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Everything posted by Jiggy-Z

  1. Thank God!!! All of this uplifting optimism is really getting to me.
  2. Hard to make this a differential selling point since dog might also be attracted to the shit in Trump's diaper and squirrel like creature thing on his head.
  3. Joirnalist David Cay Johnson, who has know Donald since the 80's, described him as "appallingly ignorant".
  4. I guess he would be a barron first. Seriously hope that shit isn't true. His old man some similar type issues according to his high school academy classmates...allegedly.
  5. ..and also founder of Wendy's Hamburgers.
  6. I think you mean Bond, Isaiah Bond, wearing #007.
  7. ...and there is also no such thing as "Scotchtoberfest"
  8. So Vance has two beards?
  9. To this day I blame the Texas loss on Russell and his wife for scheduling their wedding on Big 12 championship game day....2001. We watched the carnage at the reception. Really more on Russell since his wife is a bigger UT fan than him.
  10. User name does not check out.
  11. Vance could use a few pointers from the original guyliner king, Nestor Carbonell of Lost fame as Richard Alpert.
  12. Damn them all and their thick lustrous Breck girl hair.
  13. . . .and it's easier to say and write than "affirmative action"...and is fresher than "woke", which is just sooooooo 2020.
  14. More like "JD looks like a rapist murderer rolling up on his third victim of the day... er couch."
  15. If they liked Obama's tan suit, they are just going to luuuuuuv that.
  16. Ironically, at the very beginning of the pandemic, Rogan had Dr. Michael Osterholm (Director of CIDRAP) as his guest, who ended up as a solid voice of reason and best practices during the whole thing. Even more ironic was that my wife sent me the link to that specific podcast.
  17. Yes. They are. Just about every tall wall rock gym in the world has a speed wall. Go examine the holds if you get chance. It's the speed that is difficult to come by.
  18. What do you call two apparent contradictions that may, nevertheless, be true? Paradoxes.
  19. The holds are actually pretty large by rock climbing standards.
  20. Is that true? If so, why not more attention on it?
  21. Trump parking paint job looks more like Bidden than Trump. What a stupid program. Yes, let's allow year after year of seniors to use whatever paint they feel like over last year's whatever senior paint. Hey, it's no big deal, all that shit just washes into the ocean anyway...and we get a sweet $200 every year. How about you get a numbered space and park in it?
  22. To Mike Johnson: Shut up and legislate.
  23. Probably, but everybody thought Ondra was a shoe in for the gold in Tokyo and he didn't even medal.
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