remember the Fugue in G minor (The little fugue) BWV 578 being featered and not to be confused with the other popular g minor fugue BWV 1000 made popular by Andres Segovia in his landmark transcription.
  12. Surly is slipping, so I'll do it: I got a sticker for scoring...with your mom.
  13. More people read Surly, but you gotta cover your bases when it comes to dad tributes. Sorry for your loss. I lost my dad about a year and a half ago and Surly really came through. I sure do miss him. That old guy sure could get shit done. Hang in there.
  14. I thought it was Thursday.
  15. Can you imagine the furor it would have caused had they done nothing?
  16. I have 180K on my 2013 Taco and intend to get double that. Boight new and maintained. Could be a non issue for you if the other guy took care if it.
  17. Wait. I thought we got our episode on Wednesday last week.
  18. Are we getting an early episode today a la last week?
  19. Loooozemkaaane!!°
  20. The Pats used to just run over teams, but never in the Super Bowl. Easily could have lost Rams 1, Seattle and Atl. We haven't had a good ass kicking dynasty since Cowboys and/or 49ers.
  21. Get the lighter fixed.
  22. He would be the Helo of the shart thread.
  23. Son #2 came down with a case of the screaming shits yesterday, so we are assuming norovirus. Let's just say his anticipation skills could use some work. It was nice knowing you assholes.
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